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Posty: 13268
Dołączył(a): 7.11.2004
PostNapisane: 8 lis 2008, 21:38 
Tu chodzi o problemy spowodowane iloscia (de)buffow i nie radzeniem sobie klienta (ui?) z nimi.
Freezy w zasadzie mam tylko przy stawianiu/podnoszeniu sztandaru. No ale gram z efektami na minimum.

open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent


Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 8 lis 2008, 22:46 
Chodzi na pewno o UI. Z 60FPS gra przechodzi w stan wstrzymania na 1-2 sekundy, rusza na ulamek sekundy z 60FPS, przerywa, rusza, przerywa - tak to wygladalo i zaczyna wygladac na nowo w walkach, gdzie kolo mnie porusza sie pare osob. 10 gankujacych mnie kolezkow = mega freeze. Przy tym zadnego swapowania dyskiem. Tutaj zadne fixy nie pomagaja - komputer mam jeszcze ok, reinstalacje Windowsow, klientow, sterownikow niestety gowno robia i jedynym fixem _byl_ mod Aiiane.

To jest gamebreaking bug dla wielu osob, bo niestety gra RVR, w ktorej nie mozna uczestniczyc w RVR nie oferuje zupelnie nic i martwi fakt, ze Mythic nawet oficjalnie nie potwierdzil, ze problem istnieje, a niestety stuttering mam od jednego z wiekszych update'ow klienta, w tym grafiki itp. (3.ilestam afair). Byla cala masa zgloszen od testerow, ktorym ten sam problem nie pozwalal grac juz wtedy (dobre pare miesiecy przed premiera) i Mythic od tamtej pory nic z tym nie zrobil. O random CTD-s itp. nawet nie wspominam.


Posty: 83
Dołączył(a): 6.12.2005
PostNapisane: 9 lis 2008, 02:47 
The stat contribution for this ability has been fixed.

pamiętajmy, że do końca nie wiadomo co to oznacza w praktyce, a występuje to bardzo często w patch notes

tak więc póki patcha nie ma to ciężko oceniac

. . .


Posty: 368
Dołączył(a): 13.05.2008
PostNapisane: 10 lis 2008, 09:32 
Dodatkowe informacje i zmiany od Jacobsa, pisane jeszcze przed postawieniem serwera testowego:


Some good news as the weekend approaches:

1) We hope to have the PTS up and running this weekend. Right now we are shooting for sometime tomorrow. The Herald will have all the latest information.

2) As promised, our C&C team has combed through this thread (and pertinent links) and here's what they have found in regards to bugs. Unfortunately, there were a number of both unreported bugs and reported bugs that didn't make it up to the C&C team in time for this patch (initially). I am in total agreement with player sentiment that these bugs need to be fixed along with 1.0.5 and as such, the team is already working on doing that today and over the weekend. The current plan is to fix the vast majority of them in time for the patch but some, because of the coding involved or if they are minor bugs (display) will not be fixed for 1.0.5 but will be fixed as soon as practical. The update to the 1.0.5 patch will be updated to reflect these fixes once these changes are incorporated into 1.0.5.

3) We are also going to look at making some additional changes to some of the classes/archetypes. As I've said before, 1.0.5. is not yet up on the patcher and we expect to continue to make more tweaks/adjustments until the patch goes live. Among the changes currently going into 1.0.5 are:

a) BW/Sorcs will have their crit chance lowered for combustion.

b) Sorcs will also see Word of Pain’s debuff changes from a willpower debuff to a resist debuff to match BWs and it will no longer stack Word of Pain and be a single application that deals damage at the end. Stricken Voices will have its cast time removed to match Bright wizard Choking Smoke.

c) For IBs, we are going to make some changes that will allow the IB to get to low grudge more quickly than initially proposed by increasing Oath friend grudge thresholds from 5/3/1 grudge generated to 10/5/3. Also, we are lowering the grudge required (and making a couple other changes) in the following abilities:

Shield Sweep: Cost reduction from 30 Grudge to 25 Grudge.
Oath bound: Cost reduction from 30 Grudge to 15 Grudge.
Avenging The Debt: Increase heal value.
Away With Ye: Reduce cost from 30 Grudge to 25 Grudge. Increase damage. (Also requires cool down from 0s to 10s)
Watch An' Learn: Reduce cost from 30 Grudge to 15 Grudge. (Also requires cool down from 0s to 20s)
Grumble An' Mutter: Increase heal value.

The combination of better contribution from OF and lowering the grudge cost of some abilities should help alleviate some, if not all, of the IB's concern. We will continue, of course, to look at the IB as a whole to determine if additional changes are still necessary.

d) For our healers, we are looking at making the following changes:

Ranged Healers

Long Cast Big heals go from 3s cast to 2.5s cast
Interrupt / setback value on long heals is reduced by 50%

Melee Healers
Divine Strike and Rend soul will now heal for 350% damage dealt instead of 250%

Like the IBs, this is just part of an ongoing process. As I said yesterday, the team will continue to look very carefully at the healers on the PTS and if more changes need to be made, we'll make them.

e) The Chosen seemed to have a higher number of potential (we haven't confirmed them all yet) bugs but in the meantime, we will make the following changes:

Convert Blast Wave, Bane Shield and Quake to magic attacks that use STR instead of INT for bonus damage
Push Aura code fix up that makes twisting easier

f) The Marauders have a similar bug to the Chosen (using INT not STR) so we are making the following change:

Mouth of Tzeentch will use STR instead of INT for bonus damage

g) For the Black Orc the biggest bug appears to losing their place in the combo chain randomly. The team has been trying to duplicate this all day and so far, no luck. If we can duplicate it, it will be fixed.

So, a few things:

1) Let me once again express my thanks to those great people here on the Vault (and elsewhere) who spent time and energy posting helpful (critical, insightful, positive, etc.) messages. You have helped us quite a bit by doing so. The 1.0.5 thread was, at its best, a great example of how developer<->community interaction can work very well at times when you have motivated players and interested developers who are actually paying attention. So again, you have my thanks.

2) The changes here are still part of an ongoing process of evaluation and reevaluation of 1.0.5. Nothing is final and until the PTS is up and running and 1.0.5 goes through the ringer, will it even be close to final. So please, when the PTS goes up let us know what you think through feedback here and in the game.

3) Some of the bugs/changes that I'm listing here will not be fixed/up by tomorrow of course but they will be during the time that the PTS is running and *before* 1.0.5 goes LIVE. We will keep you informed about the changes through the patcher.

4) A number of people have commented that this patch seems more chock full of ranged DPS changes and while the team believes that a lot of the changes we made to the the rDPS group will have a significant positive impact on our tanks and mDPS folks, they will turn their attention to those careers again after the 1.0.5 version. Again, please keep in mind that bugs for the mDPS/Tanks will be fixed for this version as well.

Again, my thanks to the many members of the WAR community for their efforts in regards to our game.



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Posty: 13268
Dołączył(a): 7.11.2004
PostNapisane: 10 lis 2008, 10:25 
Haha, IB love pokazali dla odmiany.

open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent


Posty: 379
Dołączył(a): 7.11.2002
PostNapisane: 10 lis 2008, 10:54 
Wkurza mnie fakt, że piszą o zmianach w następujący sposób:

"Grumble An' Mutter: Increase heal value. "
"* Drain Magic: This ability will now increase in potency with High Magic."
"The damage of this spell has increased, and its radius reduced"

kurde czy to tajemnica o ile?? w daoc'u są wypisywane zmiany dokładnie O.o

Nerfli BW/Sorc i też ciekawe o ile...

Ale jednak przestraszyli się, że nagle nie będzie tanków w orderze i zmienili trochę na lepsze IB ;p


Posty: 529
Dołączył(a): 30.11.2006
PostNapisane: 10 lis 2008, 10:57 
tomugeen napisał(a):
Haha, IB love pokazali dla odmiany.

tak naprawde to nic nie znaczace zmiany, generowanie grudge jest dalej dosc znacznie znerfowane
shield sweep jest zbugowany i nie oddaje grudges mimo ze pisze ze powinien
oath bound jest bezuzyteczny wiec obnizenie kosztu jest nic nie daje
away with ye - ostatnio jak gralem to byl bug ze koszt niby 30 ale nie dalo sie uzyc poki nie miales 45 grudge (mimo ze zjadal 30) wiec jesli dalej jest ten blad to obnizenie kosztu o 5 tez niewiele daje ;]
watch an learn - zbugowany i nie oddaje ap wiec hrr

zadne ib love, po prostu (nieudana) proba wybronienia sie z calkowitego zjebania tej klasy ;]



Posty: 368
Dołączył(a): 13.05.2008
PostNapisane: 12 lis 2008, 09:31 
Zmiany na serwerze testowym:

Healer Archetype

* Restorative Burst: The tooltip for this tactic will now correctly state the number of Action Points gained when triggered.

Tank Archetype

* Champion's Challenge: Neither the player nor the player’s enemy may be knocked back while this Morale ability is in effect.

* Juggernaut: This ability will only fire when the player is rooted, snared, silenced, or disarmed.

* Raze: This channeled ability will no longer be interrupted while on the move.

Dwarf Racial Tactics

* Stoutness of Stone: This tactic will once again reduce the effectiveness of Stuns and Knockdowns.


* Boon of Hysh: This ability has had its cast time reduced to 2.5 seconds, and the setback amount has been reduced to half a second.

* Wild Healing: This tactic will now correctly provide a 50% reduction to AP costs on direct healing abilities when triggered.

* Funnel Essence: This ability will now correctly behave like a channeled ability.

* Radiant Gaze: This ability will now correctly reduce the target’s chance to critically hit and reduce their damage by the correct amount.

* Storm of Cronos: This ability will now correctly reduce Spirit resistance for the correct amount.

* Balanced Mending will now correctly provide a bonus to heals on other players, and a penalty to heals on the caster.

* Increased Conductivity: This Tactic will now increase the damage for all abilities listed in the tooltip.

* Rain Lord: The tooltip for this effect will now list all stats affected.

Bright Wizard

* Combustion mechanic: Chance to critical hit based on combustion level has been reduced.

* Combustion mechanic: Chance to cause a Miscast and damage yourself based on combustion level has been reduced.

* Choking Smoke: This ability now has no build time.


* Blast Wave: This ability will now behave like a melee attack. Strength will contribute to this ability’s damage (rather than Intelligence), and this ability can now be defended against like a melee attack.

* Bane Shield: This ability will now behave like a melee attack. Strength will contribute to this ability’s damage (rather than Intelligence), and this ability can now be defended against like a melee attack.

* Quake: This ability will now behave like a melee attack. Strength will contribute to this ability’s damage (rather than Intelligence), and this ability can now be defended against like a melee attack.

* Bane Shield: The damage for this ability is now considered Spiritual Damage


* Rend Soul: This ability now returns 350% of the damage done, and the setback amount has been reduced to half a second.

* Curse of Khaine: The effect of this ability has been reduced to 50%.

* Covenant of Celerity: This ability will no longer stack with other snares, and the effect can now be removed with snare cleansing abilities.

* Flay: This ability is now considered a snare and can be removed with snare cleansing abilities


* Self Destruct: This ability will now correctly knock all targets down and kill the turret.

* Barbed Wire: This ability will now correctly root all players.

* Friction burn: This ability will now work correctly when there are no targets in the area.

* Strafing Run: This ability now has less delay before damaging and knocking back the target.


* Oath Friend: The rate at which Grudge is generated has been changed. If the Ironbreaker is at 0-30 Grudge, the Ironbreaker will gain 10 Grudges every time the Oath Friend is attacked. If the Ironbreaker is at 31-60 Grudge, the Ironbreaker will gain 5 Grudges every time the Oath Friend is attacked. If the Ironbreaker is at 61-100 Grudge, the Ironbreaker will gain 3 Grudge every time the Oath Friend is attacked.

* Avenging the Debt: The heal value of this ability has increased.

* Away With Ye: The Grudge cost for this ability has been reduced to 25, and the cooldown has been decreased to 10-seconds.

* Grumble An’ Mutter: The heal value of this ability has increased.

* Oathbound: The Grudge cost for this ability has been reduced to 15.

* Shield Sweep: The Grudge cost for this ability has been reduced to 25.

* Watch An’ Learn: The Grudge cost for this ability has been reduced to 15, the damage has increased, and the cooldown has increased to 10 seconds.

* Axe Slam: This Morale Ability will now correctly gain benefit from Mastery into Path of Stone.

* Strength in Numbers: This Morale Ability will now correctly gain benefit from Mastery into Path of Vengeance.


* Daemonic Lash: The tooltip for this ability no longer displays an incorrect cooldown time.

* Seed of Chaos: The AoE damage for this ability will once again fire at the end of the damage over time.


* Mouth of Tzeentch: This ability will now behave like a melee attack. Strength will contribute to this ability’s damage (rather than Intelligence), and this ability can now be defended against like a melee attack


* Rune of Restoration: This ability has had its cast time reduced to 2.5 seconds, and the setback amount has been reduced to half a second.

* Rune of Nullification: The effect of this ability has been reduced to 50%.


* Bleed fer Me: Fixed a bug which caused this ability to heal for incorrect amounts when used with WAAAGH.

* Nuthin' But Da WAAAGH: This ability now works correctly on players other than the caster.

* Bigger, Better, An' Greener: This ability has had its cast time reduced to 2.5 seconds, and the setback amount has been reduced to half a second.

Squig Herder

* Squig Squeal: This ability’s damage over time will now fire on the target correctly.


* Dark Magic mechanic: The chance to critical hit based on Dark Magic level has been reduced.

* Dark Magic mechanic: The chance to cause a Miscast and damage yourself based on Dark Magic level has been reduced.

* Stricken Voices: This ability is now instant cast.

* Word of Pain: This ability is no longer a Willpower reduction, and will now lower the target’s Spirit resistance instead. The effect will last 15 seconds and deal a large amount of damage after the effect wears off. The need to stack this ability has been removed, and it now has a 10 second cooldown time.

* Triumphant Blasting: The tooltip for this ability now correctly states that it will knock down mobs.

* Surging Pain: This ability now builds 10 Dark Magic.

* Umbral Fury: This ability has been renamed to Frozen Fury. The tooltip now points to the correct ability name that it effects.

* Tapping the Dark: The tooltip for this ability now refers to the correct ability that it effects.


* Crashing Wave: This ability will now knock targets down every time.

* Perfect Defenses: Players will now properly receive the bonuses to defense while in Improved and Perfect Balance

* Sapping Strike: The Action Point drain on this ability will now work correctly.

* Shadow Blades: The damage done with this ability can no longer be defended against.

Warrior Priest

* Divine Assault: This ability now returns 350% of the damage done, and the setback amount has been reduced to half a second.

* Divine Shock: This ability will now fire when there are no targets in the area.

White Lion

* Thin the Herd: This ability will now have the correct range.

* Pack Assault: This ability will now correctly grant all group mates the extra damage.

* Cull the Weak: This ability will now have the correct range.

Witch Hunter

* Seeker’s Blade: This ability will now check for an Ailment before firing.

* Burn Away Lies: This ability will now trigger Blessed Bullets.


* Elixir of Dark Blessing: This ability has had its cast time reduced to 2.5 seconds, and the setback amount has been reduced to half a second.

* Boon of Tzeentch: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct range.

* Storm of Ravens: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct range.

* Chaotic Agitation: The tooltip for this ability will now display the correct frequency for damage pulses.


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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 12 lis 2008, 10:04 
Word of Pain dalej ssie pale.

PODPISY: banery, sig'i, podpisy muszą zgadzac sie tematycznie z profilem forum, nie mogą być animowane, nie mogą przekraczac wielkości 100KB i wymiarow 90 (wysokość) x 400 (szerokosc).


Posty: 368
Dołączył(a): 13.05.2008
PostNapisane: 12 lis 2008, 10:17 
Ale chyba nieco (moim zdaniem znacznie) mniej, co? Stakowanie tego cholerstwa zabieralo za duzo czasu, a dmg przy niestakowanym byl mizerny...


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Posty: 16876
Dołączył(a): 12.09.2005
PostNapisane: 12 lis 2008, 10:24 
InkubPendragon napisał(a):
Ale chyba nieco (moim zdaniem znacznie) mniej, co? Stakowanie tego cholerstwa zabieralo za duzo czasu, a dmg przy niestakowanym byl mizerny...

I tak trzeba czekac 15s zeby to cos zrobilo. Do tego czasu to moga albo wyleczyc cel, albo ja go zdaze zabic..

PODPISY: banery, sig'i, podpisy muszą zgadzac sie tematycznie z profilem forum, nie mogą być animowane, nie mogą przekraczac wielkości 100KB i wymiarow 90 (wysokość) x 400 (szerokosc).


Posty: 368
Dołączył(a): 13.05.2008
PostNapisane: 12 lis 2008, 10:27 
E tam. Zajebistym buffem bylo obnizenie resista spiritu, ktory jest rodzajem ataku 90% czarow sorcerera. Dmg to tylko wisienka na czubku tortu.


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