FAQ gry z VN boards - wklejam go bo link moze nie pozyc za dlugo
Launch Problems and Technical Improvements
To get the patch without having to use the patch server go here
With the Radeon cards you have to install the Catylyst 3.0 drivers to play Shadowbane. Goto ATI's homepage, drivers section - click your operating system, and click Archived Drivers - you will find the Catalyst 3.0 driver - this is causing your font problems.
UWAGA: U mnie lepiej sie sprawuja drivery Omega Plutonium (ATI).
Graphical Changes for Increased Performance
(ta czesc mi bardzo pomogla - fps skoczylo z 40 na 60 po zastosowaniu sie do zalecen)
Within your Shadowbane directory, there is a CONFIG directory, within this, is a main configuration file called "ArcanePref.cfg". This file is critical to the operation of the game, and as such, it allows you to tweak settings, and sometimes dramatically improve performance in Shadowbane. Just click on the ArcanePref file, then pick WORDPAD to open it up.. Below is the settings in it, and ones I recommend you adjust/tweak.
They key settings, and what I recommend you set them as are:
RESOLUTION= 1152 864 (Obviously change these to match what you like)
UWAGA: przy rozdzielczosciach "niepelnych" i full screenie potrafi sie pieprzyc grafika po "Alt+TAB". A ze warto w trakcie grania podgladac mapy na WWW etc lepiej albo odpalac gre w 1024x768 albo w 1280x1024. U mnie gra chodzi SZYBCIEJ w 1280x1024 niz w 1152x864.
REFRESH= 120 (Set this at whatever your system can handle, for some reason, it defaults at -1 )
UWAGA: dla posiadaczy LCD
Max 60.
VIDEOSETTINGSVALIDATION= 1152x864@120Hz (Change this to match your system, and what you like)
COMPRESSTEXTURES= TRUE (some really bad graphic cards this might work better False)
UWAGA: dla wszystkich kart ATI ustaw FALSE - ATI karty robia kompresje default i nie powinno sie tego dublowac.
TERRAINDETAIL= 0 (this one is CRITICAL for speeding up terrain loads, and doesn't effect quality of graphics noticably)
USEHARDWAREGENERATEMIPMAPS= TRUE (ATI users I believe want this as FALSE, NVIDIA should have it TRUE)
USEMESHCACHE= FALSE 20560 (This should be FALSE for Nvidia users, ATI users set this to TRUE. Ingame, user /meshcache optimized 1024 command from within the game to toggle it)
DYNAMICLIGHTING= 0 (I find setting this to 0 can make a huge difference in FPS on some machines)
PATHFINDING= TRUE (a must to have on IMHO)
TERRAINDETAIL= 0 i've had people tell me they have seen a 100% improvement in the game after changing this.. Others have told me, that it completely fixed the slow loading terrain on their machine..
-Tkobra (All kudos go to him).
ShadowBane General Information
Shadowbane General Board FAQ (submitted by Sidheog)
1. Is the world map the same as in beta?
2. Are all the initial world maps the same?
Yes. Wolfpack admitted that they didn't complete alternate world maps in time for release, but that they are working on developing that feature for the future. For a decent starter map, see:
http://www.sevendeadlysins-sb.com/cgi-b ... 1048462432
3. Can you travel between servers?
No. Wolfpack said that they intend to implement this, but as of release it wasn't finished.
4. What is the death penalty?
*You drop all items in your loot inventory into a grave marker. Items that are equipped are not dropped.
*You are covered in a death shroud and respawn at your bind point or a ruin site. The death shroud carries a -100% to attack and defense, -50% to damage, and does not allow spell casting. It lasts 200 and some seconds. (I can't remember the exact number, somewhere around 250 I think.)
Starting with level 10, you get all of the above plus:
*A loss of experience points determined by your level in relation to the monster that killed you. The higher the monster, the lower the penalty. You never lose a level.
*Items that you are wearing take damage to their durability and need to be repaired at a vendor/smith. If an item is not repaired, it disintegrates when it sustains a cumulative damage total equal to its durability.
Your grave can be looted by anyone in the game, regardless of what or who killed you. Although not directly a penalty, it can be if you don't have friends to help you.
5. Do the resurrection spells bring you back to life?
No. The resurrection spells are cast on your grave to regain some of the lost experience points from death.
6. So I have to run back from my spawn point everytime that I die?
Yes. Unless someone casts a summon spell on you to teleport you to your location.
7. Where is the detailed listing of spells that tells me the exact specifics as of version 1.0?
At the moment there isn't one. Wait for the strategy guide or about 1-2 weeks for the fan sites to update their material.
8. What do the Attributes do?
I'll tell you what I learned from the boards and playing. (I was in beta, but specifics are a rarity atm.)
STR- Affects melee damage. Increasing STR increases your armor skills and some weapon skills. Can affect your ATR on melee weapons, roughly 1 ATR per 2 points of STR.
DEX- Affects melee damage. You get 2 points of Defense rating for every 1 point of DEX raised. Affects your ATR, roughly 1 ATR per 2 DEX on melee weapons and spells. (Note that wearing armor lowers your DEX, by as much as 20-25% in heavy armor.) Increasing DEX increases your skills with some weapons.
CON- Affects health (hit points) and stamina. (Stamina is used for running and for special combat maneuvers.)
INT- Raises your skills by 1% for roughly every 7 points of INT raised. (This number is debated, but it seems to work as a good rough estimate.) Increases the amount that a healing or damaging spell does. Affects your max skill % by an equation that I can't remember. (Something like x + INT = %)
SPI- Increases your mana pool. Increases the amount that a healing or damaging spell does. Raises your spell skills by roughly 1% for every 10 or 11 points of SPI raised.
That's what I remember from beta. Now I want to caution people that these are estimates by beta testers and not the gospel. (i.e. things could work slightly different) However, this will give you at least a basis to start from when planning your character.
9. Why can't Europeans play the game?
Because the distribution company in Europe fell through. Wolf Pack is working on getting a new company to carry it in Europe, but at the moment have not announced finding one. In the mean-time, some people have suggested that it is possible to play from Europe as long as you have someone in North America pay your billing.
10. Is movement really point and click on the mouse only?
Yes. Wolf Pack said that they did this to eliminate some lag. Believe them or don't, but that's their answer.
11. Is there a level limit?
Yes and no. There is a "soft cap" at level 60.
12. How fast can I get to the 50's or level 60?
It depends on two things:
A. Your play style.
B. Whether or not you have a strong set of groups or have to solo go it.
Reports from power gaming guilds say that you can cap in 80-100 hours (sometimes faster) and I personally saw people hit 40 easily within 72 hours of servers coming up rom wipes.
13. Can a casual gamer play SB?
Yes. However, you'll probably only enjoy it if you join a guild and you won't be able to be involved in the management of a city.
14. What's the deal with crafting?
It is now handled by hiring NPC's instead of doing trade skills as a player character.
Friend's List
Hit ESC, bring up the menu, click on "Guild Options", then click on "Heraldry".
Then drag the crest off the person you want to add to the friends list, and drop it into the Heraldry list.
This will keep a list of all of your pals, and contacts, and what guild/city they belong too.
-Tkobra (thanks!)
How to Script in SB
Go to settings-> hot keys -> bind macros.
Bind '/usepower "powername" ranknumber'
So, if I were a channeler I would bind '/usepower "hoarfrost" 1' to cast the power at rank one. Then I choose my target, and press whatever key I bound it to and it will cast a Hoarfrost at rank 1. PLEASE NOTE, both mana costs and damage WILL be per the rank you set, and you cannot use a rank higher than you have trained.
Additional Scripting Commands:
You can use any /command in a macro, so /soc 38 would do social animation #38, /say would do a /say, /tell would do a /tell, etc.
Scripting Multiple Commands on one key:
Make a file called foo.dat. In that file put the commands, each one on a seperate line, so for example.
/soc 38
/usepower "mage bolt" 10
/say "feel the burn"
Save this file in a folder called scripts under your sb directory. You'll have to create the /scripts folder.
Then in the bound macro, or at your normal console, type /script foo.dat, and it will run that script.
Note some of these commands are CCR commands, but what the heck ļ
-Lelobadaboom (Thanks!)
Starter Map (submitted by Kestrel 9)
http://www.sevendeadlysins-sb.com/cgi-b ... 1048462432
Alternate Download Sites For Starter Map
Alternate download site (submitted by Sidheog):