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Posty: 5072
Dołączył(a): 22.07.2007
PostNapisane: 27 lut 2015, 09:52 
Że niby lajkuje? Nope, ktoś na swojego walla to wrzucił :(

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Posty: 6496
Dołączył(a): 17.01.2005
PostNapisane: 2 kwi 2015, 18:10 
Update Notes 4/02 + Server Wipe
Servers will be coming down tonight at 3AM PST for 4 hours. Patch file size will be larger than normal due to the changes made to the map.

This patch will also include a server and player wipe as previously announced.

Patch Notes:
New Male character model is available.

The Dam area has been given a major overhaul.

Battle Royale starting area has been updated.

Current Grid position is now shown on-screen(like BR). Hand drawn map has basic grid markers.

Added a new equip slot for the face.

Fixed Bug - player will now exit a vehicle towards the same side on which they are seated.

Fixed bug where player could sometimes get injured when moving off a rock.

Fixed a lot of erroneous terrain bugs that have caused objects to float including cars, campsites and other smaller objects.

Added a small improvement to placing free placed items, preventing them from being able to clip through walls.

Server optimizations made to the body sim.

Zombies will now wear the lootable hats and helmets they have in their inventory. They will carry weapons. Note: They do not the wear lootable shirts or pants yet.

Pickup Truck first person interior has been enhanced.

R380 pistol added to game, it is a high fire rate, low caliber pocket pistol.

The R380 can be found in BR and around the world in the core game.

12GA Shotgun damage increased.

Zombie Spawn Changes

Made zombie total population based on player population, to keep low-pop servers from getting completely overrun. This does not include the current wandering hordes (which are accounted for outside this number). On a server full of players, the total number of zombies is unchanged.

Biased zombie spawns toward areas with more player heat, and more items, so that cities, camps and player firefights have the highest rate of zombie spawns, and the wilderness areas have less.

Made the spawned zombies that occur in player spawn areas biased more toward low-speed shamblers, so that new players (with no weapons) can more easily run away.

Workbenches, Ammo Conversion, Gun Dismantling, and You

Workbenches can be found in the world or crafted and placed. If you are close enough to the workbench you will be able to use it to create specific recipes. You don’t actually interact with the workbench at this time, you just need to have it in your proximity. It can be used to convert ammo into other types of ammo, break down guns into gun repair kits, or to create some of the existing recipes that would be too difficult to do by hand.

Any type of ammunition can be broken down into “Gun Components”. Each bullet or shell will give you 1 Bullet Component. You can then use 2 Bullet Components to make any other type of ammunition.

Guns can be dismantled into “Gun Parts”. Larger guns will give more gun parts. You can then use three gun parts to create a “Gun Repair Kit”. This repair kit can be used on weapons to repair them. Currently this will repair any weapon, but in the future it will be restricted to guns only.

Metal crafting recipes will now require a workbench to create. This includes the recipes for Metal Sheets, Metal Pipes, Machete, Combat Knife, Bear Trap, Landmine, IED, and the above mentioned conversion recipes for ammo and guns.

Przyznam się bez bicia, że gra się całkiem przyjemnie :)


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Posty: 6496
Dołączył(a): 17.01.2005
PostNapisane: 11 kwi 2015, 13:11 
Kolejne zmiany w H1Z1, wygląda to całkiem zacnie.

Servers will be coming down tonight at 3AM Pacific for 2 hours.

Patch Notes:

New Crates in the account item list will glow and have an exclamation point until mouse over or if the notification is clicked.
Medicine now restores a minor amount of health
The number of zombies has been increased.
There is a new "Feet" slot on the character loadout where players can equip workboots. Additional shoes will come soon.
Zombies do slightly more damage to players and have a greater chance inflict bleeding
Zombies do less damage against vehicles
Punji sticks no longer damage players inside vehicle
Stamina is reduced by a lesser amount when jumping
The recipe for ground tamper now requires metal sheets, nails, metal brackets, and branches.
Hitting players, animals and Zombies with the torch will now set them on fire.
Currently the only way to escape the fire is to wait (5 seconds for players, 20 seconds for zombies and animals)
.308 Rifle Scope zoom brought from 5x to 3.4x.
.308 projectile mass and drag decreased
Equates to better accuracy at range
The bullet land effects on most material types has been drastically improved for visibility.
Missed shots will be much easier to spot for both the shooter and the target.

Restraints – FIRST PASS:

Handcuffs and Handcuff Keys can now be found in the world. Handcuffs may be used to restrain another player. Handcuffs must be placed in any of your weapon slots: Primary, Secondary or Tertiary. Left-Click mouse while aiming at another player who has his "hands up" (Default: F2 key). If you try to handcuff a player who doesn't have his hands up, you will be disappointed.

When you are restrained, clicking your mouse-button will cause you to struggle to get out. As it stands now, your chance to struggle increases each time you attempt to get out so the more you try, the better your chances.

To be set free from restraints, your savior must be wielding an item. For handcuffs, it’s a handcuff key. When they click you with the key, you’ll be set free and they will take possession of the cuffs.

This system is a first pass and we will be improving it in the upcoming updates. Look forward to new ways to remove restraints, new items to restrain people with, additional items to use on other players, etc...

Session Stats Session stats are now visible on the Death screen.

The following stats will be displayed:

For H1Z1:
Zombies Killed
Wildlife Killed
Recipes Discovered
Minutes Survived

For Battle Royale:
Players Killed
Vehicles Destroyed

Body Sim

Body Sim: Players now have endurance. Endurance will reduce over time on its own and sprinting will reduce it more. When endurance is low the player will begin to feel tired or exhausted, causing them to slow down in movement. You can restore endurance by resting in a bed. NOTE: You can only rest in a bed when you're feeling tired or exhausted.

Body Sim: Resting in a bed will give you a Well Rested effect, which initially restores 15% health and all endurance. It also gives you a brief increase in sprint speed and health regeneration.

Body Armor

A new equipment slot has been added named Chest Armor. To make use of this slot, two new recipes can be learned:
Wooden Body Armor
Plated Body Armor
To get started discovering the recipes, look for duct tape, which appears in commercial and industrial areas. This armor will mitigate damage when struck in the chest. The plated armor is more effective than wood armor. Damage is absorbed based on the attack type. Damage mitigation effectiveness from least to most:
Gun damage (Least)
Piercing/slashing melee
Blunt melee
Punching (Most)


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Posty: 4672
Dołączył(a): 20.03.2007
PostNapisane: 18 lut 2016, 01:12 
zaczeli rozdzial gre na Just Survive i King of the Hill.

Maintenance ma byc 24h.

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Posty: 4672
Dołączył(a): 20.03.2007
PostNapisane: 20 lut 2016, 10:25 
mozna refunda zrobic bez wzgledu na ilosc h na steamie.

ja tam czasem biegam w BR/KotK, bo podoba mi sie szybkosc rund

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Posty: 17021
Dołączył(a): 21.11.2001
PostNapisane: 20 lut 2016, 13:48 
Mi się udało.
Dwukrotnie :>

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Posty: 811
Dołączył(a): 29.05.2006
PostNapisane: 12 maja 2017, 08:40 
Warto to jeszcze tykac czy sobie odpuscic?

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Posty: 5772
Dołączył(a): 23.01.2008
PostNapisane: 12 maja 2017, 09:08 
Pubg way to go

Vanilla Wow: Nyxs - Rogue Undead


Posty: 6394
Dołączył(a): 16.08.2005
PostNapisane: 12 maja 2017, 10:37 
W Pubg brakuje mi tego progressu z levelami :P

EA in a Nutshell:

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