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Posty: 6914
Dołączył(a): 26.01.2003
PostNapisane: 27 lut 2004, 16:25 
Szczegolnie interesujacy jest Asian Theme :<. Mam nadzieje, ze jednak to bedzie Rosyjski theme (wiecej wodki, uszatki, british stanie sie 1 sekretarzem...) niz 'Zoltkowy' - bo wtedy zobaczymy cos w stylu Ragnaroka czy innego Knight Online ;(.

Chat Log With The Devs

Thanks to my wonderful investigator McFeely:

Users on: MisterMcFeely

Topic: General Discussion

<Sannio> It's too early in development to give out all the details of the

<Sannio> I'll relate some basic details, for those who haven't heard about it...

<Sannio> An Asian theme, two new professions, no new housing locations but new
customization themes, and a new land to adventure in.

<Sannio> That and the PvP updates we mentioned earlier.

<Kehleyr> *JustaGirl* Will we be seeing new wall types (ie the walls in doom)
Maybe a darker feel?

<Hanse> Actually, the expansion does mention more housing decorations.

<Hanse> I haven't seen an exact list of those decorations.

<Hanse> I was in charge of adding the last few graphics (as well as drew some)
in the last two expansions.

<Hanse> So, we really don't know at this time... It could be walls, fish tanks,
more fountains, anything... with the asian theme, it may be along those lines...

<Hanse> The walls in Doom and Umbra are simply re-hued existing walls, though.
They aren't available to be used in housing. We'd have to add new artwork to get
that to work.

<Kehleyr> *Arislan-TC* Is there any information on who is leaving the dev team
with the move to Redwood Shores, CA? Conversely who is staying with EA?

<MrTact> It's too early in development . . .

<MrTact> But seriously

<MrTact> We've really just started that whole process. I will say that almost
everyone on the dev team is getting an offer to be moved.

<MrTact> The executive team has been very adamant about their support of UO and
their desire to see us all continue on in Redwood Shores, which was one really
positive thing that has come out of this (for me, at least)

<MrTact> As for the end result, many of us will be travelling out there soon to
look at housing options, see the EARS campus etc. etc.

<MrTact> So it will probably be about two weeks before we can answer that
question definitively.

<Kehleyr> *Bilbo* I Think i heard in an interview with Sunsword before AoS came
out that there are over 100 diffrent artifacts that spawn in Doom right now
there are around ~60, also in a later Dev Chat I heard mentioned that others
would be added later to keep things fresh, any ideas if there will be new items
spawning for thiefs or at Guanlet?

<Hanse> As with any system (bod's, skills, magic, loot, creatures), each one has
folks demanding our attention.

<Hanse> We do want to do more rares, but do not have anything planned.

<Hanse> Most likely, we wouldn't keep it limited to Doom, if we did more,

<Kehleyr> *Bilbo* Are there any plans to bring back the Event Modorators at this

<Sannio> Yes, we have plans to bring back the Event Moderators, but I don't have
any details (such as a schedule).

<Sannio> There's still some things that have to be worked out, but we're looking
forward to delivering "hand crafted" events once again.

<Kehleyr> *Hotaru-Chan* How will the relocation of OSI team members affect the
over all production of UO? Can we expect a schedual of updates like sunsword had
mentioned, or will the relocation put a kink in those plans?

<MrTact> You can expect that it will have at least some impact, yes.

<MrTact> The ideal circumstance would be that everyone ends up moving, in which
case it'll just be a speedbump.

<MrTact> If more people opt to stay in Austin, or whatever, then some hiring and
ramp-up time will have to be factored in.

<MrTact> Pretty much what you would expect, I guess.

<Kehleyr> *Allworth* Has there been any Investigation into the abundance of
client crashes that happen in Doom?

<OSI_Speedman> I know that Fertbert is trying to set aside some time to look
into this

<OSI_Speedman> It's definitely high up on our priority list

<Kehleyr> *JoO* What can you tell us about "Regents" and the various messages
found in the latest patch. IE Doom will become a pvp zone in 60 minutes.

<MrTact> We live to torment you

<Hanse> Tis a figment of your imagination... Pay no attention to the man behind
the curtains...

<OSI_Speedman> Apparently Ferrets power the game... I wonder who put that in?

<Kehleyr> *DevinWoods* Is it safe to assume that between now and the release of
the next expansion it is likely the publishes will be focused on bugfixes only?
In other words, are there plans for new content before the expansion's release?

<Hanse> The designers work on content docs for the game for areas of the game
we're passionate about.

<Hanse> IF we get time to develop them, convince management, etc... we sometimes
slip in new content.

<Hanse> Other than that, we sometimes are specifically given content for
publishes (which, has not occured yet...due to obvious hiccups)...

<Hanse> So, I can say almost certainly.

<Hanse> I can't comment on what will go in, though.

<Kehleyr> *Einstein* Is there any progress vs Speedhackers, script looters, and
other cheaters?

<OSI_Speedman> Short answer is yes

<OSI_Speedman> I have a fix ready to be tested to address speedhacking

<OSI_Speedman> It's currently in Publish 24, but the release date for that is
rather sketchy

<OSI_Speedman> As for script looting, it's on the radar

<Kehleyr> *Zilor* Will there be any new items to craft for Carpenters, Tinkers,
Alchemists, and Inscribers in the next expansion?

<Hanse> Last I heard...yes...

<Hanse> I can't comment on what yet, though.

<Hanse> I can comment it should be extensive.

<Kehleyr> *JustaGirl* Sannio.. Your house located in Fel on Chesapeake.. Its so
empty and lonely.. I am more than willing to give it a good home! Care to sell

<Sannio> It's true that my official OSI account owns one house on Chesapeake,
but it's not for trade or sale.

<Sannio> I'm just the caretaker for Mazrim, an evil fellow who needed some help
maintaining his large tower while he was on vacation.

<Sannio> Mazrim is the one true owner of that building, sorry. :]

<Kehleyr> *thestarrmachine* Question: Will there be a new client within the next
year? If so, 2D or 3D? If not, has it been discussed? Is it even really
possible? What are the dev team's opinions on the idea of a new client?

<MrTact> Why art thou asking me?

<MrTact> T'is no good in arguing with the inevitable.

<Sannio> Oooo colors.

<Kehleyr> *Balif-SP* With the location changes and everything, will pub23 and
24(which I believe contains the long awaited siege resist bug fix ) be pushed
back as far as release dates

<MrTact> That is a complicated question to answer.

<MrTact> We are working on getting character transfer on public test centers
right now.

<MrTact> That got derailed by a couple of days for obvious reasons, but I think
we will be back on track tomorrow.

<MrTact> We may well be able to release publish 23 in March, which is our goal.

<MrTact> We are also going to ATTEMPT to squeak out one more small publish
before the move, but I think everyone's a bit iffy on that.

<MrTact> That would probably end up being nothing more than a few high-profile

<Kehleyr> *VIVIsectVI* Will we see pet dye tubs on shards other than Test?
<OSI_Speedman> probably not

<OSI_Speedman> No everyone likes the flash of neon that you see when you log in

<OSI_Speedman> While you're there, check out the Mysterious Dark Father of Pet

<Kehleyr> *Zilor* Will the Factions and Order-Chaos system be removed with the
addition of this Unified System?

<Hanse> We haven't decided what systems will go where, yet. I've seen grandiose
plans on Adrick's dry-erase board, but like I said earlier I haven't seen the
docs yet.

<Kehleyr> *BA_Barrackas* SunSword stated that the upcoming expansion was a
"small step" (or words to that effect) in plans that EA have for UO's future.
Are there any details

<Hanse> Yes...

<Hanse> We have a long term plan for the game...

<Hanse> Some of those plans seemed right to roll up into the expansion instead
of releasing later.

<Hanse> The major one was PvP. We thought it could not wait.

<Hanse> We're looking to prepare with the expansion (and it's not much of a
small step) for our long term goals.

<Kehleyr> *Dolgorath[ATL]* Are there any plans to make it so that Runic Sewing
Kits can craft magic hats in the future? Thanks!

<Hanse> An interesting idea...

<Hanse> It's possible something in the expansion may help, but I don't see
runics being applied to cloth-based items in such a way. Maybe...something

<Kehleyr> *thestarrmachine* Will there be any artwork upgrades for models and/or
terrain in the near future?

<Hanse> Artwork upgrades...

<Hanse> It takes 1050 pictures to make up all the animations for a single piece
of art.

<Hanse> That means your hair, your goatee, your dagger, your shoes, etc... we
have rendered 1050 pictures for each different one

<Hanse> So, as you can see, it's a major undertaking and only weapons (since the
beginning of UO after beta) have been added.

<Hanse> To do this, it will be a large patch or a CD...we're opting on the
expansion on this one...

<Kehleyr> *LordTennfan* Will pvp house hiding and the faster casting cap be put
in before the next expansion?

<Hanse> I'd like to see these changes before the expansion. I have a good grasp
of both issues and we'll see what can be done.

<Hanse> Opinion: if I had my way, first thing...but we'll see

<Kehleyr> *Farquhar* Are you guys willing to relook at the mana consumption rate
for paladins. Close wounds costs 1 less mana then greater heal yet heals 10 less
dmg at highest karma level. Remove curse costs 9 more mana then curse which
means it can not be used defencively, and cure costs 10 mana compared to cure
for mages which is 6. For a warrior with extremely limited mana pool, this seems
a little backwards. Can we get it reworked so a paladin dooesn't

<Hanse> Send specific balance information to [email protected]">[email protected]</a> or
<a href="mailto:[email protected]... We do want to look over balance info for the
expansion that you feel is unbalanced.

<Hanse> and/or

<Hanse> preferably...and...

<Kehleyr> *DarkChronus* Are there still plans to give 2d users updated art on
some things like clothing? Or make new art for 2d users in the next expansion?
(I thought I read somewhere that you were trying to find the original tools)
<Hanse> Clothing, weapons, armor, etc... It's being considered. I found the
original tools, already.

<Kehleyr> *GSG8* Will there be any new artifacts associated with the new

<Hanse> We have not decided that yet.

<Kehleyr> *wilki24* What was behind the decision to give the expansion an Asian

<Sannio> There were a few things behind that choice.

<Sannio> UO has long been considered a "medieval fantasy" setting, but if
youlook harder you'll see some middle-eastern flair in Nujel'm, some Roman/Greek
columns in locations like the Gargoyle city in Ilshenar, and a smattering of
other cultures here and there.

<Sannio> It's important that you don't keep recycling the same look and feel for
your new ideas, and over time we've seen things like Dragon Armor come into the
game to add some extra spice.

<Sannio> We want that spice to be a bit more significant with the next
expansion, and we know that an Asian theme will be well-received, worldwide.

<Sannio> There's more to it than that, but the two biggest reasons are probably
variety and appeal.

<Kehleyr> *Redlow* Are there any plans to revamp skills that never have or no
longer serve any purpose? (ie: item id)

<MrTact> We are planning for a skills overhaul, but that's way off on the

<MrTact> Some of those skills will be removed and some will have additional
content added to make them useful again, but they will not be left in the game
with nothing to do.

<Kehleyr> *MSGuildmaster* I was wondering if you could give us any insight on
what will be done to balance a heavily unbalanced PvP system at this time
<Hanse> PvP towards magical properties is the major complaint we have right
now...second to insurance...

<Hanse> We're looking at changing the way faster cast and faster cast recover
works. It may be a reduction in time, but still useful or something else. We
haven't decided yet.

<Hanse> As for insurance, that's Adrick's area. I'd need to check what ideas and
solutions he's come up with to know for sure what we intend to do.
<Kehleyr> *phantus* Will there be new quests in the expansion as well or is that
something that is no longer being pursued?

<MrTact> We are pursuing it much the way a thirteen-year old boy pursues the
object of his affections at a school dance

* Sannio laughs

<MrTact> We sort of hang out against the wall . . . glance in that direction . .
. look away suddenly if we see her looking back

<MrTact> We really want to beef up the quest system & start churning out quests
but that's not part of the expansion AFAIK

<MrTact> (Hanse, please feel free to jump in & say that I'm mistaken on that if
I am)

<MrTact> Anyway . . .

<Hanse> Uhm,'re spot on...

<MrTact> That may happen as part of the ongoing live publishes, but as with all
of our live plans, it depends on what happens with staffing up after the move.

<Kehleyr> *Bilbo* Will the new expansion have a Mongbat based only champ spawn
where each level has more diffucly Mongbats ending with the elusive Mongbat

<Hanse> Of course! The mongbat lord's minions are 5 harrowers, ya know... and
there's the super power of the mongbat lord to eat little mongbats and spit
bones out for insta-kills....

<Hanse> but don't let that bother you! the loot is... *cough* ...mongbat themed
loot! yeah! that's the ticket!

<Kehleyr> *Red_Falcon* I was wondering if the lamp room exploit would be fixed
anytime soon, as it is getting out of hand on all shards?

<Hanse> Mail bugs to [email protected], please... I've heard this before, but have
been assured it isn't happening. We need a detailed steps of how to re-create
the bug, of course.

<Kehleyr> *Mekere* Any chance that there will be enhancing for Bowyers or
possibly introducing Runic Fletcher's Tools?

<Hanse> There's always a chance. I'm afraid I personally am leaning towards the
last skill that widely uses ingots, tho... *coughs*

<Kehleyr> *Bell_of_Ygg* Would it be possible to implement a ridable drakes?
They're more balanced than nightmares and it looks neat!

<MrTact> We don't have any plans to introduce new ridables at this time, sorry.

<Kehleyr> *Eirik_Bloodhand* Is UO going to become more item based, or will it
return to a more character skills based game?

<Hanse> We are planning long-term and partially in the expansion for more

<Hanse> Although, we may introduce on both sides of the fences new content that
applies to both.

<Hanse> The plans are long-term and subject to change, of course. We would like
you to have more decisions in your gameplay, though. That means we lean towards

<MrTact> Hmm, according to the PVP community the game is already 100%
item-based, so technically it CAN'T get any more so . . .

<Hanse> I pvp.

<Hanse> I have seen superior weapon/armor/jewelry outfits beaten by better
<Hanse> I do realize that the fast cast/recover is unbalanced, though. It's
something we mean to look into.

<Kehleyr> *Navarone* have you guys ever consider to make footwears as part of
armor that will have properties too?

<Hanse> No, the system is balanced for armor only, right now. We're not looking
to introduce more complexity into the system.

<Kehleyr> *Caelan* When the EM's come back, who will replace kieron? Will you
guys rehire? Also, with the change of locations for you guys, will this effect
the EM's too?

<Sannio> We'll have to see what happens with the EM staffing when/if they come

<Sannio> They actually didn't work in the building. They "telecommuted" to their
events, so the change of locations shouldn't have much of an impact on that kind
of team.

<Kehleyr> *Peaches* Give us a mongbat recipe!

<Hanse> It's a family secret! These in the cart were just a little too ripe,

* Hanse flings another bloated mongbat at the crowd from his mini-catapult.

<Kehleyr> And that ends our 12th UO StormChat!

<Kehleyr> I'd like to give a thanks Sannio, Hanse, AviStetto, Speedman and
MrTact for joining us tonight and answering our questions.

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<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:39 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: Asmax dnia 2004-03-10 23:40 ]</font>

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