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Posty: 2609
Dołączył(a): 12.11.2001
PostNapisane: 13 sty 2002, 13:53 
The monster art in UO2D is very well done!


Nothing on the economy. Sorry guys.

Here is what I heard.

Archery-Poison Arrows. I also got from a friend that they were talking about doing the same thing in the Alchemy/Magery forum.

When someone mentioned the exploding arrows and spell effects to arrows, Adrick was writing it down. They are considering allowing the ability to do more damage with a hvy xbow versus plate.

Also, concussion (blunt) arrows was tossed about. The issue of arrows disappearing when you run away was discussed. They talked about the issue of the delay and the problem where when you arm with a bow you have to move to fire.

They are considering adding an ability like with alchemists and glassblowing where you can go ahead and do more damage with your spells if you are a battle mage or do more healing if you are a "cleric". This was a suggestion they very much liked. They being OSI.

Factions/Guild Wars:

They are trying to think up ways to lower the amount of "ganks" that happen at moongates. They talked about making gate areas "no attack/steal". They also talked about making sigils stealable within a window of time 4 times a day. They discussed factions owning dungeons and Faction Alliances. No gate/recall into towns you do not own. I.E.- If you are a TB and Brit is owned by CoM, no recall or gate into the town for you. You have to "charge" in to take it.

Calandryll had told me earlier we couldn't do it because it's just too much of a "hassle" (in a single word to do it). When I brought it up to Adrick, he took notes and asked why. I brought up the issue of our RP guild wars on Great Lakes. If we go in with our 6 guilds against those 6 guilds, everyone is orange. You could kill a friend. I brought up the color "yellow" as an option and that to avoid a "programming nightmare" if you "ally" a guild, you will be automatically warred against the guilds that is warring your "allied" with.

Magic Resist:

They agreed that lower level spells (weaken/curse) should be easier to resist than higher level ones. Weaken type spells happen 100% of the time. They shouldn't. 50% was discussed as a chance for it working or not. Not sure at what point it would happen though.

Paralyze can't be resisted. The time paralyzed is just lower. They agree that there are issued with paralyze. They are saying that you should resist paralyze like poison (not exactly, but you get the point I hope). The idea that a mage should have to think about his casting (should I paralyze? Or what?) options.

Veterans Rewards

Cynthe...I about jumped on her and kissed her for this. She brought up the idea of allowing 4+ year veterans to change shards. Permanently, 1/month and 1/week was thrown around. She really really liked this.

The main point was that vet rewards should not just be meaningful, they should be useful.

I got to talk to Cynthe about about adding an "ability" type reward that costs money (ala hair dyes) but that only vets can use/have.

They also discused how we should be able to affect the outcome of the scenarios more dynamically. I.E.- If the orcs lost the savage battle (if we didn't beat the savages back, etc.), they should be gone as a "race" (monster) from the shard. Just a thought or two.

More stuff later.

Next is virtue system and the fansites.


Sounds like some cool shit. Here are a couple other random comments to humor you.

I got to talk to Calyndryll and he asked me to sign one of my T Shirts. Too cool.

OH, a quick note, Silk of Black Dagger crashed the local LBR Server. Joy.

Zerzniete z .


Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 13 sty 2002, 16:00 
The monster art in UO2D is very well done!

rofl tak jeszcze jest thread i mozna sobie zobaczyc jak wygladaja monsterki w 2d ^^ chyba ze poprawili... watpie

Archery-Poison Arrows. I also got from a friend that they were talking about doing the same thing in the Alchemy/Magery forum.

hmm tak ogolnie do strzalek.. nosze gm leather i gm luki/kusze jebia niesamowicie :< 30-60hp
dodajmy do tego esplozje albo poison jakis accurate heavy x-bow przed ktorego beltami nie mozna uciec i mamy dead maga w piec sekund.. concussion no tak

They are trying to think up ways to lower the amount of "ganks" that happen at moongates. They talked about making gate areas "no attack/steal".

rofl juz widze nowa generacje gz hugging newbiesow ktorzy na slowa vas ort flam pedza do no attack/steal area z predkoscia swiatla :[

They agreed that lower level spells (weaken/curse) should be easier to resist than higher level ones. Weaken type spells happen 100% of the time. They shouldn't. 50% was discussed as a chance for it working or not. Not sure at what point it would happen though.

czyli bez ganku sie nie da juz nikogo zabic przecietnie wyposazonego..

czy ci ludzie mysla w ogole :<

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