Hi Everybody
The following is for you to get an overview of the BattleForge pricing model.
BattleForge is coming out as a “Boxed Product“, at a suggested retail price of €/USD 49.99.
The retail package will contain, in addition to the game, themed decks for each of the game’s four powers. The “standard-decks”, which are in every retail package, consist of 16 cards. On top of that, your retail package contains 3000 BattleForge points. Each Booster Pack costs 250 BattleForge points. With your initial allotment of BattleForge points, you can buy a total of twelve Booster Packs – or 96 cards, as each Booster Pack contains eight cards.
After your purchase, you will have 160 cards: 64 from the standard decks and 96 from the Booster Packs.
You can gain more BattleForge points either through bargaining at the in-game Market Place, or purchasing the BattleForge Point Box. The BattleForge Point Box can be bought from retail outlets or online. The box costs €/USD 19.99 and contains 2000 BattleForge points. As a BoosterPack costs 250 points, the breakdown cost is that each Booster Pack costs €/USD 2.50. The eight card Booster Pack is made up of five “common” cards, two “uncommon” cards and one “rare” or “ultra rare” card.
BattleForge is due in stores on March 26 (or March 27 in some territories). Aside from your own internet service costs, there are no fees for playing online. After release, BattleForge will be continuously updated with new content. The first map update is planned for April.
Dobra, przyznam, że po przeczytaniu tego zapał mi zdecydowanie opadł... Nie dość, że wydamy spory szmal na samą grę, to jeszcze wygranym będzie zawsze ten, kto do podstawowej puli dorzucił najwięcej-set dolarów/euro... i nigdy z takim szans nie będzie. 2,5€ to chyba więcej, niż za namacalny booster Magica... EA kopie grób świetnemu projektowi (któremu to już z kolei...) oO