Z boardu uo.com....
I just got this from them , I wrote to them about my client crashes, have explianed to them in detail
Response (EA Tech Venessa) - 12/23/2001 09:31 AM
The connectivity problem that you have been experiencing is obviously severe enough to keep you from enjoying Ultima Online. We have escalated the matter at large to the Ultima Online producers and developers for investigation.
We believe the problem lies outside of both your internet service provider's network and the EA.com/UO network. Although we have no direct control over the issue of internet connectivity in general, we are collecting data and working with those who maintain systems to find the quickest and most effective resolution.
As soon as more information is available, we will post it at our support webpage (http://eatech.custhelp.com).
Thank you for your patience,
EA.com Technical Support
Looks like they are going back to it is not us again, and I went to that site and there is nothing there at all...

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