zaboleq napisał(a):
Może jednak to się ukaże w tym roku :0.
Zrobiło mi się mokro. Oj jak zrobią odświeżonego Morka z voice actingiem to będzie w chuj zabawa. :D
Dodatkowo Enderal w produkcji, no żyć nie umierać. Potęga modów jest niebywała.
Co do mechanik:
10. Q: In Skyrim, there is a really nice perk system with 18 separate skills. In Morrowind there are 27 different skills, with a class and attribute system. How do you plan on reconciling these differences?
A: We will use the Skyrim system as it is found in a vanilla copy of the game. To accomplish this we will simply merge those lost skills with the most applicable Skyrim ones. So items using short blade, long blade, blunt, axe, and spear will all be placed in the one handed and two handed Skyrim weapon categories, medium armors will be placed in the light and heavy armor categories, etc. If you really don't like the Skyrim system, then there are already mods restoring Morrowind attributes available on sites such as the Nexus that could be used in conjunction with Skywind.
wodny napisał(a):
wolałbym by ludzie pukali się w pupę niż mieli broń.