Facing the current problems of inactivity and the loss of the core members that gave =O= it's past glory (Astax, Ash, Ferg, Kiy, etc.), I tried hard to keep a solid core of members. Because let's face it, we can barely put up a force to do spawns. Without a main core of members, new people just won't join. I have looked around for quality people to recruit, and everywhere I got the same answer: =O= is inactive.
1- We could either tell ash and astax to get their asses back on Sp, which I seriously doubt will work.
2-UDL has asked us about a month ago if we were interested into becoming a small squad inside them, we would not be "slaves" and this would give us the opportunity to do more scroll huntings and get us up to date, yet that may mean being UDL will mean submitting to UDL's foreign policies ie: becoming ally with GC.
The good sides of this are obviously:
-Action for anyone who logs in almost at any time of the day he is assured to find someone else online, a bit like the previous =O=. (That is a must, playing alone is not even an idea anymore)
-An opportunity to finaly do scrolls, AND harrowers.
The down sides:
-The loss of the old =O= legacy and freedom (but let's face it, without Ash astax and ferg and the others, what can we accomplish starting from scratch? In my opinion we'd only tarnish the name of the once glorious outcasts.
-Same Alliances as UDL's (GC as allies...)
-We stay Minax (Xerxes

3-Or we can stay as we are now, frail and vulnerable, and try to build a new =O=. If that is what you guys truly want, then i'm stepping down, for I have tried and I believe it's not possible.
It's time to say what you think now, fellows!
What do we do?
1? 2? 3?
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Berrillion dnia 2002-12-09 18:04 ]</font>