Jako ze dzis wychodzi DLC (dosc duze - taki mini dodatek TBH) to pomyslalem ze moze to kogos zainteresowac:
HeartCore Mod - More Challenge in Amalur -
1. EXP gain is down to 50%, which let's you explore the world without ever having to fear to outlevel the enemies too fast or to become lvl 40 midgame already; especially important in order to have room for character development when exploring the upcoming DLC. Due to the steep nature of the exp curve this means endgame roughly a 6 level difference to what you would be in vanilla. A very thorough player will get near lvl 40 in the maincampaign (would have outcapped in vanilla quite some time before the end of the main campaign) and should - just guessing here of course - be able to reach level 40 in the upcoming DLC then.
2. Doubles the damage the heroes receives
3. Halves the damage the hero does
4. Introduces soft cap for very high player damage (e.g. due to multiplier stacking); stealth attacks follow special rules
5. Implements extra damage mechanism against heroes with extremely high hp (again counterbalancing multiplier stacking)
6. Utilizes minimum damge per hit, regardless of armor/resistances, so the hero remains somewhat vulnerable despite over the top armor/resistance values (even groups of grey mobs can be a little dangerous now)
7. Doubles the mana cost of the hero's spells and abilities; adds minimum casting/ability use cost of 10 mana, brings mana regenaration down to 33% and mana potions down to 50%
8. Reduces the sell value of items as well as the gold found to one third of vanilla
9. Increases a paramter called "Attack Weight" that allwos more multiple attackers and stronger simultaneous special attacks at the same time (changed from 14 to 100)
10. All healing potions are at 50% effectiveness; health regeneration is only at 20% effectiveness, be it natural, by potion or by crafting
11. Via Cheat Engine tool (see below) I also suggest to set the game speed at 115% - still immersive and makes combat more interesting, cause you need to be more on your toes.
Podobno inna gra.

Jak tylko dostane w swe lapki to DLC to obadam ten mod i moze cos opisze tak po 10h grania (wiec pewnie dopiero w weekend. Kolesie w tym temacie pisza ze gra sie "tak jak powinno sie grac od poczatku".
Jesli ktos jest zainteresowany to polecam posty kolesia "Kitako", ktory jedzie 100% completion playthrough z tym modem i daje mapki jak leveluje i opisuje jak sie gra z tak drastycznymi zmianami.