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Posty: 13268
Dołączył(a): 7.11.2004
PostNapisane: 24 lis 2005, 01:26 
Znalazlem zbior ladnie podzielonych wszystkich slash commands z CoV poza emotami (tez widzialem, ale to wkleje jak znajde)
Przydaja sie zwlaszcza mastermindom i wszystkim ktorzy lubia makra [takze te pod AutoIT itd]

Communication Commands
/auction      Send message to request channel
/autoreplay   Start a reply for client
/g or /group   Send message to group channel
/l or /local   Sends a message to local channel
/lfg      Toggle looking for group status
/private      Sends a message to only one player
/r or /reply   Reply to last received private message
/req      Sends message to request channel
/s or /say   Sends the given text on the current chat channel
/sell      Send a message to request channel
/t or /tell   Sends a message to only one player
/whisper      Send a message to only one player
/y or /yell   Sends a message to entire map

Friends Commands
/estrange      Remove player from your friends list
/f      Message all of the users on your friend list
/fl      Display friends list
/friend       Add player to your friends list
/friendlist   Display friend list
/ignore      Ignore user
/ignorelist   Displays list of ignored users
/unfriend      Remove player from friend list
/unignore      Remove user from ignore list

Graphical Commands
/camdist       "/camdist 30" would zoom your perspective backward 30 feet
/camdistadjust   Adjusts the camera distance relative to the current camera distance.
/camreset   Camreset is bound to the PageDown key, resets cam behind player.
/disable2d   Disables 2d sprite drawing
/fullscreen   Sets video mode to full screen
/maximize      Maximizes window
/showfps      Displays current frame rate
/whiteparticles   White particles
/window      Color changes the window colors
/window_hide    Forces the given window to be hidden. (Synonym: hide)
/window_resetall   Resets all window locations, sizes, and visibility to their defaults.
/window_show   Forces the given window to be shown. (Synonym: show)
/window_toggle   Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown.
/windowcolor   Changes the window colors

General Commands
/afk      Away from Keyboard
/alttray      Toggle the secondary tray while a key is being pressed
/alttraysticky     Toggle the secondary tray
/b      Send a message to broadcast
/beginchat    Starts chat-entry mode with given string
/bind      Binds a key to a command bind
/bind_load   Reads a list of key binds from c:/keybinds.txt
/bind_load_file   Reads a list of key binds from a file
/bind      Save saves all key binds to c:/keybinds.txt
/broadcast   Send a message to broadcast
/buffs      Toggle looking for group status
/bug      Report a bug
/cc      Costume change.

00 = 1st costume. Standard Costume
01 = 2nd costume. Level 20
02 = 3rd costume. Level 30
03 = 4th costume. Level 40
/chat       Toggles the chat window
/copychat_b   Copy the last x lines from the bottom chat window to clipboard
/copychat_t    Copy the last x lines from the top chat window into the clipboard
/findmember   Display list of players looking for a team
/follow      Set follow mode, 1 = follow selected target, 0 = stop following
/hide      Forces the given window to be hidden. (Synonym: window_hide)
/kiosk      Pop up the kiosk info for the nearest kiosk.
/loc       Returns your current xyz coordinates
/loot      Brings up interact menu
/macro      Sends a macro to the first empty slot
/macroslot   Add macro to provided slot
/map      Toggles the map window
/menu      Toggles the Menu
/mouse_look   Command key for mouse look
/mousepitchmode   Set pitch mode
/nav      Toggles the navigation window
/netgraph      Displays network connection information
/noreport      Do not default to error reporting window on crash
/petition      Add user petition to database
/popmenu      Pops up the named menu at the current mouse location
/powers      Toggles the power inventory
/quit      Quits game
/release      Respawn if player is dead
/requestexitmissionLeave mission map once completed
/screenshot   Save a .tga format screen shot
/screenshotui   Save a .tga format screen shot with the UI (text windows).
/slashchat   Starts chat-entry mode w/ a slash
/startchat   Starts chat-entry mode
/stuck      Try to get a player unstuck
/target      Toggles the target window
/target_enemy_far   Targets farthest enemy
/target_enemy_near   Targets closest enemy
/target_friend_far   Targets farthest friend
/target_friend_nearTargets nearest friend
/toggle      Show a window if hidden, hide a window if shown.
/toggle_enemy   Cycles through targetable enemies
/toggle_enemy_prevCycles through targetable enemies (in reverse)
/trade      Invites player to trade
/trade_accept   Accepts trade request
/trade_decline   Declines trade request
/trade_decline   Declines trade request
/tray      Toggles the tray window
/unselect      Unselects currently selected thing
/whoall      Print who is in your current zone

Inspirations/Enhancements Commands
/inspexec_name   Activate an inspiration by name
/inspexec_slot   Activate an inspiration slot in the first row
/inspexec_tray   Activate an inspiration slot in the given row and column
/inspirationslot   Activate an inspiration slot
/manage      Go to enhancement management screen

Power Execution Commands
/powerexec_abort   Cancels the auto-attack power and the queued power
/powerexec_altslot   Executes the given power slot from the alternate tray
/powerexec_auto   Sets the auto-attack power to given named power (or none to stop)
/powerexec_name   Executes a power with the given name
/powerexec_slot   Executes the given power slot from the current tray
/powerexec_unqueue   Cancels the queued power
/powexec_tray   Executes a power in the given tray and slot.

Replaceable Values
$target      Displays the targeted value.
$archetype   Displays the targeted archetype. 
$origin      Displays the targeted origin. 
$name      Displays the targeted name. 
$level      Displays the targeted level. 
$battlecry   Your character's battle cry will be used

Side Kicking
/sidekick or /sk   Invite player to be your sidekick
/sidekick_accept   Accepts sidekick invitation
/sidekick_decline   Declines sidekick invitation
/unsidekick or    No longer a mentor/sidekick

Super Group Commands
/demote      Demote super group member one rank
/namecaptainRenames the captain super group rank
/nameleader   Renames the leader super group rank
/namemember   Renames the member super group rank
/promote       Promote super group member one rank
/sg      Send a message to super group channel
/sg_accept   Accepts invitation to super group
/sg_decline   Declines invitation to super group
/sgcreate      Start a super group
/sgi or /sginvitev Invite player to join super group
/sgk      Kick player from super group
/sgkick      Kick player from super group
/sgleave      Leave your current super group
/sgsetcostume   Sets super group costume parameters
/sgsetmotd   Sets the super group MOTD
/sgsetmotto   Sets super group motto
/sgstats      Display super group info in chat window
/supergroup   Send a message to your super group channel

Team Commands
/i or /invite   Invites player to join a team
/k or /kick   Kicks a player from team
/leaveteam   Leave your current team 
/team      Sends a message to team channel
/team_accept   Accept team invitation
/team_decline   Decline team invitation
/team_kick_internalKicks player without warning
/team_quit_internalQuits team without warning
/team_select   Select team member
/team_task   Give the user the specified souvenir clue

Tray Commands
/goto_tray   Go to specified tray number
/next_tray   Go to next tray
/next_tray_alt   Go to next secondary tray
/prev_tray   Go to previous tray
/prev_tray_alt   Go to previous secondary tray

open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent


Posty: 6259
Dołączył(a): 30.07.2004
PostNapisane: 26 lis 2005, 12:04 
Daj zrodlo. Czasem wazna jest tez skladnia. Np. w tellu po imieniu trzeba dac przecinek z czym meczylem sie strasznie dlugo :)


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Posty: 13268
Dołączył(a): 7.11.2004
PostNapisane: 26 lis 2005, 13:56 
Nie mam zrodla, ale mam obiecane wczesniej emotki z ... /15242.php :
afriad - Cower in fear.
angry - Fists on hips and slouches forward, as if glaring or grumbling, holds stance
assumepositionwall – getting frisked
atease - Stands in the 'at ease' military position(legs spread out slightly, hands behind back)
attack - Gives a charge! type point, fists on hips stance
batsmash - Hit someone with a bat.
batsmashreact - React to getting hit with a bat.
bigwave(overhere) - Waves over the head, fists on hips stance
boombox - Summons forth a boombox (it just appears) and leans over to turn it on, stands up and does a sort of dance(boombox plays music(several different, short songs)) (SOUND)
bow - Chinese/Japanese style bow, holds bow stance
bowdown - Another bow.
burp - A raunchy belch, wipes mouth with arm afterwards, ape-like stance (SOUND)
buzzoff/goaway - Makes a go away gesture.
cheer - randomly does one of 3 cheers, 1 fist raised, 2 fists raised or 2 fists lowered, repeats
clap - claps hands several times, crossed arms stance (SOUND)
coin - Flips a coin, randomly displays heads or tails
cower - Cower in fear.
crossarms - Crosses arms, stance(sliiiiiightly different than most other crossed arm stances)
curseyou/noooo (that's 4 o's...) - Shaking fist.
dance - randomly does one of a few dances, for the sake of my sanity, I won't bother trying to describe them.
dice - picks up, shakes and rolls a die, randomly displays the results(1-6), default stance
disagree - shakes head, crosses hand in front, then offers an alternative, crossed arms stance
drat - Raises fists up, then down, stomping at the same time, same ending stance as frustrated
drumdance - Tuatha Drum dance.
evillaugh - Extremely melodramatic, overacted evil laugh
fancybow - A much more elegant, ball-room style bow, falls into neutral forward facing stance
fear - Cower in fear.
flashlight - Look around with a flashlight out
flex1 - fists raised, flexing arms stance
flex2(flex) - a side-stance flexing arms
flex3 - another side-stance, flexing arms
frustrated - Raises both fists and leans backwards, shaking fists and head, leads into a quick-breathing angry-looking stance
goaway/buzzoff - shoo! Begone, pest!
grief - Falls to knees, hands on forehead, looks up and gestures a sort of "why me?" look with hands, goes into a sort of depressed slump while on knees, holds stance
hand/talktohand - Hold hand out. Talk to the hand gesture.
handsup - 2 stances with hands up, standing and kneeling.
hi(wave) - simple greeting wave, fists on hips stance
holdtorch - produce burning torch and hold out
huh(shrug) - raises hands and cocks head in a classical "What?"/"I don't know" look, neutral
jumpingjacks - does jumping jacks (SOUND)
kneel - Quickly kneels(errm, if you wanna call it that) on both knees with hands on thighs(looks insanely incomfortable), holds stance
laptop - Summon a laptop and a tall, thin table to sit it on, and start typing
laugh - fists on hips, tosses head back and laughs
laugh2/laughtoo - Another laugh
lecture - Waves/shakes hands in different motions in a lengthy lecture, fists on hips stance
ledgesit - Sit with legs over the edge of whatever you're standing on. Instant leg amputation if you're standing on the ground. 2-postures.
martialarts/kata - Warm up/practice punches and blocks (SOUND)
militarysalute - Stands in the military-style heads-high hand on forehead salute stance
monologue - ??? does this work? Conflicting reports. Simliar to Lecture.
muahahaha - Evil Laugh
newspaper - Materializes a newspaper(don't ask) and reads it.
no - shakes head and waves hands in front of character, crossed arms stance
nod - Fists on hips, nod affirmatively, hold stance
panhandle - begs.
peerin - Make hand binoculars and look
point - Extends left arm and points in direction char is facing
protest - Hold hold up one of several randomly selected mostly unreadable protest signs
research - Pull out book and begin consulting it while making gestures in the air with other
roar - Claws air, roaring, ape-like stance (SOUND)
rock/paper/scissors - plays rock/paper/scissors, picking your choice(displays RPS for about 6-seconds, then displays your choice)
salute - A hand-on-forehead salute, fists on hips stance
scared - Cower in fear.
score1 to score10 - Holds a black on white scorecard up, ranging from 1-10 as specified, holds
shucks - Swings fist and head dejectedly, neutral forward facing stance(not the default stance, same as huh/shrug)
sit - Sits down, legs forward, with knees bent, elbows on knees, and slightly slumped over,
slap - Slap someone.
slapreact - React to getting slapped
slash/slashthroat - Slashing motion across throat
smack - Backhand slap
stop(raisehand) - Raises your right hand above your head, stance(use in tangent with attack, ie: "s Wait for my signal to attack$$e stop" & "s Attack!$$e attack")
surrender - 2 stances with hands up, standing and kneeling.
tarzan - Beats chest and howls, angry-looking stance (SOUND)
taunt1 - Taunts, beckoning with one hand, then slaps fist into palm, repeating stance (SOUND)
taunt2(taunt) - Taunts, beckoning with both hands, combat stance (SOUND)
thanks(thankyou) - gestures with hand, neutral forward facing stance **NOTE** current build on live will do bow for thanks(thankyou doesn't exist yet)
thewave - Does the wave(I assume you know what this is...), neutral facing forward stance
threathand/smackyou - Threaten to Smack someone.
victory - Raises hands excitedly, and then again less excitedly, and then a third time almost non-chalantly, falls into neutral forward facing stance
walllean - Casual wall lean. 2 postures.
wavefist - Waves fist, hoots and then claps(its a cheer), crossed arms stance (SOUND)
welcome - Open arms welcomely, fists on hips stance
whistle - Whistles(sounds like a police whistle), ready-stance. (SOUND)
winner - Fist in fist cheer, right, and then left, neutral forward facing stance, but apparently
yatayata - make blah blah blah gesture with hand, look bored... "is he STILL talking?"]
yes(thumbsup) - Big(literally) thumbs up and an affirmative nod, fists on hips stance
yoga - Sits down cross legged with hands on knees/legs, holds stance
yourewelcome - bows head and gestures with hand, neutral forward facing stance

open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent
open your mind for the serpent

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