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Posty: 137
Dołączył(a): 18.04.2002
PostNapisane: 9 sie 2004, 22:13 
Pare dni temu ktos odinsurowal mojego hatcheta, cale szczescie ze Skoru powiedzial mi o tym zanim padlem.

Dzisiaj na pojawila sie wzmianka o tym:
"On the UO U.Hall forum, a UO player performed a little insurance experiment over the weekend to see if insurance is bugged. Binky (Online Community Manager, All Things Ultima) then commented he would have it looked into.
Comment: Ok, I had an expensive weekend, but I wanted to see just how rampant this problem is. Well I can say with utmost certainty that there *IS* an exploit that people are using the "steal" insured items from players. I used myself as bait for this test:
I have a character called "a miner" and he is of course a gm miner and I use him to recall around and mine ore. I usually only mine in the guard zone, and no one with half a brain will attack someone in the guard zone. SO... I stepped ever so slightly out of the zone and proceeded to...stand there. I wanted it to appear that I was using a script to mine unattended. For bait, I made sure I was in a 100% LRC suit, and for safety, I made sure each item was insured, and I placed 100k gold in the coin form, not checks, just to be sure.

it took awhile, but I finally did get some attention, while it was kinda hard to just stand there and let myself get whacked, I did it anyway. First 3 times someone killed me, I was fine, items on me upon rez, and gold taken out of the bank accordingly. However, the 4th time I died..gone..all of it. Now the guy that killed me stood next to me for a few minutes before he attacked, but I got no messages of any kind that he was doing anything to me until he whacked me. I called a GM, but of course that resulted in nothing helpful at all, I told them I didnt want the items back, I just wanted them to please look at me and see *exactly* what happened, only answer I got was that he couldnt see anything wrong.

So I guess where we stand as players is that basically, insurance just cannot be relied on. hopefully we can get this passed onto someone who will really take the time to look at it.

Binky: I will bring this to the attention of Fertbert and Co. I will let you know what I find out. It may take a few days."

Pozostaje nam tylko czeste sprawdzanie calego sprzetu i miejmy nadzieje ze znajda i zalataja dziure w miare szybko.

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