Właśnie tak się stało i Admini ugięli się pod presją graczy! 6 kwietnia br. wypuścili nowy patch, który rzekomo pozwala na handlowanie nawet wtedy, gdy nie jest się w grze (w trybie "offline"). Piszą o tym w ten sposób:
*** Offline Selling ***
- Characters can now list items for sale out that are located in their house vault. These items will remain for sale even when they leave their house or exit the game. You can now sell items while your character is offline!
- When you open your store by interacting with your Market Bulletin Board, your store window now shows the contents of your house vault in a separate tab. You can set prices for these items just as you would items in your inventory.
- While you are in your house and your store is open, items in your vault and items in your inventory that are flagged as being for sale will be listed on the city market. Other players can enter your home and buy items from your house vault and your inventory, just as they normally would.
- If your character logs out or leaves your house, items in the house vault tab of your store window will still be for sale. Items in your character's inventory will no longer be listed for sale on the market, but items flagged for sale in the house vault will be available for purchase through city brokers and fences. These items will show only the seller's name, not location, since the goods can only be purchased through the brokers.
- If goods in the house vault have sold while the seller was away, the Sales Log window will automatically open when the seller returns home to show any items that have been sold. All coin that has been earned will instantly be moved into the seller's inventory.
- Only one character per account can have items for sale at any one time. If you flag items in Character A's vault as being for sale, then log in Character B and flag items in its house vault for sale, items in Character A's vault will no longer be available for purchase.
- Items in the house vault will remain on the market 24 hours after the seller logs out, after which time the items will be taken off the market. When the seller logs in, the 24-hour timer will restart and the vault items will be listed for sale again automatically.
- As with your personal inventory, only items you flag as being for sale can be purchased by other players. You can continue to use your house vault for item storage if you wish.
- Only the owner of a house can sell items located in the house vault. Friends and trustees cannot access the house vault, although they can continue to sell items in their personal inventory while online.
- If the server is restarted for any reason, items marked for sale in your house vault will remain on the market (as long as you have been back to your home within the last 24 hours). There is no need to log your character back in after a server restart unless the 24-hour timer has expired.
Niestety, u mnie postać przebywająca w domu nadal nie może opuścić gry bez automatycznego anulowania sprzedaży. Jedyna różnica, jaką zaobserwowałem, polega na tym, że można teraz handlować, przebywając przez cały czas we swoim domu i że nie trzeba już gapić się w tablicę Brokera zawieszoną na ścianie, zaś przedmioty przeznaczone na handel są zaznaczane w inwentarzu na czerwono. Admini piszą tutaj jednak, że można teraz już wychodzić sobie w ogóle z gry, a mimo to opcja handlowania pozostanie aktywna przez 24 godziny. Może zatem już ktoś to próbował po wprowadzeniu patcha? Jakie konkretnie czynności-krok po kroku-muszę wykonać przed tablicą Brokera w moim domu, aby ta opcja wreszcie mi zadziałała i abym na noc mógł spokojnie wyłączać komputer? BŁAGAM O POMOC!!!