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Posty: 39
Dołączył(a): 21.09.2009
PostNapisane: 20 lip 2011, 19:39 
Witam, chetnie pogram jesli znajdziecie slota, moge grac czymkolwiek.. Nick w grze Dilmah smialo dodawac do znajomoych.


Posty: 4059
Dołączył(a): 5.01.2002
PostNapisane: 20 lip 2011, 19:57 
D3jviD napisał(a):
Mam większy dar przekonywania widocznie :P

Twoj avatar przyciaga wzrok poprostu ;P ...



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Posty: 1576
Dołączył(a): 12.05.2004
PostNapisane: 20 lip 2011, 20:07 
10 osób już jest, nie jest źle ;)

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Posty: 1576
Dołączył(a): 12.05.2004
PostNapisane: 20 lip 2011, 20:14 
Znalazłem ;)

The Unoffical Rules Of League Of Legends
1. Don't chase Singed.
2. DON'T chase Singed.
3. Garen is immortal while positioned in a bush.
4. Always assume Eve, Shaco, and Twitch are MIA.
5. Mundo goes where he pleases.
6. Yes Cho's feast is up and yes he is going to eat you.
7. Shouting Demacia, either irl or in /all, has been known to improve your game play.
8. The only way to play Teemo is to instalock him and call mid.
9. Playing Teemo also comes with the accepted burden of having a global taunt.
10. The Blitz on your team will never land his grabs, but the one on the other team will.
11. If you don't see fiddle make sure to... CAWCAWCAWCAWCAWCAW
12. Janna has and always will be the **** of assist.
13. Yes you were just bursted down by a giant purple cow. Don't ask questions.
14. Yes you can use Rupture on Annie and knock her up. ಠ_ಠ
15. Rolling your face on the keyboard to play Sona is more effective then trying to play her.
16. It's assumed Jax is a TMNT, but Riot refuses to really tell us what he is.
17. The enemy's Ashe arrow is heat seeking and will find you, but yours isn't.
18. Yeti's have somehow obtained the ability to puke ice balls.
19. All women have huge boobs according to this game.
20. Yes he's fat, drunk, and carrying a barrel, but he is going to catch you.
21. Armadillos can only say OK.
22. Every champions /dance was modeled after one of Phreak's many dance moves.
23. If you make fun of Pantheon Tamat will man drop your house.
24. Morello will nerf your favorite champion. Deal with it.
25. It's rumored Lima Bean's cat eats leavers so don't do it.
26. Rule 26 is a lie.
27. The enemy always runs faster than you. No exceptions.
28. Vayne is buffy. This is accepted and she will eventually fade out, just like the show.
29. Your skill shots are perfectly accurate when laning, but always miss in team fights.
30. There are no 'women' in LoL.
31. In regards to 30, I lied.
32. Yes, Master Yi WILL backdoor you. Get over it.
33. The enemy Twisted Fate is alwats watching you. Not your team, just you. Be aware of this.
34. If you are a carry, you will get focus fired. No one in chat will be surprised by this.
35. Sarcasm lightens the game up, but too much just pisses people off.
36. Just because you're losing doesn't mean you are the best on your team, it means you are losing, too.
37. Yi will always insta-lock and call mid. Or else he'll feed.
38. Your Ult will do enough damage to bring Garen to 95% health.
39. If you hear a "DEMACIA!" and don't have a Demacian on your team, you are dead.
40. Udyr is a schitzo zoophiliac. And doesn't like PETA. Or peta bread.
42. Your turrets do 10 damage a shot, theirs deal 2000 a shot.
43. Adding your assists to your kills does not count towards K : D ratio. (I'd say 3 assists=1kill if you want to)
44. If you are alone for more than 10 seconds, the entire enemy team is in that bush next to you.
45. Ganks always work fo the other team.
46. Ganks never go as planned for your team.
47. Yes, they have wards.
48. No, you don't.
49. If you have an Oracle's elixir, you are dead.
50. Most importantly, yes, they Have Baron warded. No, I don't want to go for him at the moment.
51. Tryndamere's right arm is alot stronger than his left arm.
52. An Ashe on the enemy team firing Hawkshot will always manage to see your low-health jungler seconds before he takes red, and will nail him with an ECA in epic fashion, with the splash damage killing the lizard.
53. Your Ashe's ECA is magnetized, with the front being N and the back being S. All enemies are mono-polar N magnetized.
54. Ezreal's ultimate will always impact precisely one minion before striking the intended enemy champion, leaving the enemy with 2hp remaining.
55. Annie's Summon Tibbers double-damage bug only affects you.
56. If you don't own any tanks, have never played a tank, and have no knowledge of tanking, your team will instalock 4 AD carries and rage at you for not tanking.
56b. Enemy team compositions will always be perfect with every player on their team playing their main.
57. If one enemy has a Tiamat, they will somehow manage to unintentionally steal Baron, Dragon, and every contested buff in both jungles repeatedly while fighting you.
60. Maokai's Twisted Advance will always stop you just short of your turret.
61. When in doubt, ward.
62. The second you enter a team fight, your carries run away.
63. Soraka and Shen both deal no damage, yet still make you rage at the loading screen.
64. Enemy minions always follow you into the bush.
65. Your minions are always pushed back to your turret.
66. The enemy super minions always have more health.
67. Xin Xao will always be UP in his user's eyes. No exceptions.
68. AP Yi is not to be trifled with.
69. We feast.
70. You are a 'nuub', 'nub, 'noob', or any other variation, because that guy is 4-12-2. You are 1-2-24. He has more kills
71. No one ever expects the Spanish inquisition.
72. Ashe is also known as bait. Don't do it.
73. If there is a bush, there is an enemy in it.
74. If there is a Teemo, Shaco, Caitlyn, OR Nidalee, you will always 'find' their traps.
75. No, you cannot solo that Cho'Gath.
76. GLHF is code for "We are going to rape you". Not returning the favor is giving consent.
77. IF you see Sona, run. She is NEVER alone.
78. Support are always underappreciated
79. It's always the support's fault.
80. Two kills is not fed.
81. Gangplank and Tryndamere will always crit.
82. Your Karthus will never get a kill with his ult.
83. Enemy Karthus will get quadra kills.
84. If you survive a 1 v 1 fight, the minions will finish you.
85. Twisted Fate will always ult after he respawns.
86. Playing with a skin makes you better.
87. Don't fight Malzahar alone.
88. Anivia is impossible to kill for first blood.
89. Urgot will always out-range you.
90. Gangplank's Parrrley see's the Pirate's Code as "guidelines"
91. Alistar always has flash up and will pulverize and headbutt you into his team/turret.
92. You will always be stunned during Death Lotus.
93. The enemy will never be stunned during Death Lotus.
94. If you have more than 3 numbers in your name, you will be called a noob.
95. Your team will never block Ace in the Hole.
96. The other team always has more CC than you.
97. If you play a jungler and lane you will be called a noob.
98. Mordekaiser will always have his shield.
99. Face checking bushes will kill you.
100. If the laning phase is over, you are always overextended.

link: ... rom-i3ig-b

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Posty: 1753
Dołączył(a): 13.04.2006
PostNapisane: 20 lip 2011, 20:22 
koci napisał(a):
Ma ktos jakies niepotrzebne konto? Od 2 dni probuje zalozyc ale mam jakis error "There was a problem submitting the form"

bump :(


Posty: 405
Dołączył(a): 9.07.2003
PostNapisane: 20 lip 2011, 20:53 
a o zolwiku nie ma nic?


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Posty: 1576
Dołączył(a): 12.05.2004
PostNapisane: 20 lip 2011, 20:55 
koci napisał(a):
Ma ktos jakies niepotrzebne konto? Od 2 dni probuje zalozyc ale mam jakis error "There was a problem submitting the form"

A próbowałeś teraz?

Wcześniej mogli mieć problemu ze względu na ten split.
Teraz niby wszystko jest ok, strona ruszyła.

Sprobuj z mojego refa, jeżeli Ci to nie przeszkadza :) ... a870795398

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Posty: 1753
Dołączył(a): 13.04.2006
PostNapisane: 20 lip 2011, 21:38 
Dalej to samo - ale dzieki juz sobie zalatwilem :)

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Posty: 2794
Dołączył(a): 16.06.2004
PostNapisane: 21 lip 2011, 06:26 
Niah napisał(a):
k4czy napisał(a):
D3jviD napisał(a):
Powiedzmy, ze 100k osób loguje się w jednym momencie, jaki serw to wytrzyma? ;)

Będzie dobrze, trochę optymizmu panowie.


fanboy z ciebie albo o wowie wiesz jedynie z opowieści swoich starszych kolegów

Nie wiem kto tu jest starszy czy mlodszy , mysle ze w RL bys mowil do mnie na Pan , ja osoabiscie gram od beta testow US , so....A fanboj ze mnie zaden.

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Posty: 8077
Dołączył(a): 16.11.2004
PostNapisane: 21 lip 2011, 07:00 
No to jak grasz tak dlugo to powinienes wiedziec ze piszesz glupoty. Serwery Blizzarda maja ciezko wytrzymac kilkaset osob w jednym miejscu i to teraz... pare lat po premierze.

Zreszta.... poczytaj na google historie wyskakujaca po wpisaniu "Swifty Banned". Historia sprzed paru dni i wyjebywanie serwerow tylko pisaniem na chacie lol i postaciami lvl1. A potem to samo na paru serwerach jako "zemsta" za zbanowanie kolesia.

Blizzard ma CHUJOWE serwery jak na 2011 rok.
Wyjebywania serwerow za pomoca makr i lat lagow na BN nawet z litosci nie wspomne. Jakosc taka sama jak u Riot tbh, przy "normalnym" uzytkowaniu i rozlozeniu trafiicu w czasie jest OK - zaqczyna sie masowka i zaczynaja sie problemy. A LOL atm jest niezwykle popularny i jest to samo co WoW mial przy premierze czy walkach w Tarren Mill - serwery nie wyrabiaja po prostu.

A co do pytania... pare tysiecy osob loguje sie na raz, czyje serwery wytrzymaja? Trionu. Nawet nie pierdna. :) Sprawdzone empirycznie podczas bet i premiery RIFT. Stabilne jak skala. No ale to nowa technologia, nieuzywana atm nigdzie indziej.

Taki OT w kwestii wyjasnienia niescislosci. Sorki. Mozecie wrocic do przegadywania sie z roballkiem kto jest bardziej pro. :)

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Posty: 5596
Dołączył(a): 24.04.2005
PostNapisane: 21 lip 2011, 07:07 
10. The Blitz on your team will never land his grabs, but the one on the other team will.

Sooo true :)

Dobra jakieś pro tipy na granie Janną? Pograłbym sobie jakimś al'a supportem właśnie, Soraka mi nie podchodzi zupełnie a sonę mam na innym acc.

Mam leniwe szare komórki.


Posty: 1375
Dołączył(a): 23.03.2005
PostNapisane: 21 lip 2011, 09:24 
Ten podział to najlepsze co mnie w lolu spotkało od tygodni! Kilka gier wczoraj, zero jebanych polskich/ruskich whinerów, można spokojnie pograć.
WEST RULZ!!!11one

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Posty: 5596
Dołączył(a): 24.04.2005
PostNapisane: 21 lip 2011, 09:25 
DirectC napisał(a):
Ten podział to najlepsze co mnie w lolu spotkało od tygodni! Kilka gier wczoraj, zero jebanych polskich/ruskich whinerów, można spokojnie pograć.
WEST RULZ!!!11one

Ja wczoraj na 5-6 walk w jednej miałem mały whine tylko na east zeby nie bylo :)

Mam leniwe szare komórki.


Posty: 4059
Dołączył(a): 5.01.2002
PostNapisane: 21 lip 2011, 09:30 
Wczoraj 4 gry 0 whinu 2 wygrane 2 przegrane. Tylko jedna osoba sie sfrustrowala ;P ...



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Posty: 2794
Dołączył(a): 16.06.2004
PostNapisane: 21 lip 2011, 09:32 
A gdzie jest ta opcja do przenosin na West?

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Posty: 5596
Dołączył(a): 24.04.2005
PostNapisane: 21 lip 2011, 09:35 
k4czy napisał(a):
A gdzie jest ta opcja do przenosin na West?

W sklepiku in game.

Mam leniwe szare komórki.

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Posty: 6736
Dołączył(a): 18.09.2004
PostNapisane: 21 lip 2011, 09:45 
Bloodleaf napisał(a):
k4czy napisał(a):
A gdzie jest ta opcja do przenosin na West?

W sklepiku in game.

Na razie nigdzie jej nie ma, bo transferu przez jakiś czas jeszcze nie będzie, ale ponoć nad tym pracują. I tak, potem pojawi się w sklepie, w zakladce "Others".


Ostatnio edytowano 21 lip 2011, 09:48 przez Keii, łącznie edytowano 1 raz
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Posty: 5596
Dołączył(a): 24.04.2005
PostNapisane: 21 lip 2011, 09:47 
Jak nie będzie, przecież miał być zaraz po splicie.

Mam leniwe szare komórki.

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Posty: 6736
Dołączył(a): 18.09.2004
PostNapisane: 21 lip 2011, 09:48 
Miał być "soon".


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Posty: 5596
Dołączył(a): 24.04.2005
PostNapisane: 21 lip 2011, 09:53 

Shortly after the split is complete, you will have the option to transfer to the opposite platform for free for a limited time.

Limited time? - 1 dzień :P

Mam leniwe szare komórki.

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