Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad (konsole gtfo)
Strona 19 z 29

Autor:  Arturnik [ 18 wrz 2011, 19:15 ]

Highlander napisał(a):
yhy, to ja myslalem, ze na odwrot, hold - w sensie na stale kurwau ;d

Też tak myślałem.
Czyli nie wyrażałeś się jasno. :(

Autor:  Highlander [ 18 wrz 2011, 19:47 ]

W ogole to, kto gra, moze jakas lista?


Autor:  Dana [ 19 wrz 2011, 16:07 ]

Highlander napisał(a):
yhy, to ja myslalem, ze na odwrot, hold - w sensie na stale kurwau ;d ... p?p=861619 tu?

mialem mp44 i juz nie mam, wtf?

Nie działa.

Autor:  Highlander [ 20 wrz 2011, 18:01 ]

Bug Fixes
-Fixed a bug where players could spawn without a class
-Fixed a bug with auto reloading when using a manual bolt rifle
-Minor performance improvements

Level/Gameplay Fixes
Pavlov's House
-Added wall to block line of sight to one of the Allied tank spawns
-Allies now correctly get a forward spawn when capturing Zab's House
-German spawn protection was toned down to prevent Allied attackers in inside of the Voyentorg from being killed by spawn protection when objectives changed hands

Commissar's House
-Gave Allies 40 more reinforcements
-Default Allied spawn in more directly in line with Building 81
-Moved one of the initial Axis spawns back further from the Water Refinery
-Increased spawn protection and no artillery volumes for Allies
-Various cover fixes

Autor:  WinterS [ 20 wrz 2011, 20:44 ]

po chuj nazywać Sowietów Aliantami

Autor:  Dana [ 20 wrz 2011, 20:49 ]

Z tego samego powodu z jakiego nazywa się nazistów Osią. Bo będzie dodatek z Amerykanami vs Japońcami na Pacyfiku.

Autor:  Highlander [ 20 wrz 2011, 20:52 ]

dodatek czy to bedzie mod?

Autor:  Dana [ 20 wrz 2011, 20:56 ]

No mod to raczej produkcja amatorska/fanowska, dodatek raczej profesjonalna. Zresztą, jak zwał tak zwał. DLC.

Autor:  Highlander [ 20 wrz 2011, 21:01 ]

A ok, Zapowiedzieli oficjalny dodatek rising storm.

Ale modow tez mnostwo, SDK chyba wychodzi na dniach.

Autor:  Highlander [ 22 wrz 2011, 21:55 ]
Tytuł: ... order.html
jedyne 52 zł

Autor:  Huragan [ 22 wrz 2011, 22:06 ]

Highlander napisał(a):
jedyne 52 zł

za darmo bym tego gowna nawet nie chcial :)

Autor:  Dana [ 22 wrz 2011, 22:23 ]

Polecam podkręcić gammę, nie brightness tylko gammę. Z konsoli gamma cyferka. Ja gram na 3.8. Bardzo pomoga w wyszukiwaniu celów.

Autor:  Highlander [ 22 wrz 2011, 22:39 ]

Huragan napisał(a):
za darmo bym tego gowna nawet nie chcial :)

bywasz bardzo nudny.

Autor:  Highlander [ 28 wrz 2011, 19:16 ]

Sorry guys you can't have it both ways. Either we cut down detail in the levels and it runs better for a wider range of people, or we leave the detail and then everyone complains about "OMG this game doesn't run as good as every other game I play that just happens to be a console port with low detail." And unfortunately, another symptom of almost all recent shooters being console ports is everyone just cranks there graphics up to Ultra no matter what hardware they have, then come crying to us that the game doesn't run very good on their 3-5 year old hardware. This being due to the fact that games designed to run on 5 year old console hardware usually run awesome on 5 year old machines on the highest settings.

Sorry to be blunt, but sometimes I have to :)

Ok kurwa, taki komentarz od twórców tej gry nastraja mnie w chuj negatywnie. Co za kuźwa ignorant.

Autor:  RufeN [ 28 wrz 2011, 20:30 ]

Highlander napisał(a):
Sorry guys you can't have it both ways. Either we cut down detail in the levels and it runs better for a wider range of people, or we leave the detail and then everyone complains about "OMG this game doesn't run as good as every other game I play that just happens to be a console port with low detail." And unfortunately, another symptom of almost all recent shooters being console ports is everyone just cranks there graphics up to Ultra no matter what hardware they have, then come crying to us that the game doesn't run very good on their 3-5 year old hardware. This being due to the fact that games designed to run on 5 year old console hardware usually run awesome on 5 year old machines on the highest settings.

Sorry to be blunt, but sometimes I have to :)

Ok kurwa, taki komentarz od twórców tej gry nastraja mnie w chuj negatywnie. Co za kuźwa ignorant.

konsole gtfo,tyle w temacie. dobrze koles prawi, konsole opozniaja atm rozwoj grafiki i fizyki w grach.

Autor:  Highlander [ 28 wrz 2011, 20:43 ]

tylko, że poziom grafy w RO2 jest taki, że powinno śmigać, a jest zupełnie inaczej...

Autor:  Highlander [ 2 paź 2011, 20:41 ]

serwerki: ... .243:7777/ - Jarzebina Czerwona - 40-1 ... rder=DESC- jakis ruski ;]

Autor:  Highlander [ 3 paź 2011, 22:55 ]

może w końcu.

Hey guys,

It has been a few days since I last had a chance to talk with you. While I was out of town at a wedding, the team has been hard at work bringing you another update for RO 2. This will be a large update (several gigs in size) due to the art/level changes that have gone into it dealing with performance and graphical improvements (which will cause some areas on the maps as well as weapons/characters in some situations to look significantly better when not in the primary light source).

We've also been actively running the stand alone beta build of the game to identify and fix stats and achievement issues. If all goes well we believe we will have this wrapped up soon.

So in summary here is what you can expect:
1) Graphical Improvements in some lighting conditions
2) Improved performance in nearly every map
3) Stats/achievements systems fixed
4) Fix of the sound loss on map change (again... this time with feeling)
5) Several minor performance enhancements in code

At the same time we will likely roll out our next update of the SDK for those who have it, fixing a few more issues (the highlight being Play In Editor).

The timing of when this update rolls out largely depends on how our testing of the stats system goes in the beta build. When we push out the next update for it, we would appreciate your help hammering at it. See you on the front!

Autor:  gufnowapnjasz [ 3 paź 2011, 23:09 ]

dobrze, ze nie wtopilem kasy w ro2 ;d juz raczej nie wyciagna tej gry, trup

Autor:  Atherius [ 3 paź 2011, 23:10 ]

No trochę zjebali sprawę, mieli okazję zgarnąć troszkę graczy przed bf3 i mw3 a tak to strzał w stopę.

Strona 19 z 29 Strefa czasowa: UTC + 1
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