1. Massive and persistent open world gameplay on continents that are 16x16km in scale and bases that are more than 2x3km in scale.
2. Breathtaking environments with each continent featuring unique topology, different climate zones, weather patterns, dynamic time of day etc.
3. Skill based PvP combat on foot, in vehicles or in aircrafts.
4. Character progression with various abilities which can be learned. Build the character class that you want depending on how you play.
5. A 100% persistent world (no instancing) with seamless space and planetary areas; all with ability to move from planetside starbases to stations in the space region above.
6. Easily create fireteams (a.k.a guilds) with either human or NPC troops and from a few people to very large troops of varying skills and equipment.
7. Build your own planetary base FARP and use it as your player housing for yourself or your fireteam.
8. Buy and own your own assets (weapons, vehicles, aircrafts etc) and with your own unique weapons customizations.
9. More player assets than you can handle, most with advanced customization (e.g. infra-red night vision rifle scopes) and attributes.
10. Hybrid business model which caters to both F2P and premium models; both with access to in-game monetization.
11. Endless possibilities for future expansions are other areas of Lyrius and other planets in the region are colonized and opened up via game expansions.
12. No pointless grind. No boring crafting. No inconsequential resource collection. Just pure war on a very – very – large scale.