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Posty: 593
Dołączył(a): 21.08.2002
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2003, 02:05 
Session Start: Tue Jun 17 02:04:12 2003
[02:04] *** Now talking in #shadowbane
[02:04] *** Topic is 'Shadowbane Community Chat, Monday June 16th, 7pm || Watch Excessive Caps in the room and try to stay on the topic of Shadowbane. Thank you || || Latest in-testing patch notes: '

[02:04] <Dariuas> *Draxinum* can we have a guestimate on when Respec is coming?
[02:04] <Ubiq> We are coding the UI today, after which it will enter testing. Provided that testing goes well, it will enter in the next patch (not tomorrow's, the next one)
[02:06] <Dariuas> Theify* Question 2, Is it possible to know which items/gold is duped and which is not? Ie can we expect a fix.
[02:07] <Vosx> Yes, we have teh ability to track items from the initial act if duplication and trace them down. We should have a fix for this extremely soon!
[02:08] <Dariuas> Please be sure to msg Brannoc, or Nuke with your questions. Any questions sent to myself Vosx, or Ubiq will be ignored.
[02:08] <Vosx> We will be doing a large investigation across all of the servers for those who actually used the dupe, and we can trace it
[02:08] <Vosx> That is really all I am going to say until the Official Investigation starts picking up and I am allowed to clarify more
[02:10] <Dariuas> Guys try to stay away from questions that are..... generic. Ask new stuff! Come on, we can all read a website! Lets get the news flowin! (Try to get as much info about new crap as ya can! Best question wins a date with me!)
[02:11] <Dariuas> *Alkun|Alukarsh* Are there plans for dungeons? Is it in game tech to allow Riding Horses? Can we plan on more skills/powers/races/classes?
[02:12] <Ubiq> There are plans for dungeons, but no timetable at this time. A significant amount of work has already been done for them
[02:13] <Ubiq> However, they will require dedicated server programmers to fix the outstanding issues with them, and right now our server programmers are obviously focusing on more pressing issues.
[02:13] <Ubiq> Riding mounts is definitely feasible in our engine, again no timetable.
[02:14] <Ubiq> New powers/races/classes are definitely in the future of Shadowbane, and are likely to occur sooner than the other two.
[02:15] <Dariuas> *BigBird* please talk about respeccing. When will it be implemented, what will it cost, will it work on attribute points, can attribute runes be removed
[02:15] <Ubiq> I've already talked about when it will be implemented (it's being implemented at this very moment by the guy two doors down from me).
[02:15] <Vosx> Retraining is actually a very good system, but at this time it is limited to skills
[02:16] <Vosx> Basically, you will go to a trainer and he will charge you to un-learn points you have invested
[02:16] <Ubiq> What it will cost: the current values are it will cost 1000 gp to untrain a skill. Every time you do so, that price will double
[02:16] <Ubiq> 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000, etc....
[02:16] <Ubiq> However, every day, that price will cut in half (minimum 1000).
[02:17] <Ubiq> So you can either undo minor errors easily
[02:17] <Ubiq> Or with either great patience or a massive amount of gold, reinvent your character.
[02:17] <Ubiq> (Of course, you'll probably be somewhat gimpy while 'in transition')
[02:18] <Ubiq> Attributes will not be included in this version of the system (we wanted to get something to you as quickly as we could), but will in the future.
[02:18] <Ubiq> At this time, there are no plans to include found runes or trait runes in the system. I may look at that in the future based upon demand.
[02:19] <Dariuas> Please send your questions ONLY to Brannoc AbombPK, or Nuke!
[02:19] <Dariuas> *Spawl* What are the priorities in order for the development staff as they stand right now? (ie. problems, expansion, etc.)
[02:19] <Vosx> Our absolute priority at this point and time is our service issues like the Login servers and lag. This also includes other related login problems like character locking. We are focused extremely hard on putting these problems behind us forever.
[02:20] <Vosx> At the same time we are also working on improving our communication across all channels to the users, working on making the [02:21] <Vosx> We will be adding new content and features to the game very soon. Believe me we all have huge plans for the future of Shadowbane, and we will be sure it meets its potential.
[02:21] <Dariuas> TBW-Raibaru* What changes are in store for the Sundancer?
[02:21] <Ubiq> There are a number of changes. The most significant is that they will get items to occupy the 'weapon' slots (which are both cool and fit with the lore).
[02:22] <Ubiq> This will (a) make ambidexterity start working for them and (b) get weapon enchantment bonuses.
[02:22] <Ubiq> These changes are entering testing 'soon' and hopefully will make their way to you in the next patch.
[02:22] <Dariuas> *Graff* a question: Since there have been so many problems with the launch of Shadowbane, will any consideration be given to people who signed on for a year and have not been able to fully use their subscriptions?
[02:22] <Ubiq> Next = not tomorrows.
[02:25] <Vosx> If it comes to that, Ubi Soft will do whatever it takes to make things right by you. It has been tough that many of our fans have become a little jaded and are considering giving up a year subscription. I would advocate that they wait a little longer. We are in no shape or form giving up. This game is going to be great and that investment in us means a lot. We aren&#8217;t ready to throw in the towel yet. But if you are, we will work something out I assure you.
[02:26] <Vosx> Its understandable when we have had some frsutrating problems, but I think we are going to be worth it, You made the right decision by choosing Shadowbane. We plan on proving it to you.
[02:26] <Dariuas> *Satyana* Q: are there any plans in the works to increase radar and/or visual sight range of players/mobs?
[02:26] <Ubiq> We are looking into it. However, the larger the radius, the more messages that are being sent, which means the more lag there will be in crowded scenes. It's a non-trivial change, with large ramifications if we slap it in. But we grok that you guys need a larger radius.
[02:26] <Ubiq> So call that a "Yes, but..."
[02:28] <Dariuas>  *[mv]Serivahn* What steps are being take in tommorro's patch to reduce lag, and will the reduction be noticable
[02:29] <Ubiq> While there were some improvements, nothing in tomorrow's patch should have as noticeable an effect as the hotfix that occurred today.
[02:30] <Ubiq> That being said, lag (especially those huge lag spikes) remain the top priority of our server programmers now.
[02:31] <Dariuas>  *[GCWA]Rob* Could you please outline your plans on how to combat dupers, and restoring a ruined state of economy caused by these bugs. This could also include some dates you plan on having the bugs fixed by.
[02:31] <Ubiq> The long and the short of it is that we know what causes the problem, but it's a non-trivial fix, so we are considering both how to fix the problem long-term, as well as what short-term solutions we can offer to immediately improve the quality of play.
[02:33] <Vosx> We know all too well duping can have a serious impact on game balance and the economy. What exact steps we will be taking concerning this can not exactly be revealed at this point and time. We do understand the problems and the effects and we will be doing all we can to punish those responsible, and restore balance to the game as best we can. That&#8217;s all I can say.
[02:33] <Dariuas> *Tzung* In the past, UBI/WP have sometimes been silent when issues arise. Can we expect more communication from UBI/WP in the future? Even if the communication is something similar to "We still have an issue, and are still working on it"
[02:34] <Vosx> This one issue strikes home with me - since its my responsability to communicate.
[02:35] <Vosx> We are working hard on improving 24/7 communications from departments service issues. It is tough for users and tough for devs. We know we can do better and we will try to find a way to be better at this.
[02:35] <Vosx> At this point
[02:36] <Vosx> We are looking into a Service center that can be updated by technical and CCR staff around the clock. Right now, its a phone call to me at 3 AM on Sunday and as you can see - that isn't going as well as it could.
[02:36] <Vosx> Anyway - we are going to do better.
[02:39] <Dariuas> *hojo* are there plans for interserver travel? what was the meaning of the @server during beta?
[02:39] <Ubiq> Yes, there are still plans for interserver travel. I have a timetable in mind for it, but am not willing to share it yet :wink:
[02:39] <Ubiq> The @server was interserver travel 'working' in beta
[02:40] <Ubiq> I.e when you show up on another server, your name gains that suffix (i.e. 'Ubiq@Carnage'). This is to keep name uniqueness.
[02:41] <Ubiq> Anyway, we still want to do it, but there are some outstanding design questions we need to answer, and it takes the attention of our aforementioned-very-busy server programmers to do.
[02:41] <Vosx> We actually had this happen right after launch. A few of our users used the Runegates and ended up on a new server by accident. Was quit funny actually and the users got a kick out of it. Like you guys, we are really excited by this upcoming feature.
[02:41] <Dariuas> *TBW-Raibaru* Question: Many people talk about the rogue assassin being "gimped". Are there any hopes to give this class some changes later on? Perhaps %Damage based backstabs where assassins do more then thieves? How about Backstabs that dont miss?
[02:42] <Ubiq> I couldn't tell you that off the top of my head. One of my designers, every month, targets two or three classes or disciplines for 'love'
[02:42] <Ubiq> For example, tomorrow's patch is Templars, and the next patch will help out Warlocks and Sundancers.
[02:43] <Ubiq> She probably knows when and how she is going to address 'em, but I'm not privy to that off the top of my head.
[02:43] <Ubiq> As for thieves vs. assassins, I think I'd be lynched if I did that right now. =/
[02:44] <Dariuas> *TBW-Raibaru* Will something be done to stop the rampant SB.EXE errors? Many battle that involve more then 10 ppl are filled with these. Can we hope to see a game based around large nation sieges
[02:45] <Vosx> Yes! You can certainly hope to participate in large sieges without a ton of SB.exe errors. Each patch we publish Wolfpack closes down more and more of these errors. We are getting closer to eradicating this problem for good. It really helps for you to use the /feedback and /bug features of the game to report these errors when they occur. If you can take a recording of them that will also help us a great deal. Read the FAQ for more info on submitting recorders t
[02:46] <Ubiq> The patch that we're submitting tomorrow should have a couple of key fixes. They should affect mostly Win98 users as well as situations with a lot of text flying around.
[02:47] <Ubiq> Both were deeply insidious driver bugs.
[02:47] <Ubiq> Also, as Vosx pointed out, we have IMPROVED the recorder to help us take even better recordings for providing information in debugging these bugs
[02:47] <Ubiq> So if after the patch you're still getting problems, PLEASE take the time to take a recording and send it in.
[02:48] <Ubiq> Lastly, we have discovered something new: some ATI cards and Win98 don't play nicely together.
[02:48] <Ubiq> In fact, you may find that your ATI card doesn't even have Win98 on the box!
[02:48] <Ubiq> We are still tracing down issues with Win98+ATI, there will be more information on this soon, hopefully.
[02:52] <Dariuas> Ok folks we are down to our final question. :wink:
[02:52] <Dariuas> Have patience.
[02:52] <Dariuas> It'll be good :razz:
[02:55] <Dariuas> We saw Vosx talk about 'Guild Boards'. What the hell is that supposed to be?"
[02:55] <Ubiq> Well, it's like this....
[02:56] <Ubiq> So far, the grand majority of 'disappearing trees and city building' bug reports have turned out to be screw jobs from inside the guild.
[02:57] <Ubiq> This is unfortunate, since it takes us a long time to investigate and respond to reports of city problems
[02:57] <Ubiq> 'Guild Boards' will basically record activity about your guild assets - i.e. when a tree decayed, why, who deposited gold, who withdrew it, etc.
[02:58] <Ubiq> So that there will be _accountability_ inside of a guild.
[02:58] <Ubiq> It's still in the design phase, but is something I hope we can get to you guys in short order.
[03:00] <Dariuas> Well guys!
[03:00] <Dariuas> That's it for our 20 minute Dev Chat!
[03:00] <Dariuas> But wait! There's mroe
[03:00] <Dariuas> more
[03:00] <Vosx> Just wanted to say a few parting words!
[03:00] <Dariuas> Act now and you'll recieve a free message from Vosx
[03:00] <Vosx> We have a lot of great ideas about the future of Shadowbane in the next weeks and months. There are a lot of surprises just around the corner.
[03:01] <Vosx> Thank you for sticking by us these past weeks when things have seemed unbearable. It means a lot to us to have your support, and I promise you that we plan on earning every bit of it.
[03:01] <Vosx> For those of our fans that have left the game or un-subscribed. We have not given up on you either. We won&#8217;t rest until every one of you are back in the game and crushing like you know you should be.
[03:01] * Dariuas crushs Vosx.
[03:01] <Vosx> Long live Shadowbane - see ya on the forums! Which by the way will allow you to change your display name sometime this week =)
[03:02] <Vosx> Good Night! Thanks Stratics and Dar!


Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2003, 10:29 
Nie ma slowa o lukach i scoutach :


Posty: 6032
Dołączył(a): 13.11.2001
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2003, 10:51 
Mam nadzieje ze nie poprawia dmg scoutow bo jest ok.
Bawimy sie od jakiegos czasu w PKowanie i:
- nikt mnie jeszcze nie dogonil
- nikt mi jeszcze nie uciekl

Do tego na 35 lev (bo na tym stanelismy) zdejmujesz kazdego maga R5, revealujesz "personal" kazdego stealthera <35 lev i revealujesz "global" wszystko.

Nie ma kurde drugiej tak dobrej klasy - jesli jeszcze mieliby zwiekszysc scoutowi dmg to niedlugo wogole nie byloby thiefow i assasinow :smile:

Mi osobiscie taki uklad jak jest bardzo odpowiada.

Jestem fanem PiS (Piachów i Szutrów)


Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2003, 11:05 
No mozliwe, bo widzialem jak ash walczyl swoim dagger scoutem, ale ja mowie o bow scoucie. To jest calkiem inna historia : Nie mowie, ze nie zabije nim niczego, bo zabijalem wiele klas i gdyby nie brak staminy, to pewnie zabilbym i warriora, ale dmg jest jednak smieszny w porownaniu do innych broni/klas.


Posty: 6032
Dołączył(a): 13.11.2001
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2003, 11:25 
I chwala bogu - inaczej scoutow by bylo wiecej a to by byla tragedia :grin:
Nie probowalem bow scouta bo zalozylem sobie ze to ma byc PK. Ale zarowno Irekei-Scout-Sundancer jak i Elf-Scout-BW (z duza iloscia con) sie sprawdzaja swietnie.
Tyle ze BW Scouta trzeba dociagnac do 40 lev zeby miec power block a to juz u mnie odpadalo ze wzgledu na to, ze nie chcielismy robic sobie gildii tylko skakac po NPC.

Jestem fanem PiS (Piachów i Szutrów)


Posty: 593
Dołączył(a): 21.08.2002
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2003, 12:30 
Mnie najbardziej rozwalil system respecu. Spodziewalem sie niezlych cen, ale nie (2^50 - 1) * 10^3 golda za 50 punktow w jeden dzien :>.


Posty: 6032
Dołączył(a): 13.11.2001
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2003, 12:40 
System nie jest zly.
Nie kumam tylko czy to dotyczy obojetne czy jednego czy kilku skili.
Jesli chcesz zdjac 40 punktow ktore wladowales w cos to potrzeba na to z grubsza miesiaca (zeby to robic po najnizszym koszcie).
Ale jesli dla kazdego skila jest to traktowane oddzielnie to zeby zmienic ich 5 tez potrzeba miesiaca.
Poza tym male zmiany (np. -5 punktow) mozna robic natychmiast.
Wiec tak naprawde nie ma tragedii a wielu to bedzie pasowalo (ROT is back :smile:)

Jestem fanem PiS (Piachów i Szutrów)


Posty: 593
Dołączył(a): 21.08.2002
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2003, 13:30 
Wydaje mi sie, ze bedzie to liczone wspolnie, a nie oddzielnie...

W kazdym razie zeby pozbyc sie LA bede musial albo wydac duzo kasy, albo robic to przez ~2 miesiace :/.


Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2003, 13:34 
I chwala bogu - inaczej scoutow by bylo wiecej a to by byla tragedia

Tyle co channelerow? No raczej chyba nie... Na poczatku scoutow bylo sporo, ale jak sie ludzie dowiedzieli jaka to smierdzaca klasa (! bow scout), to zaczeli masowo robic healer/nukerow...


Posty: 6032
Dołączył(a): 13.11.2001
PostNapisane: 17 cze 2003, 13:45 
No dmg ma slaby ale kto powiedzial ze on musi uzywac luku.
Jak korzystasz z sundancera to majac 3 power bloki i 2 stuny zaden caster nie rzuci zadnego spell'a :smile:
Przy BW powinno byc podobnie.

Jestem fanem PiS (Piachów i Szutrów)


Posty: 593
Dołączył(a): 21.08.2002
PostNapisane: 9 lip 2003, 14:34 
Cytuj ... efiner.htm :grin:


Posty: 593
Dołączył(a): 21.08.2002
PostNapisane: 9 lip 2003, 21:03 
Info o nowym duzym patchu: ... tnotes.htm :grin:

Zabraklo tylko akapitu "New bugs" =).

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