dla odmiany opinie z bawksa i ps tri :
sorry once again to the pc guys but i am loving this game. it looks a little rough in places but the lighting is impressive at times. and the zombies are fucking brutal. this is the first game i have actually felt fear in since i don't know when. exploring around looting shit with this uneasy feeling of dread is great. then you hear the growls and shit is on. these fucking zeds don't play. the music is outstanding also. i am really enjoying this game. so much fun. too bad it will be remembered as that zombie game that was broken when released. it's unfortunate since this is the best zombie game i have played ever. EVER! 360 version by the way.
Game is a blast. If PS3 is your only option, I think it's pretty damn good. There's something about the graphics that seems a bit sub-HD, but these are pretty big environments, and maybe that has something to do with it...?
At any rate, it's a blast. This is Dead Rising meets Fallout 3 meets Borderlands. And when those fast zombies come at you, it does get a bit tense.
the bone breaking system in the game is absolutely awesome. I love trying to break both arms on those bigger guys. The combat in general is just awesome. Best melee system I've ever played. The game seems to put a large focus on making you create, repair, and upgrade weapons. Hence the large amount of supplies to be found. Its not so much about finding weapons as it is creating them and such.
uff nie jest tak zle, hajp is bak :>