Pisalem posta na jakies forum, nie chce mnie sie tlumaczyc wiec po malej linii oporu przeklejam:
Mage needs mana regen (after pub25 it will be max 6) and lower mana cost (max 40%)
SO if you have orni, armor of fortune and samurai helm it makes you like
30% DCI 10% LMC and like 17 14 13 13 34 in resists
NOW tell me please how can i get 30LMC and 6 Mana Regen on four parts of armor - i think it is like 4x 7 LMC or 1X 7 + 3x8 on each part not considering that i would need 13-15 each resist on each part to get to all 70's. Now i would need a nice ring wit at least 0/3 fc/fcr and 15DCI. Im not saying about shield because i use weapon (spell chanelling no -fc DI and DCI).
If consider inquisitors it would be easier for LMC but HARDER for resists.
I assure you that gold is not enough, you will need alot of luck and time to make that one.
I did not consider such a great thing like SDI. If you are offence more than defence mage then this armor gives you 0 (null, zero) SDI, which is crap. So please consider 12% SDI (max) on ring? (NOW IT IS 0/3 15 DCI 12SDI (show me one please). Another thing is that i would like to see some HCI on my weapon mage so please tell me where to put that?
Inna sprawa ze dream suit dla maga z inscribe (czyli pure jak ktos woli) to set jak napisal Nad. Mam tylko obawy co do braku HCI jesli bedzie ono mialo wplyw na speciale (czego nie wiem) - brak disarm moze byc bolesny jesli atakujacy ma duze DCI.
Jesli chodzi o inny template to dla siebie widze cos takiego:
Ornament, Hat of Magi, reszta LMC minimum 6 na czesc, HCI, DCI na broni, ring 0/3 +HCI/DCI/SDI (hehe), + tarcza na specialne okazje HCI/DCI. Realnie nie widze mozliwosci zlozenia takiego suit z Armor of Fortune dla maga z broniom w reku.
Ewentualnie proponuje kupic Inkwizytory za 50mil
i jakis inny ring, no i LMC sie zwolni na armorze wiec moznaby tam dac jakies mody +stat.
Podsumowujac, chcialbym stwierdzic ze do efektywnego grania potrzebny bedzie tylko mr/lmc suit, granie bez artow jest do przejscia jesli ma sie czym udezyc.
<font size=-1>[ Ta wiadomość została zmieniona przez: per dnia 2004-06-28 14:19 ]</font>