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All US servers and Innovation are currently down. Our development team and operations groups are working to restore these servers to their save for the 7AM PST update this morning. An ETA on their uptime currently unavailable. However, we will be updating you with progress hourly and will deliver a more firm ETA as soon as we can. We will have the servers up as soon as possible and bring each server online as it is ready.
Thank you.
The EverQuest II Team
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i jeszcze:
While we continue to work on the issues that have kept the EverQuest II servers unavailable today, we wanted to let you know that in addition to the experience and tradeskill debt wipes that were announced earlier, we will also be offering free time to help make up for the time you're unable to play. Exact details regarding time extensions will be available once we get past our current problems.
This is a 24/7 effort on behalf of everyone involved. We will not rest until all of EverQuest II is back up and running. We again apologize for the inconvenience this has caused, and thank you all very much for your understanding.
- The EverQuest II Team
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