Starcraft 2
Strona 112 z 305

Autor:  Eshim [ 5 lip 2010, 17:49 ]

w becie jakos dziala multi przy niedzialajacym singlu :P.
Jesli nie zmienia adresow serwerow(mozliwe) ani protokolu(malo prawdopodobne) gra bedzie sie zachowywac tak jak beta. Tzn bedzie dostep do multi - ladera itd a single bedzie zaciemniony.

Autor:  pooma [ 5 lip 2010, 18:14 ]

Nie ma bata, bedzie nowy klient albo potezny update tego zeby byl single.

Autor:  raggnarok [ 5 lip 2010, 18:59 ]

Zobaczymy, jak sie teraz loguje do SC2 to jest komunikat o niezgodnym kliencie bety, takze bedzie na bank nowy klient, oby byla to juz pelna wersja gry z singlem i multi, wtedy zostanie juz tylko kluczyk :)

Autor:  Keii [ 5 lip 2010, 19:15 ]

Dla nich wypuszczać coś takiego byłoby bez sensu - po co marnować przepustowość ;)

Autor:  Ravushimo [ 6 lip 2010, 09:44 ]

DD bedzie na pewno, ale pewnie podobnie jak TBC i WotLK po kilku dniach od premiery zeby nie bylo przeciazenia jak wszyscy rzuca sie na sciaganie;]

Autor:  Sou [ 7 lip 2010, 14:52 ]

I co ? Patcha mi sciagnelo, BN nie dziala. Ktos wie kiedy ruszy? :>

Autor:  Keii [ 7 lip 2010, 15:01 ]

Dziś jest afair 24h maint Bnetu i WoWa.
Ale nie widziałem żadnej informacji o starcie drugiej fazy bety oprócz tej sprzed dwóch tygodni.

Autor:  raggnarok [ 7 lip 2010, 15:07 ]

Spory update, ponad 450mb, ciekawe co dodaja. Anyway, wyglada na to, ze jutro rusza 2 faza.

Autor:  Ravushimo [ 7 lip 2010, 15:56 ]

Dodaja glownie dzwieki dlatego tyle wazy ;] anyway bety na razie nie bedzie

Autor:  Keii [ 7 lip 2010, 16:00 ]

Kto wie, może ruszy jakoś bardzo niedługo.

W każdym razie w końcu dodali w opcjach v-sync.

Patch notes:

* Rally points now behave as a move command, instead of an attack move command.
* Enabled the ability to manually add a StarCraft II character friend using the player's character code. Character code is a server-assigned numerical code that is displayed within the Add Friend panel.
* Achievements & Rewards have been updated.
* All Quick Match modes are now available: 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, and Free For All.
* All A.I. difficulties are now available for play.
* Cooperative matchmaking versus A.I. players is now available as a play mode.
* Enabled cross-game social features between World of Warcraft and StarCraft II.

Balance Changes

o Infestor
+ Frenzy spell removed.
+ Infested Terran spell added.
o Overseer
+ Infested Terran spell removed.
o Ultralisk
+ Now immune to stuns and mind control.

Xel'naga? ... 4c9d68.jpg ... 5638PM.png

Autor:  montezuma [ 8 lip 2010, 06:18 ]

szukam wolnego klucza do bety, z góry dzięki.

Autor:  Keii [ 8 lip 2010, 07:48 ]

StarCraft II Beta Phase Two Begins

The second phase of the StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty beta test is now underway. We're delighted to invite you back to the battlefield and hope that you will join us through July 19 for more terran, protoss, and zerg action.

As stated previously, all data from beta phase one has been reset. This inc...ludes characters, match history, ladder rankings, and achievements. Beta participants will therefore need to recreate their characters and, if joining matchmaking games, complete a new series of placement matches.

We thank you for all the feedback you provided during phase one and are excited to hear about more of your experiences in phase two. Welcome back to beta, and we'll see you on!

Autor:  Keii [ 10 lip 2010, 08:18 ]

Info od blue (tym razem bez postów, nie chce mi się szukać).
Koło 20:00 naszego czasu ma być info odnośnie startu EU serwerów, chcieliby ruszyć przed weekendem, ale nie wiedzą czy dadzą radę.

Następny blue:
The main reason for the delay of the non-US versions are the different timezones.
Despite our efforts in genetic engineering we're still unable to provide you with enhanced versions of our Developers capable of working for 24 hours a day :P

You are right, US Beta was launched before the European one. But our US players experienced several issues with that version and we chose to fix those issues before launching Phase Two in other regions.
The main problems were fixed yesterday evening (EU time) and therefore we're now working on the non-EU versions.
After release we'll try to minimize these kind of differences between US and non-US versions, given the fact that the timezone issue will still be there and there will always be a minimum delay, just like we're doing with WoW patches and so on.

I can assure you that we're doing our best to bring you back into Beta as soon as possible, please bear with us :)

Żeby nie było 3 posta pod rząd, edit:
Just a quick update on beta for you. We are still in the process of applying the patch to European servers and anticipate that beta phase two will be available late tonight (by the end of the day US time). We'll provide another update if anything changes. :)
When I think I'm being clear enough and still there is confusion. So, lets see if this is a bit clearer:

End of the day PDT (don't believe any team working on StarCraft II has a "We clock out at set time" policy at the moment)
During this night CET (So, if you value your sleep, if all goes as planned you can wake up to play StarCraft - if you are a night owl, you might be able to enjoy the game a bit earlier, but it could very well get quite late)

Jednym słowem jest duża (?) szansa, że beta EU ruszy jutro rano.

Edit4: - singiel zapowiada się ciekawie.

Beta phase two is now available for European servers. Welcome back to beta, and we'll see you on!

Autor:  raggnarok [ 10 lip 2010, 13:19 ]

Dupa tam available. Serwer lezy i kwiczy.

Autor:  Keii [ 10 lip 2010, 13:23 ]

Ponoć na niemieckim forum Blizz pisał, że pracują i może koło 18 będzie działało.

Autor:  pooma [ 10 lip 2010, 14:10 ]


Autor:  borboun [ 10 lip 2010, 14:27 ]

Zajebiste avatary. Jakoś teraz wygląda lepiej chyba ten SC2.

Autor:  Keii [ 10 lip 2010, 14:53 ]

Działa ok, oprócz graficznych błędów na przykład na gejzerach gazu.
Tu lista znanych problemów.

Autor:  Eshim [ 10 lip 2010, 15:41 ]

hmm nazwa awatara - Kachinsky ^^.

Autor:  pooma [ 10 lip 2010, 16:53 ]

wtf solo zen master - wygraj 1000 gier każdą rasą i randomem ;]

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