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Beta 4
* It is possible for participants in a zone event to receive completion rewards even if they are not the 'home faction' of the event.
* Good news! More action bars to turn on! Bad news: All ability button layouts had to be be reset across all roles.
=== FEATURED ===
* Now Available for Play: Stonefield and Gloamwood, including new Full-zone scale events and zone bosses, colossi and other invaders!
* New Beta Level Cap: 27!
* WARFRONTS NOW AVAILABLE: Black Garden for level 10 and above, The Codex for level 20 and up!
* NEW DUNGEONS AVAILABLE: Darkening Deeps, Deepstrike Mines
* Major revamp to raid frames to make them cleaner and more usable – Just in time for WARFRONTS!
* A full next-ability queue option has been implemented! See below under COMBAT for more details on Ability Queue settings.
* You may now enable up to 10 secondary bars on the UI (6 bottom, 4 side).
* New soul quests are now available in Meridian, Sanctum, and Quicksilver College.
* Queue for Warfronts by pressing 'K' or selecting the Warfronts button in the lower left menu.
* The inventory 'global cooldown' has been removed. You should see much faster response time when opening/closing bags.
* Changing a pet's name should always cause their nameplate to update.
* Removed the 'rename' option from companion pets' menus.
* If you are standing next to a repeatable quest giver at the nightly reset time, the NPC will properly update their available quest(s)/icons.
* Increased the max number of items in your general 'collectibles' list to allow room for all souls, books, and mounts one may encounter in game.
* Shortened nighttime darkness by about 50%, and extended sunrise and sunset accordingly. Time is special in Telara.
* Profanity filtering is now more aggressive. Including Pet and Guild names. You do not need to stress test this.
* BETA 4 TEST ITEMS: The Freemarch-Silverwood teleport items have been removed. In their place are new Stonefield-Gloamwood teleport items on Stonefield and Gloamwood Planar Goods merchants. These items will only work if you have already bound your soul somewhere.
* Several guild perks have become passive enhancements, once purchased they are permanent: Enduring Banner, High Visibility, Lucky Penny, Shrewd Negotiator, Earthly Ties.
* Guild Perk - Efficient Consumption: Now a passive enhancement, values lowered to 5/10% to support this change.
* Guild Perk - Favored Student: Now a passive enhancement, values lowered to 5% to support this change.
* All perks with 1 minute durations have been extended to 5 minutes.
* Zone event rewards are no longer handed out via quest turn-in. They are now handed out via the event loot bag found in your UI.
* Zone events now only reward participants in the event. This isn't scaled like gold/silver/bronze - you either receive the reward, or do not.
* Wardstones in quest hubs and Invasion forces spawned through flares are now PvP flagged and attackable by the opposing faction. Defeating these will award a small amount of favor.
* The Unbound (previously shown as "Untethered") effect on Invaders who succeed in placing a foothold no longer deals damage to them over time. Any Invader with this effect will now despawn after 5 minutes if not engaged.
* Added a version of the Unbound effect for Guardian and Defiant Invasions, called Battleworn.
* Various fixes and updates to the events in Silverwood and Freemarch, due to popular demand!
* When near a zone boundary during an Invasion in the nearby zone, you can sometimes see the impact bleed into the sky overhead, across the zone line. Like a warning. You're next. Unless you go take them out first!
* Invasion commanders who are not magic users will now animate when summoning footholds.
* Fixed collision on Guardian and Defiant wardstones, so it should no longer be possible to get stuck in them when they are upgraded.
* The buff from fully upgraded Defiant wardstones - Asha's Inspiration - now has visual effects while the aura is active.
* (Did you even know that you can upgrade your faction's wardstones? We're working on ways of making this whole system much clearer in the future.)
* Guardian Invasions wear less blinding equipment.
* Using the F-key party member selection buttons (F1-F5) will now let you select the target's pet if pressed twice.
* Party chat bubbles no longer appear if your party member is in a different instance.
* Major revamp to raid frames to make them cleaner and more usable!
* On a PvE server, if you resurrect at a resurrection NPC and your PvP flag can be removed, it will be immediately dropped. This does not apply when in Warfronts, when you have PvP flag set to Always On, or are on a PvP server.
* When you respawn at a graveyard and are under Soul Exhaustion, you will get a 15 second Peace of the Grave buff. Durin this time you will not aggro hostile mobs, to allow you to escape Invasions in progress.
* When resurrecting underwater, you will have a full breath bar.
* A next-ability queue has been implemented! You can turn it on under Settings - Interface - Misc, by changing the Ability Queue dropdown menu.
* Short: Default half-second soft queue before the global cooldown ends. Abilities used within this period will go off right after the cooldown ends.
* Full: The next ability used after a global cooldown begins will be queued to trigger as soon as possible. A blue 'selection' effect plays on the hotkey for the queued ability.
* None: No queue (short or full) turned on; ability must be self-triggered after the end of the cooldown period to use.
* Damage type should show in the combat log again.
* Increased ranges of most combat abilities and effects - in general, healing, buffing, and damage should feel less restrictive and more natural.
* Scrolling Combat Text now displays blocked damage amounts on-screen.
* The pet attack command now respects the owner's 'cast on target of target' setting.
* Debuffs now have colored borders if they are a curse (purple), disease (yellow), or poison (green).
* You can now click on the next/previous action bar buttons on the main action bar while stealthed.
* The main bar stealth timer no longer disappears if you close a window with ESC.
* The main action bar now remembers which bar you were viewing when you stealthed, and returns you to that bar upon exit.
* You can now switch to the Stealth hotbar by using keyboard shortcuts while stealthed. Renamed the Action Bar KeyBind to "Action Bar Page 1/Rogue Stealth Bar" to reflect this change.
* New soul quests are now available in Meridian, Sanctum, and Quicksilver College.
* Clerics: Increased most Cleric heals, buffs, and auras to a range of 35 meters.
* Clerics: Increased most Cleric ranged attacks to have a range of 30 meters.
* Mages: Increased range on targeted offensive spells to 30 meters, targeted beneficial spells to 35 meters, and the max radius of mage buff auras set to 35 meters.
* Warriors: Ranges have been increased slightly for all Warrior Buffs and Auras.
* Mana Regen is displayed in character sheet and mana bar rollover tooltips for Cleric and Mage classes.
* Total mana regen is displayed in the tooltip rollover for the mana bar.
* The character sheet Wisdom tooltip reports the mana regen bonus that your current wisdom gives you (independent of base regeneration).
* Power Drain: Added a max duration so this cannot get 'stuck' permanently on a character.
* Elusiveness: Now usable only while in stealth.
* Cleaned up the looping music from interrupted Bard abilities.
* Coda of Restoration: Healing now increases with the ability Triumphant Spirit.
* The range of all damage attacks has increased from 15m to 20m.
* The radius of all Motifs, Anthems, and Fanfares has been increased to 35m.
* Invigorated Soul: Now heals up to 10 party/raid members within 35m.
* Weapon Barrage, Dancing Steel: Now automatically turn on auto-attack when used.
* Untangle is now off of global cooldown.
* Improved Quick Strike: Renamed to Blade and Fury. Your Quick Strike and Precision Strike increase the damage of your next Keen strike by 5-10%.
* An additional 25% damage bonus from Attack Power has been added to Quick Strike and Precision Strike. The damage of these abilities has been reduced accordingly.
* Arresting Presence, Reflective Presence, and Draining Presence can now be cast on any target.
* Satyr pet portraits now display Energy.
* Updated icons for Summon Lesser Air Elemental and Summon Greater Air Elemental.
* Armor of Awakening: Now works as described.
* The range of all ranged attacks has increased from 25m to 30m.
* Two Nightblades using Smoldering Blades debuff on the same target will not consume one another's stack.
* Unstable State, Heat Retention: Now increases the damage from Primal Death.
* Fiery Spike: Can now be trained past rank 5.
* Light's Decree: Should not trigger on AoE abilities.
* Rain of Arrows: Fixed a bug so that it no longer skips the last interval of the damage channel.
* Pin Down: Now requires the target's location to be within the player's line of sight.
* Escape Artist: Now off of the global cooldown.
* New texture for Greater Razorbeast.
* New texture for Greater Dire Wolf.
* The range of all ranged attacks has increased from 25m to 30m.
* Sinister Bindings: No longer puts a debuff on the target.