Torment: Tides of Numenera
Strona 6 z 20

Autor:  brazz [ 1 kwi 2013, 14:49 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Torment: Tides of Numenera

Highlander napisał(a):
Kickstartery to cos nowego, byly juz jakies sukcesy w ogole? Jesli tak, to poki co niewiele.

To bardziej kwestia pytania czy wydanie kilku dolców na nadzieję na dobrą grę z gatunku, który jest zbyt wymagający dla indie i zbyt mało kuszący dla gigatnów jest warte ryzyka. W najlepszym wypadku, jeśli tytuł spełni oczekiwania, będzie kilkadziesiąt godzin dobre rozrywki, w najgorszym gra nie wyjdzie lub będzie niegrywalna. Może kupiłem w życiu zbyt wiele chujowych gier, w które praktycznie zagrałem kilka minut, ale druga opcja jakoś mnie nie przeraża.

Autor:  Highlander [ 1 kwi 2013, 15:06 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Torment: Tides of Numenera

Gdy kupujesz indie gre w momencie jej premiery to tez ją supportujesz. Na tej zasadzie kupilem chivalry i natural selection 2. Wole chociaz widziec jakis gameplay.

Autor:  Junkier [ 1 kwi 2013, 19:21 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Torment: Tides of Numenera

Aldatha napisał(a):
tomugeen napisał(a):
Tylko masz wybor dac na takie cos i liczyc ze bedzie w polowie tak dobre jak P:T (nie grales wiec nie rozumiesz), przy czym same nazwiska biorące udział w projekcie mowią za siebie.
To nie są osoby które kupily prawa do marki, ale osoby które ją stworzyly.

Mozesz tez kupic gre od EA/Acti o ktorej nic nie wiesz w dni premiery i kupować DLC.

w połowie tak dobre jak P : T to właśnie przykład zdrowego podejścia i zdrowych oczekiwań :)

jakby się nie postarali dla ludzi i tak "to nie będzie to samo", nostalgia robi swoje

z drugiej strony zrobienie klimatycznej gry z niebanalnymi dialogami, interesującymi postaciami i ciekawą fabułą (która przy okazji nie jest obrazą dla każdego przeciętnie inteligentnego człowieka) nie jest chyba aż takie trudne?

Autor:  warhameron [ 2 kwi 2013, 19:46 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Torment: Tides of Numenera ... nera/posts
New Stretch Goals fajne , ale te powyżej 4 mln, chyba nie osiągalne. Teraz mają około 3,430,000 z paypalem. W 3 dni 4,5 mln według mnie nie uzbierają.


Hall of Lingering Reflections

This gathering place will offer unique opportunities and tools to help you defeat your foes. It is a living museum, a history, a prison. This subterranean vault is a place of memories, a vault of pain and laughter, built by a forgotten power for forgotten reasons. The memories of its denizens are frozen in time, and so they have no knowledge of the passage of the centuries beyond these walls. Its doors open into smaller worlds, pocket dimensions that house these shells in a simulation of their memories. But who lies hidden here? What secrets might you unlock? And is it possible to spirit one of this company away as you seek your creator?


Increased Companion Depth (including Companion Quests)

We've always planned to make interactions with your companions deep and memorable. At $3.75M, we we’ll commit to this further by adding optional side quests unique to each companion that further bolster their character arcs. Learn who sent the jack to the Stichus tunnels in the first place, or maybe discover why the fallen priest is adept at unleashing horror on his foes. Whether you help them face their demons or use their pasts to your advantage is up to you.

Castoff’s Labyrinth: Alternative Exit to Another Part of the Ninth World

A secret portal within the Labyrinth that takes you back to your body but leaves you someplace different than where you left. Will you take it? At this Stretch Goal, the Labyrinth reveals secrets that will allow you to access a new area in the living world, one you wouldn't have been able to access otherwise. (At deeper Fathoms, more of these portals may exist in the crevasses of your mind.)


Enhanced Tide and Legacy System: Number of Legacies increased from 11 to 16

You may recall your Legacy is determined by which Tide or Tides you favor, and that Legacy affects NPC reactions, item bonuses, and your character's Focus. At the start, we had planned only six Legacies, determined solely by your dominant Tide (plus one for when no Tide is dominant). At $3M, we expanded that to 11 Legacies, so that your Legacy would be determined by your TWO strongest Tides (irrespective of which of the two is stronger).

While Adam, Colin, and I were developing the Tides concept over the past months, we envisioned the full system as including 16 Legacies (ten possible pairs, plus five for when one Tide dominates all others, plus one for when no Tides are dominant). We contemplated how we would handle and leverage this robust system to create an unprecedented degree of reactivity. Prior to the Kickstarter, we crushed our dreams as unrealistic and contented ourselves with 6, which we felt still left us with a more intricate system that most games have.

But at this Stretch Goal we can return to our original, ideal vision for what the Tides and Legacies can become. Torment's fourth pillar is Reactivity, Choice, and Real Consequences and while this pillar covers far more than just the Tides, the Tides and Legacy system are at the core of both Torment’s themes and its approach to gameplay. This means even more opportunities for reactivity based on your personal play style, and a deeper, richer experience for you.

Oasis of M'ra Jolios and More Mark Morgan Music

At this Stretch Goal, we’ll also be adding the major city location of the Oasis of M’ra Jolios (the underwater city in the desert whose concept we sent in Update 11 and whose wallpapers are available on our website). And we’ll be adding even more Mark Morgan music, which of course will be included in the game’s digital soundtrack and audio CD rewards. (We’ll want more music to properly convey the mood and atmosphere of the new areas and companions we’ll be adding – including the Oasis.)


Longer Story

More areas, more villains, more NPCs. We've sketched out some of these already—the First Castoff, the Angel of Entropy, the Ruins of Ossiphagan, the crystalline dimension, etc. But at this stretch goal we'll sketch out an even longer, more intricate story than we had planned. A few of the optional areas and ideas we had planned for the core story showed obvious potential for being extended into major subplots, or even adding to the core plot and storyline. We pared back these ideas to be realistic about the game scope - making a great game requires focus and you have to be willing to cull many of your ideas so that the game will be highly polished. At this Stretch Goal, we have a couple specific threads in mind we’ll resurrect and incorporate into the story Colin originally dreamed up, confident that we'll have the resources to really do them justice.

Voluminous Codex

We always intended for Torment to have a journal that would log your discoveries within the Ninth World. Not the kind of Journal that tells you exactly where you need to go next and what you need to do – you are an RPG connoisseur after all, and don’t need us to hold your hand. But what you might like is a journal to catalog your travels and discoveries, one to which you might refer when some past details elude you. One of your suggestions that we really liked was to take the journal quite a bit further. At this Stretch Goal, we’ll do that – we’ll expand the journal, giving you more lore, more creature and character portraits, and more information on interesting/important events as you come across them. As with the rest of the game’s user interface, the journal will be highly customizable to suit your tastes.

Crafting Numenera

The numenera may be beyond our understanding, but they aren't beyond our use. This Stretch Goal will allow you to learn the tricks to combining the numenera into your own custom cyphers and artifacts. This would not be a rote crafting system, but one that includes some puzzle-solving elements (though not what you'd call a mini-game) and that is tied into the world and narrative. This is yet another idea we started to explore early on for the game, but that felt out of scope for our original budget. But at this Stretch Goal, we can confidently commit to restoring this aspect of our design vision as well.


Expanded Reactivity, Length, and Depth

We asked on the forums whether you preferred a deeper, more reactive game, or a longer story. The votes are overwhelmingly for both. The other Stretch Goals outline many of the ways in which we will do this (such as the increase to 16 Legacies), but there are other ambitious options as well. We have many ideas in mind, but will have to examine carefully what will be best for the game and its narrative. At this Stretch Goal, we will pursue some of these other ideas that we never thought would be possible, with a specific focus on reactivity and utilizing the Tides (and the other methods of tracking your decisions and actions) to make the world both larger and even more in tune with the story you'll be creating for your version of the Last Castoff.

Player “Stronghold”

In your struggle to find your legacy, there may come a time when you want someplace more permanent to call home (or perhaps not so permanent or not so much a home). At $4.5M, we will implement a player stronghold that you may come across in your journeys. The stronghold will be a playable area, a personal hub and base of operations, and it may come with its own quests or difficulties. What will it be exactly? We’ll explore further to see what makes the most sense for the game and narrative. Some of the ideas (from us and from you) vary from a personal airship to a hidden location in your mind, to an alternative dimensional pocket. What it won't be is your typical cozy home - it will fit the atmosphere of Torment's story and Numenera's world. We’ll surprise you with what it may be (and perhaps its form will even depend upon your choices within the game).

Autor:  warhameron [ 3 kwi 2013, 16:18 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Torment: Tides of Numenera ... eQzXZYi7I#!

Autor:  Razoth [ 3 kwi 2013, 16:23 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Torment: Tides of Numenera

Klimat taki, że o ja kurwa jebię.

Autor:  wodny [ 3 kwi 2013, 16:29 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Torment: Tides of Numenera

Klimat może i jest, ale sztuczność otoczenia aż razi po oczach. Woda to jakiś kisiel.

Autor:  Razoth [ 3 kwi 2013, 16:40 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Torment: Tides of Numenera

Osoba inteligentna nawet na to nie zwróci uwagi bo wie, że wszystko zostanie jeszcze miliard razy zmienione.

Liczy się tylko i wyłącznie ogólne odczucie.

A te jest jak dla mnie genialne.

Autor:  Highlander [ 3 kwi 2013, 17:07 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Torment: Tides of Numenera

Bo w crpg najwazniejszy jest realistyczny wyglad wody. Mi przypomina tormenta, wiec plusik i dupa mnie obchodzi, ze kisiel.

Autor:  tomugeen [ 3 kwi 2013, 17:35 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Torment: Tides of Numenera

Myslalem ze z ta woda w zwolnionym tempie to iniside pisal. Nawet nie wiemy, ze to woda;]

Autor:  iniside [ 3 kwi 2013, 17:46 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Torment: Tides of Numenera

JA tam nawet nie wiem czy to na tym filmie to artworki czy z silnika ;p.

Autor:  warhameron [ 3 kwi 2013, 21:30 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Torment: Tides of Numenera ... nera/posts

Autor:  warhameron [ 4 kwi 2013, 21:14 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Torment: Tides of Numenera ... nera/posts

brak 249k do 4 mln ciekawe czy się uda. ... Is2T5ue5d8

Autor:  Razoth [ 4 kwi 2013, 21:30 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Torment: Tides of Numenera

Ta muzyka mnie rozpierdala. Dwa kilkusekundowe filmiki a klimat wylewa się z ekranu hektolitrami. Chyba łapię hajp... :(

Autor:  sula [ 4 kwi 2013, 21:41 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Torment: Tides of Numenera

Co jak co M. Morgan jeżeli chodzi o muzę / podkład w grze to jednak rozp.. system :)
Narazie to co widzę i słyszę mi się podoba !

Autor:  warhameron [ 4 kwi 2013, 21:50 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Torment: Tides of Numenera

To tera złe niusy: ponieważ gra uzbierała większe fundusze(więcej contentu, więc dłużej będą robić) skończenie jej planowane jest dopiero na 2015 (wcześniej grudzień 2014 był podany)

Autor:  warhameron [ 5 kwi 2013, 17:03 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Torment: Tides of Numenera ... nera/posts
W ciągu godziny wbija 4 mln (brak 1 tys z hakiem>razem z paypalem). I już mają więcej od PE.

Autor:  Niah [ 5 kwi 2013, 18:20 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Torment: Tides of Numenera

Zamiast dać na Camelota to dają na jakiegoś sp :wtf:

Autor:  tomugeen [ 5 kwi 2013, 18:28 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Torment: Tides of Numenera

Dajcie na oba.

Autor:  Robo [ 5 kwi 2013, 18:37 ]
Tytuł:  Re: Torment: Tides of Numenera

warhameron napisał(a):

Mistrzostwo, świetny klimacik.

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