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Posty: 4849
Dołączył(a): 5.02.2004
PostNapisane: 21 lis 2005, 16:42 
Oto lista znanych juz Badges:



Jail Bird(-2323,-120,960)Go up the ramp by starting point to the top floor then go inside cell block 15, the southernmost one.
This is the only Breakout badge.

Mercy Island

Cesspool(-303,58,-2674)It's on the middle of the divider between two pools of sludge that have tanks in them.
~Many would be villains have drunk their fill from the cesspool in hopes that it might grant super power. Mostly they go insane.

Chum(-4047.2,6.6,-1854.1)380 yds S of Kalinda on small island
~Just when you sthought it was safe ...

Fortified(-2495.3, 303.5, -438.8)420 yds E of Mercy door in Mercy on outcropping ledge of top wall
~Arachnos built the wall around Mercy to keep it safe.

Snake Charmer(-385.42.5,-1711.8)It was in the pit where the entrance to the "Kill Syrus and his guards" mission was.
~This is the main entrance to the Snake's underground lair. You really don't want to go there

The Next Big Thing(-1210,238,-167)104 yrds N of Arbiter Richard (the trainer).
~This is the good life. The higher up you get, the bigger you are.

~They say that lonely tower is the home of Ghost Widow, Lord Recluse's phantom servant.

Port Oakes

Driller(1030.8, 8.5, 1981.9)on deck of oil tanker in "oil spill" district. Watch for Coralax ambushes!
~Three years ago, Ms Liberty smashed the supervillain, Thermonuke through the deck and into the volatile crude below. Thermonuke's devastating powers ignited the oil and cracked open the Cairo Queen like a pixie stick

Powder Monkey(-3741.5 237.5 -1132.1)
~The last of the pirates died at this location defending the fort against Blackbeard. Northern wall near 3 cannons

Scurvy Dog(-2871, 78.1,1233.4)Near black tower in Dockside (Black Tower is the vertical pirate ship)
~The owner of Blackbeard's pub is rumored to have sent more than one patron to Davey Jones' locker.

Washed Up(-3894.3, 12.5, -1368.2)on top of a car hood on a beach
~Emil Marcone's brother was found at low tide in this particular vehicle.

Cap Au Diable

Egghead(940.8,98.3,-1440.0)On top of main (Westernmost) university building by the triple skylights

Media Junky(-872 248 -1463.7)on top of the Radio Station Roof
~The top of the WSPDR building is a great place to survey Recluse's media empire.

Sparky(-2432, 278, -1248.7)
~You've spent time wandering around in the Power Transport System at Mount Diable.

Steamed(-2426.0 224.3 -471.9)
~Volcanic activity around Mount Diable causes alot of steamy venting. Watch out or it's lobster time.

Sweet Tooth(2778.8 84.9 -2269.7) Currently in a "hole" in the world. Cannot get to it by conventional means.

Bloody Bay

All Consuming(-1193.6 0.3 -742.4)Right at Meteor Patch
~The Shiva Shard fed on the dead here, causing the trees to grow larger and stronger around the old graveyard.

Imploding(1882.8, 130.1, 1337.7)
~In this building the first of Cape Canaveral's scientists was infected and transformed by the Shiva Shard, eventually causing him to implode.

Crooked Politician(- 2264, 137, -832)130 yards east of meteor shard "Do" on a rooftop, next to a duct.

Ghoulish( - 91, 65,360) On the graveyard in the "Ground Zero" area, in a walkable mausoleum.

Sharkhead Isle

Razor Toothed(460.9, -15.0, 1652.8)
~This is the spot where Mako paraded Scrapyard's body after he eviscerated him. Many of the locals have seen his ghosts in this area.

Freak of Nature(-1228.3 89.9 -21.83.1)344 yards Northwest of the natural store in Sharkhead Isle, infront of a ramp in the freak maze area.

Pit Viper(149, -378.2, 1496.2)Base of waterfall under the "pit" marker

Forged by Hellfire( 1970.8 64 -193.0 ) 110 yds nw of Hell Forge marker

Siren's Call

Broad Shoulders(362.8 -63.9 -258.4)About 163 yds. south of Talos Park marker at the base of a comet statue

Piratical(-867.1 -143.7 1630 )Just west of Sharkhead Isle marker and at the waters edge

Hangman Badge(-1194.5 -165.4 1135)Just 183 yds northwest of Warrant Contact at a corner of the War Wall by the water

St. Martial

Deuces Wild(-3326.5, -29.0, -437.1)At the Ice Palace entrance
~Twos are wild, but not as wild as you!

Camel Snot(-1887, 595.5, 2037.2)Top of Golden Giza. Not top exactly but uppermost "ledge" of the pyramid above the sign.
~You have learned the elusive art of mixing Camel Snot (um.. EWW -Lynn)


Stonekeeper (-2568,123,3005)

Nerva Archipelago

Locked and Loaded(3285.1, 126.0, 3638.6)82 yd NE of Agincourt marker in weapons bunker

Watcher on the Knoll(-91.7, 84.9, 5433.6)Pedestal of female hero 80yds SE of quartermaster at the chalet. Between her legs.

Tree Hugger(-168.4, 12.0, -180.1)On ground a few feet north of Giant Thorn tree in north east Nerva

Nerva Wreck(1385.0, 9.5, 2873.7)By the broken ship on a rock

Primal Instinct(2305, -110, 798) SE area of the island to the left of Thorn in trees near buildings


Tunnel Rat(-1217,0,144)is on the east entrance to the Web Tunnels underground in the center of the doorway

Triumphant(228,274,32)Top of Globe, like atlas in center of Warburg

Weapon Inspector(-768,144,0)


Unknown Arc 1 Possibly 'The Children of Enos' or 'History of Rogue Isle'
Port Oakes, Fort Hades area, -3106.5, 206.8, -1548.0
=== Plaque Text ===
Blackbeard himself captured this fort in 1718.
He tortured and killed the ill-prepared French
soldiers manning it, leaving behind lefends of
ghostly hauntings that still persist to this day.
Father Martin Henri, a famous adventurer of
the Rogue Isles, is said to have hallowed the
fort by day, but there are rumors that the
spirits return to the fort by night.

The Children of Enos
Mercy -906.9 100.0 -378.1
105 yds W of the Mercy Door going up
=== Plaque Text ===
It is said that the snake-like beings that live in
the rotting warrant of this island were cast-offs
of the 'Children of Enos', a bizarre cult that
settled these islands in the 1600s. Rumors
persist that the original snake-beings who sired
the creatures visable today are still alive,
writhing somwhere within their labyrinthine

The Children of Enos
Port Oakes, Loc: -1544.9, 35.0, 1945.7
Jetty near ferry
=== Plaque Text ===
Long Ago, a group of cultists called the
'Children of Enos' fled France and settled
in these isles. French accountants claim the
cultists practiced dark rituals, human sacrifice
and the summoning of demons. They were eventually
defeated by a team of heroes led by the famous
Father Martin Henri

Unknown Arc 2 'The Children of Enos'
Cap Au Diable, Loc: -1707.3,0,-1106.7
It is on the Eastern border between Aeon City and New Haven
=== Plaque Text ===
A group of settlers called the children of Enos first settled what
is today called Cap au Diable in the late 1600s, seeking freedom
from religious persecution. When French Soldiers attempted to
force them off their land, the Children of Enos bravely attempted
to defend themselves. Labeled cultists by the French soldiers,
in the end they were brutally repressed by the notorious witch
hunter Padre Franciois HArdi. Legends claim that the Children
of Enos fought for their home and freedom with such ferocity that
Padre Hardi believed them possessed by devils. After the last of
the children of Enos were gone, he gave this part of the island its
present name which means "the Cape of the Devil" in french.

Dr Aeon Arc
Cap Au Diable ( 2344.6, 3.0, 1543.7 )
100 yds NE of Facemaker
=== Plaque Text ===
One of Dr. Aeon's greatest inventions is
NutriPaste. Made to the highest standards of
nutrition under quality-controlled industrial
conditions, Dr. Aeon's NutriPaste is an
inexhaustible and inexpensive food-source for
the people of the Rogue Isles. Flavors such as
FishPaste and MeatPaste are a daily staple
throughout the Isles, and new varieties are
introduced every month. NutriPaste has even
earned it place in the schools of the Isles,
where it keeps the children fit, happy, and healthy.
Thanks to Dr. Aeon's incredible NutriPaste, the
next generation of the Rogue Isles will grow up
in the most efficient way possible. Strong and
content, they will be ready and able to support
Lord Recluse in his never-ending campaign
against the oppressive vigilantes who rule the

Dr Aeon Arc
Cap Au Diable
(916.6 21.5 -1420.8 ) [near base portal]
=== Plaque Text ===
Aeon University is dedicated to producing the
brilliant minds of tomorrow. Heroes like the
great Dr. Aeon could not have improved the
fate of all humanity without institutions of
higher learning to fill and shape young minds
with the latest advancements in humanities,
the arts, and of course, technology. Aeon
University offers revolutionary courses in
'Transdimentional Shift Phasing', Demolitions
for a better Tomorrow', 'Cloning and You and
You', and 'Power Sources: Risk vs. Reward'.

Dr. Aeon
Cap Au Diable, Loc:-2429.5, 224.0, -938.0
S of Sparky on wall
=== Plaque Text ===
Dr. Aeons discovery of the Power Transference System created cheap,
clean and efficient energy for Cap au Diable. By Tapping into raw geothermal
power of Mount Diable and transforming it into pure electricity, Dr. Aeon has
saved the people of the island billions of dollars. More importantly, large
corporations such as Crey Industries can use the incredible power output
of the 'PTS' to conduct experiments for the betterment of mankind that
would be prohibitive with the traditional energy sources.

Unknown Arc
Sharkhead Isle
(-1355.6, -24.0 -1763.9)
=== Plaque Text ===
The Vigilante known as scrapyard was brought down by the heroic
Captain Mako on this spot.

Unknown Arc
Sharkhead Isle
(-827.3, 0.0 , -410.5) 120 yds sw of ferry
=== Plaque Text ===
Sharkhead Isle was given it's name by the free traders who first
mapped and settled it in the early 1600s. For many years it
served as a hub for the rest of the Isles, with it's naturally protected
bay as a home port for explorers, entrepenuers, and pirates.
Sharkhead Isle also acted as a central hub for many of the mystics
and witchdoctors of the era, who sought the rare shards of red crystal
coral. Even in the modern day, would be practioners of magic like the
cultists of the Circle of Thorns still attempt to illegally acquire shards
of red Coral Crystal, believing in its supernatural power. This has made
it necessry for trade in the Red Crystal Coral to be declared illegal.
Any shards of Red Coral Crystal must be turned over to Arachnos to
prevent this illegal practice from causing trouble again.

Unknown Arc
Sharkhead Isle
(757.2, 32.0, -376.3) 198 NW of Hosp
=== Plaque Text ===
Sharkhead Isle was a den of pirates, cutthroats and theives during the
Golden Age of Piracy. When those days ended, it was abandoned and taken
over by wildlife. Lord Recluse brought true prosperity to Sharkhead when bauxite
was discovered and the Cage Consortium given the liscense to exploit it.

Unknown Arc
Sirens Call
(-942.9, -158.9 208.6)
=== Plaque Text ===
One of the cruelest pirates to roam these seas was Jean L'Olonnais.
L'Olonnais hated the spanish and murdered and tortured them every
chance he got., even forcing one prisoner to eat another's heart. The pirate
even commanded massive field armies and raided entire towns in the
Carribean and Rogue Isles. Eventually the black hearted fiend was
captured by cannibals, and met a fitting end.


Thorn Robber - 1st Character respec Trial

Mission Based

Plague Carrier (Yellow top, Red bottom, 1 pip)
Recieved by "Get Outbreak Virus Samples" mission given by the Radio.
~The Radio told you to steal the Outbreak Virus and bring it back to Port Oakes

Bone Collector (Yellow Top, Red Bottom, 2 Pips)
~You recovered Mr. Bocor's necromantic Loa Bone.

Privateer (Yellow Top, Red Bottom, 3 Pips)
~Sea Witch won't be bothering you anymore.

Mask Maker (Yellow top, Red bottom, 1 pip)
Badge Text: You optained "samples" from the notorious Facemaker
---Obtained through---
Contact: Dr Shelly Percy (the real one)
Nav Text: Find chemical samples
Sewer Map
Range: approx 12-16
Mission Text: I'm sure you've heard of a most accomplished young lady known as the Facemaker? She's a disciple of Vazhilok,
and is well known for her habit of carving up innocent young debutantes for her own private collection of parts. Yes, yes deplorable.
Nevertheless, I'd like to know more about her process. I want you to go to a Vazhilok lair and return with samples of the Facemaker's reanimation chemicals. I'll reward you well for your effort.

Stone Cold (Yellow top, Red bottom,2 pip)
Badge Text: You took out a filthy traitor to the Port Oakes Vendetti Family.
---Obtained through---
Contact: Angelo Vendetti, Port Oakes
Nav text: "Deal with Niles Worthington"
Council base map
Mission text: Let me tell you about a particular man, VillainName. A man who has spent his entire life serving my family. A man who
has been loyal, and kept our secrets. A man who has helped us in our quest for vengeance. Such a man would be well honored and
well paid, would he not? He would have a position of power within my family, even though he was not a member of it. Such a man I
would think of as family. Such a man I might have even called my own uncle.
Now, imagine if that man were to betray you and your family for money. Imagine if that man sold out to the enemies of the people that had raised him out of the dirt. [Such a man exists, and he is called Niles Worthington, and I want you to hurt him for this treachery. Hurt him badly. Hurt him worse than he has hurt us.]

Slag Reaper - Yellow/Red 4 pips

Strikebreaker - Yellow/Red 4 pips
"Strikebreaker" - The scrapyarders of Sharkhead have been put back to work thanks to you.
Contact - Lorenz Ansaldo
Zone - Sharkhead Isle
Mission - Bust up the dockworker's strike
Mission Text - Alright, the Family has got some problems down at the docks. It seems those Scrapyarders have been riling up the dockworkers, causing all kinds of grief for the Family there. The Family would normally just bust a few heads to solve the problem, but they want to be a bit more discreet, like I need you to go down and bust up the dockworker's strike. Don't leave any permanent marks.

Agent of Discord - Red 1 Star/Gray 0 pips

Bad Luck - Red 1 Star/Gray 1 pip

Forward Observer ~Recieved by Completing the Patrol Bloody Bay Mission - Mission currently Bugged.
~You've successfully completed a patrol in a PvP zone.

Reinforcements ~Recieved by Completing the Steal item mission in Bloody Bay
~You've done your part to bolster your side in a PvP zone.

Disruptor ~Recieved by Completing the Plant Bombs mission in Bloody Bay
~You have done what you can to hinder your opponents in a PvP zone.

Soldier - Threat Level 10
Insider - Threat Level 20
Wiseguy - Threat Level 30
Captain - Threat Level 40
Made - Threat Level 50 (seen on a GM =) )

Visitor - 10 badges
~You have earned 10 Badges, making you a visitor of the Rogue Isles.

Native - 25 badges
~You have earned enough badges to be called a native.

Obsessed - 50 badges (appropriate)

Stoic - 100,000 Damage Taken
Way to take it like a man, tough guy. You've taken 100,000 points of damage

Fixer - 1st Healing badge

Punchdrunk - 1st Debt Repayment

Bling - 1st Infamy badge

Privateer - Trap 50 Spectres
~You have trapped 50 Ghosts. You are now a Privateer.

Hammerhead - ?
~This is the Hammerhead Badge


Cobra Obtained with Snake Charmer Exploration Badge
~Ssnakes sserve you.

Mook Obtained with Washed Up Exploration Badge
~Dese guys is part of your crew.

Mook Capo Comes with Stone cold Accomplishment Badge
~Da Mooks are on your side

Nebel Unteroffitser

Nebula Elite Buckshot Recieved at Level 10
~These Council will make good gladiators.

Fire Thorn Caster Recieved at Level 30
~These Council will make good gladiators.

Button ManGunner Recieved at Level 20

Ember Legacy Of Flame Occurs during Fighting Legacy Chain. Unconfirmed how. Kill X Legacy Chain Fire members possibly. does not benefit team count

Lucent Legacy of Light Occurs during Fighting Legacy Chain. Unconfirmed how. Kill X Legacy Chain Fire members possibly. does not benefit team count

Night Haunt Recieved with Privateer Achievement Badge
~ These tormented souls are bound to you.

Longbow Warden 2 Recieved after approximately 4 missions in bloody bay vs Longbow, unsure of specific type defeated for it.

Longbow Rifleman Recieved with Locked and Loaded.

Juicer Sniper Recieved with Watcher on the Knoll


Perez Park Beacon

Boomtown Beacon

Faultline Beacon

The Hollows Beacon

Dark Astoria Beacon

Striga Isle Beacon

Creys Folly Beacon

Mercy Isle Beacon - Obtained through having all 5 Exploration Badges, all obtained while in SG mode.

Port Oakes Beacon - Obtained through having all 4 Exploration Badges, all obtained while in SG mode.

Cap Au Diable Beacon

Sharkhead Beacon

St. Martial Beacon

Nerva Beacon


Analyzer Base Defense
Your group has taken 20,000,000 points of damage, the Analyzer will help you find your enemies weaknesses

Improved Igniter
Your group has earned over 100,000,000 influence. The improved igniter is just what you big spenders need.

Benedict DR-3 Turret Plans
The fame of your group is reflected in the Prestige you have earned. The Elite Dampening Ray is your reward

Benedict DR-2 Turret Plans
Your group has caught the eye of the influential. You have been rewarded with the plans for the Improved Dampening Ray

Supercomputer ==Mentoring
Unknown Text

Autonomous Expert System Plans
Your group has delivered a load of hurt, unlocking the AES to aid you.

Mega Monitor Plans
Your group has collected 5 badges. You are now ready to build a Mega Monitor

Mystic Orrey Formula
The stars align to award you the secrets of the Mystic Orrey

Auto-Doc Plans
Your group's work at healing has unlocked the Medical Advisor

Robo-Surgery Plans
Your group's work at healing has unlocked the Robo-Surgery

Combat Log Plans
Your groups work at healing has unlocked the Combat Log

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Posty: 4474
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 21 lis 2005, 17:54 
Hmm, a jak tam się sprawdza koordynaty ?

ǝuʍɐqɐz ʇsǝظ ıɯɐbou ʎɹob op ǝıuɐsıd
¡ lɐʇod lɐʇod

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Posty: 4849
Dołączył(a): 5.02.2004
PostNapisane: 21 lis 2005, 18:04 
Z tego co wiem to /pos pokazuje ci a /loc niby ma bindowac lokacje.

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Posty: 4474
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 21 lis 2005, 18:07 
A jak się pytałem gdzie w pierdlu jest ten badge do zdobycia to wszyscy cisza. A to jest nie do zdobycia po wejściu na Mercy Island.

ǝuʍɐqɐz ʇsǝظ ıɯɐbou ʎɹob op ǝıuɐsıd
¡ lɐʇod lɐʇod

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Posty: 4849
Dołączył(a): 5.02.2004
PostNapisane: 21 lis 2005, 18:30 
No bo ja nie wiedzialem jak sie go zdobywa :P
Teraz to wiem!


Posty: 340
Dołączył(a): 8.07.2004
PostNapisane: 21 lis 2005, 20:32 
Podam wam link do strony ktora jest bardzo dobra strona o COH/V

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Posty: 4474
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 23 lis 2005, 08:44 
Ok, zrobiłem beacona do Port Oakes, brać się, robić jakiegoś alta od 1 lvl z hooverem i robić beacona na Mercy Island :D Dziś prawdopodobnie będzie teleport chamber.
[edit] niestety jeden badge w Cape Au Diablo jest zwalony, bo byłby już drugi

ǝuʍɐqɐz ʇsǝظ ıɯɐbou ʎɹob op ǝıuɐsıd
¡ lɐʇod lɐʇod

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Posty: 13268
Dołączył(a): 7.11.2004
PostNapisane: 29 lis 2005, 15:04 
Shamm zrobil beacony w sharkhead i cap au diable

Czyli mamy pierwsze 4. Dodatkowo tez Mega monitor plans [cokolwiek to jest, brzmi dobrze]

open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent

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Posty: 4474
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2001
PostNapisane: 29 lis 2005, 15:07 
hmm, w Diablo naprawili ?

ǝuʍɐqɐz ʇsǝظ ıɯɐbou ʎɹob op ǝıuɐsıd
¡ lɐʇod lɐʇod

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Posty: 13268
Dołączył(a): 7.11.2004
PostNapisane: 29 lis 2005, 15:32 
Na to wyglada

open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent

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Posty: 6736
Dołączył(a): 18.09.2004
PostNapisane: 29 lis 2005, 15:45 
A ja żadnych praktycznie badges nie mam, cholera >_>
Czas wyłączyć ściąganie triala DaoC i wziąć się za eksplorację/eksterminację.


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Posty: 13268
Dołączył(a): 7.11.2004
PostNapisane: 29 lis 2005, 16:06 
Podoba mi sie "Dazed and Confused" - trzeba spedzic lacznie 600h w holdzie ;]

Szczoch powinien exploitowac heale, zeby miec "Mad Scientist" za Heal 1,000,000 Points of Damage

Edit: oczywiscie w tym holdzie to 600minut, nie godzin heheh.

open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent

Ostatnio edytowano 29 lis 2005, 18:31 przez tomugeen, łącznie edytowano 1 raz
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Posty: 4849
Dołączył(a): 5.02.2004
PostNapisane: 29 lis 2005, 18:25 
Mam juz za 500.000 :P

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