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Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 28 kwi 2005, 19:57 
HEHE na oficjalnym forum pojawilo sie swieze info od egomancera nt. premiery gry. Otoz live maja pojsc w nastepnym tygodniu, gra ma kosztowac $20 (''promocyjna'' cena za pre-order wynosila - $30, bo gra miala kosztowac $50), abonament ma wynosic $9. Tresc calego posta ponizej.

We decided that it is time to fully launch the game. During the last few months we worked as hard as we could to add as many features to the game as possible.
As it is now the game can be played and it will be fun. We will keep the servers alive 24h/7 and there will be always at least a person looking over it.

The prices will be like this: 19.95$ for the serial Key (people that preordered already have the serial key and they do not need to make that payement) and 8.95$ for the monthly fee.
Becuase we felt that the game does not have all the features we wanted we decided to lower the prices and the subscription rates so people be able to enjoy the game.

We will go live next week (after the easter) when the online subscription system is up and working. Now we are setting the last details for it.


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Posty: 2018
Dołączył(a): 16.11.2001
PostNapisane: 29 kwi 2005, 08:37 
To strasznie nieprofesjonalne dzialanie :/


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