Mi chodzilo o to ze taki ktos ma wieksza szanse na to ze cos mu tam popeka niz "dobry" gracz:
When you PK someone, you earn 10 infamy points. So lets say you decide to wipe out all the bots that are grinding in your area; you will rack up infamy pretty darn quick. Infamy does have its disadvantages.
1-100 Infamy:
Stamina goes down faster than normal.
You have a doubled chance to break crystals upon death. (Crystals are slotted buffs)
You are not allowed to use the Stamina Recovery NPC. (Stamina gives you a HP/MP bonus above 100%, and a HP/MP debuff below 25%
101-1000 Infamy:
Stamina goes down much faster than normal.
You have a tripled chance to break crystals upon death.
Attack is decreased by 50%
Defense is decreased by 50%
Movement Speed is decreased by 15%.
You are not allowed to use the Stamina Recovery NPC.
You are not allowed to use the Teleport NPC.
You are not allowed to use the Pegasus/Dragon NPC.
1001+ Infamy:
Stamina goes down much, much faster than normal.
You have a tripled chance to break crystals upon death.
Attack is decreased by 90%
Defense is decreased by 75%
Movement Speed is decreased by 30%.
You are not allowed to use the Stamina Recovery NPC.
You are not allowed to use the Teleport NPC.
You are not allowed to use the Pegasus/Dragon NPC.
Infamy goes down 1 point every 5 minutes. Also goes down 1 point for each solo kill of a normal or larger mob of even level or higher. Notice the debuffs. There is no infamy gain for killing an Outlaw.
To o ile dobrze zrozumialem funkcjonuje w wersji koreanskiej natomiast forma Infamy systemu europejska - nadal nie jest sprecyzowana i ustalona. Na razie jest "no penalty" na PVP serwerach wiec mozna sobie bezkarnie poszalec