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Posty: 10
Dołączył(a): 25.05.2007
PostNapisane: 28 maja 2007, 14:29 
Smashie napisał(a):
przeciez to wyglada na fejk?
ej stary to nie jest fake moze wejdziesz w te 2 linki co podalem i poczytasz a ni odrazu fake a po 2.Trudno mi sie do tego przynawac ale nie umiem fakow robic -.-'



Posty: 165
Dołączył(a): 16.01.2006
PostNapisane: 28 maja 2007, 14:41 
Ale to nie fake. Czekam na ten tytuł i jakijes beta testy, bo płacić za to raczej nie bede. Nie spodziewam się po tym tytule czegoś konkretnie ciekawego. Sayan powinien być klasą którą można odblokwać wykonując serie jakis w chuj trudnych questów, bo tak to na ziemi bedzie więcej sayan niż ludzi. :D
Ups. Nie zauważyłem, że jest 2 strona i odpowiedz na to. :oops:


Posty: 1061
Dołączył(a): 26.08.2005
PostNapisane: 29 maja 2007, 18:22 
mam nadzieje ze ta gra w miare szybko wyjdzie , z checia zagram w ten tytul. dla swietego spokoju nie napalam sie na db:o bo wiem ze moze wyjsc z tego niezly crap,czas pokaze
kamehameham ;p

BF3: jeyjeykrk
PSN: jeyjeykrk


Posty: 6460
Dołączył(a): 14.07.2002
PostNapisane: 29 maja 2007, 19:53 
raczej watpie by byl fake, wszystko wskazuje na to ze naprawde robia ta gre.

Z racji swojej niestabilności emocjonalnej oraz rujnowania rozrywki innym na zawsze opuściłem to zacne forum z resztkami nasienia Oyci3C'a na okrężnicy po głębokim bansticku. :'(


Posty: 826
Dołączył(a): 20.07.2005
PostNapisane: 29 maja 2007, 20:28 
tak, artykul na wikipedii i 2 screenshoty = not fake

Shador von Dal napisał(a):
Podpisując się moimi inicjałami głaszczesz moje ego :*


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Posty: 6736
Dołączył(a): 18.09.2004
PostNapisane: 29 maja 2007, 20:37 
A strona gry i news na ANN (źródłem tego ostatnich jest 4gamers, który jest jedną z bardziej renomowanych japońskich stron o grach).


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Posty: 2291
Dołączył(a): 30.01.2005
PostNapisane: 29 maja 2007, 20:40 
Na pierwszy rzut oka gierka wyglada na rozbudowana wersje Tenkaichi Budokai II. Nie moge sie doczekac :)

Hana wa Sakuragi,
Hito wa Watashi...


Posty: 11
Dołączył(a): 23.05.2007
PostNapisane: 13 cze 2007, 15:56 
mam nadzieje, ze ta gra bedzie miala duzo RPG a nie tylko MMO jak to w wiekszosci MMORPG bywa, swiat DB jest bardzo pojemny jest z czego czerpac ;]


Posty: 111
Dołączył(a): 17.03.2007
PostNapisane: 13 cze 2007, 18:27 
beta podobno w te wakacje?Jak czytalem 1-2 miechy to CHYBA ma wyjsc na przelomie 2007-2008 nie jestem co do tego pewny ale z hecia pogram ;p jezeli bedzie f2p!

Translate strony

CJ Internet, anti- die Korea and < Dragon ball on-line (provisional name) > it ladles and [pul] the [li] [sing] the contract <br>▶ [thwun] [swey] [ting] 3DCG (computer graphics) sees the original work animation with character embodiment and [tus] grudge present market feeling embodiment <br>▶ original author toe [li] Yama Oh height impression of the general willing submission lower part original work of the teacher the legend of the maximum Hankou present popular cartoon `Dragon ball' opens with online game and it is a position. It comes to open with legendary ion line game of the popular cartoon `Dragon ball'. CJ Internet ㈜ (representative directors zero kind) anti- die Korea (motto bedspread hour Oh height) with < Dragon ball on-line (provisional name) > ladled really in the representative director and [pul] the [li] [sing] .CJ Internet ㈜ (representative directors who contract a contract a contract zero kind) estrangement die Korea (motto bedspread hour Oh height) with < Dragon ball on-line (provisional name) > it ladled [pul] the [li] [sing] it contracted really in the representative director and. CJ Internet will be cool and middle anti- die Korea and the signature where both company officials attend from the head office to have MMORPG games < Dragon ball on-line > they ladled and a contract [pul] the [li] [sing] they contracted, are .CJ Internet which 23rd it reveals this attendance of both officer total sleeping field fortune place anti- die Korea and signature will be cool from the head office and to have MMORPG games < Dragon ball on-line > they ladled and 23rd it revealed a contract [pul] the [li] [sing] they contracted. This time contract it led and CJ Internet ladled and < Dragon ball on-line > country [pul] the [li] [sing] they secured the game service various activity which includes a hereafter marketing and the operation back under advancing they were, volume it sells and. This time contract it leads and CJ Internet ladle and < Dragon ball on-line > country [pul] the [li] [sing] they secure includes a hereafter marketing and the operation back the game service various activity which and they advance volume it sells and. < Dragon ball on-line > toe [li] Yama which is an original author Oh general willing submission lower part anti- die Korea of height generalizes a development and NTL advances a planning division development and from `Dragon ball' pans which already are many it received an interest and with all online game it promised a completeness in the world and character re-composition of the original work. < Dragon ball on-line > original work self-acknowledgement toe [li] Yama Oh general willing submission lower part anti- die Korea of height generalized a development and NTL planning and developing progress relaxation America from the many `Dragon ball' pans received an interest and with all online game it promised a completeness in the world and character re-composition of the original work. The stage from the original work 250 year kind Dragon ball world the player `accomplishments' to lead with background and experience pay and a level, or the back original work which accomplishes Sowon `Dragon balls' to get raise, to collect close resemblance [khey] there is a possibility of enjoying the venture which is various it does. The stage from the original work 250 year kind Dragon ball world play `accomplishments which freeze' it will lead with background and experience it will pay and a level, or a possibility of enjoying the venture which is various it does to get it raises, `Dragon balls' attending the House which accomplishes the collection solution unit small close resemblance [khey] there is. Also, the maximum it saves the impression of the original work and * [thwun] the [swey] [ting] 3D CG (computer graphics) with the character to existing MMORPG the realistic feeling which does not exist action and the original work which overflow it is gorgeous and the bloodthirstiness back which will bloom as becomes the hero of the original work animation and [tus] it calls it gets up one misunderstanding and. Also, the maximum grudge it saves the impression of the original work and * [thwun] the [swey] [ting] 3DCG (computer graphics) with the character to existing MMORPG the realistic feeling which does not exist the action orchard plot which overflows it is gorgeous and the bloodthirstiness back which will bloom as original work animation Uiju becomes artificial and [tus] it calls forth one misunderstanding. With `public first martial art sliced raw fish of the tournament format which selects this external Edo and the player wild meal [li] boat frame strongest person' it goes back with the past to use the time machine at green onion mote unit and the fun distance which is various the scene which is famous comes out from the original work directness `time machine quest' backs it will can experience it puts in. The other than Edo and the player wild meal [li] boat frame strongest it will cut and with `public first martial art sliced raw fish of the tournament format which it selects' to use the time machine at green onion mote unit with the past it goes round and is born the scene which is famous directness is putting in `time machine quest' back various drought disaster American distances it will can experience from the original work. CJ Internet this time < Dragon ball on-line > will ladle with contract contracting and [pul] the [li] [sing] more they will strengthen domestic top they will ladle and a lineup, [pul] the [li] sourly as do not put on .CJ Internet will carry this time < Dragon ball on-line > the contracting Roper [pul] the [li] [sing] line all it is forecast with the fact that it will harden more firmly and they strengthen more, domestic top they ladle and with the fact that it will harden more firmly [pul] the [li] sourly as it does not put on they are forecast. CJ Internet really the zero bell representative director “legend of the Dragon ball makes public newly with the online game where the cartoon or the animation is not and the expectation of the Dragon ball pans” “it does not go back on, the utmost efforts it will race, to the second half of the year when it will come the possibility the storm of Dragon ball on-line putting all to one side it is, and” .CJ Internet which it talks really the zero column of troops ticket director “legend of the Dragon ball newly will make public with the online game where the cartoon or the animation is not and” “in order not to go back on the Dragon ball pan wild spirit unit, the utmost efforts it will race, to the latter half flag which will come self-effacing seven possibility in order there to be a storm of Dragon ball on-line,”That end it did. Compared to French, in anti- die Korea motto bedspread hour Oh height representative 도 “SD건담 캡슐파이터에 이어 드래곤볼 온라인까지 반다이남코그룹의 주요 프로젝트를 한국의 역량 있는 파트너와 손잡게 돼 무척이나 기쁘게 생각한다”며, “이를 계기로 한국은 온라인 게임의 종주국으로서의 그 지위를 다시 한번 전 세계에 입증하는 계기가 될 것” 이라고 밝혔다.더불어,반다이코리아에모토요시아키대표도“SD건담캡슐파이터에 이어드래곤볼온라인까지반다이남코그룹의주요프로젝트를한국의역량있는파트너와손잡게돼무척이나기쁘게생각한다”며,“이를계기로한국은온라인게임의종주 국으로서의그지위를다시한번전세계에입증하는계기가될것”이라고밝혔다.


Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 13 cze 2007, 18:48 
Przeciez tego sie nie da czytac... Wystarczylby sam link.

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Posty: 12370
Dołączył(a): 23.04.2002
PostNapisane: 13 cze 2007, 20:07 
Koreanski to ciekawy jezyk , jesli sie chce czytac stronki i miec podstawowa plynnosc ustna to jest dosc prosty , ale jak sie ma ambicje czytac ksiazki czy gazety , to staje sie najtrudniejszym jezykiem na swiecie , gramatyka jest chora . Ten online translator rzadzi wprost :)

"Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backward."

Posty: 11
Dołączył(a): 23.05.2007
PostNapisane: 14 cze 2007, 09:10 

spolszczone wszelkie info o grze.
jak na gre co ma miec za 2 miechy bete, a na poczatku przyszlego roku start troche malo tego info :/


Posty: 820
Dołączył(a): 26.02.2006
PostNapisane: 14 cze 2007, 21:22 
Nie ma co marzyć że to będzie f2p + cash shop nawet, wiec wszyscy którzy myślą że to następne free mmo to nie mają za bardzo na co liczyć. To jest niemożliwe

Posty: 11
Dołączył(a): 23.05.2007
PostNapisane: 14 cze 2007, 23:19 
nie mam nic przeciwko takiej opcji jak w GW, bedzie mniej malolatow ktorzy se robia jaja...

Posty: 6
Dołączył(a): 25.06.2007
PostNapisane: 25 cze 2007, 13:00 
Ale zawsze mogą powstać niedorobione darmowe prywatne servery nieco gorsze ale zawsze coś :wink:


Posty: 6460
Dołączył(a): 14.07.2002
PostNapisane: 25 cze 2007, 15:26 
GW odfiltrowuje malolatow ? chyba tylko ten najgorszy rodzaj ;)
mam tylko nadzieje ze ta gra nie spowoduje kolejnych nalotow na forum ;)
no ale cotam, emu uo przetrwalismy, tibiowcow przetrwalismy, darmowe mmo przetrwalismy, "mmorpg" przez przegladarke przetrwalismy nawet wow przetrwalismy ;) wiec dbo tez przetrwamy ;))

Z racji swojej niestabilności emocjonalnej oraz rujnowania rozrywki innym na zawsze opuściłem to zacne forum z resztkami nasienia Oyci3C'a na okrężnicy po głębokim bansticku. :'(


Posty: 215
Dołączył(a): 6.07.2006
PostNapisane: 27 cze 2007, 23:28 
Ciebie juz raczej nie przetrwamy...


Posty: 295
Dołączył(a): 13.02.2005
PostNapisane: 14 sie 2007, 01:15 
zal jak sie niektorych z was czyta
koci napisał(a):
Czytałem też,że gra ma być wypuszczona wraz z Niby Martwym Dragon Ball AF

DB AF nie jest martwe, DB AF nie istnieje i raczej nie bedzie.

kto powiedzial kiedykolwiek ze AF zostalo wypuszczone lub nadano mu status oficjalnej kontynuacji sagi :O ? AF to wymyslona przez fanow niby kontynuacja gdzie mozna natknac sie min na ss7 podwojne scalenia itd..

Varenthin napisał(a):
grafika fajna, interface do wymiany, jakiś taki plastikowy

to interface wowa tez do wymiany wszystkie mmo maja taki sam interface a ze ci nie pasuja guziki bo taka jest grafika w grze to juz trudno -1 do placenia za gre (strata niebywala ^^)

InVersoN tez kochamy trnaslatory googlowe;]

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Posty: 6736
Dołączył(a): 18.09.2004
PostNapisane: 18 lut 2008, 14:08 



Posty: 3440
Dołączył(a): 18.02.2004
PostNapisane: 18 lut 2008, 15:37 

oumn da lololegend

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