AO - Nowy engine
Strona 2 z 2

Autor:  iniside [ 25 lis 2008, 10:04 ]

Sobtainer napisał(a):
Skoro głupi Funcom zrobił patcha z nowym enginem, to dlaczego Blizzard tego nie robi? nie rozumiem kompletnie tego... przecież ponad 50% graczy ma już maszynki do uciągnięcia AoC.

Bo trzeba by wymienic calosc grafiki (modele, tekstury) i przemodelowac swiat, zeby byl to w stanie wykorzystac :E.
Ponad 50% graczy ma maszynki do directx 10. Co za problem zmodyfikować engine w taki sposób, żeby korzystał tylko częściowo z efektów dx10?

Problem zadne. Ale bez odpowiednich tekstur i modeli, nie zobaczysz wiekszej roznicy poza spadkiem FPS.

Czesc rzeczy mozna generowac proceduralnie (trawa, oswietlnie, particles (w calosci, nie tak jak jest teraz ze czesciowo), jakas prosta fizyka jak ruchy drzew i chmur etc). Ale postacie budnki itd. dalej beda plaskie.

Autor:  Lufanga [ 25 lis 2008, 10:22 ]

powoli zbliza sie ich nowy tytul - nawet jesli to bedzie pare lat - to latwiej bedzie porzucic support prostej gierki jaka jest teraz WoW a ktory za pare lat bedzie na poziomie darmowych koreancow
i zapewne latiwiej im przyjdzie wtedy przeciagniecie graczy do nowego produktu
wymiana grafiki mialaby sens gdyby blizz nie mial nic w planach

a jak widac nawet z nedzna grafika WoW sobie swietnie radzi - wiec po co wychodzic przed szereg? dla garstki ludzi?

Autor:  Pipboy [ 16 mar 2009, 09:10 ]

Means napisał(a):
The Engine:

I haven't spoken about the engine for it is difficult to make code optimization interesting...I only listen in those meeting because I have to. The coders are working hard at optimizing the new currently it is an "all features on full" affair that provides all features...but poor framerate. Optimizations that were missing from "old" AO are being looked mesh instancing (load that tree once with a single call...and populate it out at no real framerate loss) was one aspect of the coder work this week. They were very excited to have 500 Turbine mesh's on the screen at once without significant issues. I'm going to assume this is a good thing...I sometimes don't always get those "coder moments". At any rate, an effect system is now working and we can begin to start producing some new effects, everything is being optimization and the grunt work of producing a great number of effects can begin. Both these are going to take time...but we'll keep at it.

There will of course be some graphical updates with the new engine...the full extent of which isn't fully decided. New trees to freshen up the outdoor environments are definitely coming. Character bodies are going to be "smoothed" and better optimized for animation to lose some of the nasty poly issues. One test in progress at the moment is new character heads...AO has a huge number of we are currently working on a "work in progress" opifex female head as a test case for possible production of new heads. I imagine it is unlikely we will simply replace all the heads in game as all of us have some attatchment to these...but more likely offer a choice to move to a "new" head if we want...and remove the old ones from character creation so all new characters will get new heads. Like I said...this is in the early phases...and not final yet...but exciting so I wanted to share an image with you for this week.

No i coś, co wszyscy lubią: render głowy


Autor:  Dana [ 16 mar 2009, 13:34 ]

Myślę że większość wolałaby render boobsów.

Efekty widać, no i dobrze że chłopaki przykładają się do optymalizacji, bo trochę to olewali ostatnio.

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