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Posty: 508
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 27 paź 2002, 22:33 
Na poczatek postne tutaj moze ktos bedzie zainterestowany , za pare dni postne na tradespot:

This is the list of items i have for sale on Siege Perilous shard.
I accept only rl $ offers. Payment by paypal.
If you intersted in any of these stuff msg me on icq #2802685 with your questions or offers.

"***" - items that are mostly worth of attention

>>> blessed stuff:

*** 1x evil orc mask /blessed/
*** 1x evil sandals /blessed/
*** 1x black sandals /blessed/

>>> revards:

flaming head
banner deed

ratman statue
lich statue
gargoyle statue
deamon statue
zombie statue
dragon statue
cow statue

valorite robe

*** 1x set of ethernal mounts /horse, lama , ostard/

>>> rares:

2x small flowerpot
3x medium flowerpot
** 3x large potted tree
1x medium potted tree

2x bucket of water
1x light

*** 1x full set of deamon armour /including helmet rare/

3x old styled lockpics

8x whispering rose

1x rope

1x arrow shafts
3x holiday tree deed
5x snow pile

3x pink champagne

2x happy 300th anniversary bags /full/
1x ask and be answered crystall ball
2x jenna hangover remedy

4x crystall ball /snowy scene of/
12x holiday bells
5x statue of ...

>>> daily's:
11x rock
6x rocks
6x full jars
10x candle
2x hay
12x closed barrel
8x open basket
2x fruit basket

>>> pp hearo/evil stuff:

2x hero spellbook
3x evil spellbook

** 2x hero robe /newbie/
1x hero robe
** 1x evil robe /newbie/
1x evil apron

2x hero orc mask
2x hero deer mask
1x hero bear mask
2x hero tribal masks /both types/

1x evil deer mask
1x evil bear mask

2x hero sandals

*** 1x hero floppy hat /newbie/
*** 1x hero fancy shirt /newbie/
*** 1x hero long pants /newbie/
*** 1x hero shoes /newbie/

1x evil bone helmet
1x hero bone helmet
1x evil orc helm
1x hero orc helm

**1x hero dyed full bone armor

>>> misc:
stag trophy
orc trophy
white bear trophy

icq #2802685

Kiyote aka Gudluk
Nudzilo mi sie chyba

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