How to Script in SB
Go to settings-> hot keys -> bind macros.
Bind '/usepower "powername" ranknumber'
So, if I were a channeler I would bind '/usepower "hoarfrost" 1' to cast the power at rank one. Then I choose my target, and press whatever key I bound it to and it will cast a Hoarfrost at rank 1. PLEASE NOTE, both mana costs and damage WILL be per the rank you set, and you cannot use a rank higher than you have trained.
Additional Scripting Commands:
You can use any /command in a macro, so /soc 38 would do social animation #38, /say would do a /say, /tell would do a /tell, etc.
Scripting Multiple Commands on one key:
Make a file called foo.dat. In that file put the commands, each one on a seperate line, so for example.
/soc 38
/usepower "mage bolt" 10
/say "feel the burn"
Save this file in a folder called scripts under your sb directory. You'll have to create the /scripts folder.
Then in the bound macro, or at your normal console, type /script foo.dat, and it will run that script.