Beta Mourning w nastepnym tygodniu
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Autor:  konrador [ 26 lut 2005, 01:20 ]
Tytuł:  Beta Mourning w nastepnym tygodniu

Info o planowanej na nastepny tydzien becie pojawilo sie na oficjalnym forum Mourning, w tym threadzie. Ponizej cut&paste interesujacej nas tresci.

The plan is next: Monday or Tuesday we will start a beta where the guys from preorders and some more can test the game. The beta will last for one week and after that we ship the preorders and we start the game commercially.
You can let the community know this facts - egomancer

Z poprzednich informacji udzielanych przez devsow wynika, ze do bety zostanie wpuszczonych ok. 4k osob.

Autor:  konrador [ 28 lut 2005, 19:38 ]

Najswiezszy quote z oficjalnego forum od egomancera:

Starting tomorrow or day after tomorrow we start sending the [open beta] keys to people .

Oprocz tego na Mourning Players pojawil sie wywiadzik, tez z egomancerem. Click.

Autor:  konrador [ 1 mar 2005, 20:16 ]

Pojawil sie kolejny post zatytulowany:

OB and hell on earth...

...w ktorym egomancer informuje:

will start tomorrow. Meaning that tomorrow we start sending the invites. Because the preorder system is not integrated with the game (the preorders are done by another company) we need to make it by hand.

It will take more than a day to send all the invites.

So stay tuned, my estimation is that there is less than 24h until the invites start to leave our company.

Ciekaw jestem komu wysla te invite'y :<

Autor:  redruM [ 1 mar 2005, 21:48 ]

Originally posted by egomancer
You do NOT need to preorder to get into this beta. But as I said we will send first the invites to the people that preordered.

After that we start sending them to randomly picked people that registered for beta.


czyli wyślą po kluczyku dla mnie i dla ciebie

fingers crossed!

Autor:  Compton [ 1 mar 2005, 22:21 ]

Hmm... ja tez jestem tam zarejestrowany od jakiegos czasu :D

Dostane kluczyk :roll: ??

Autor:  konrador [ 2 mar 2005, 20:20 ]

Wysylanie kluczykow i start ''open'' bety zostal przeniesiony na jutro. :<

Autor:  redruM [ 2 mar 2005, 21:14 ]

podobno wysyłają toto ręcznie roflio

1dzień no big deal

Autor:  Pieszczoch [ 3 mar 2005, 00:30 ]

No ja juz powoli sie niecierpliwie :har:
Ta gra to jedna wielka zagadka.

Autor:  Compton [ 3 mar 2005, 08:21 ]

Dzisiaj ma byc ten dzien ... wysylanie kluczy :D

Mam nadzieje ze dostane :roll:

Autor:  henrykes [ 3 mar 2005, 11:45 ]
Tytuł:  Rejestracja

Niech mi ktoś powie gdzie mam się zarejestrować,z góry dzięki :-?

Autor:  Art [ 3 mar 2005, 14:22 ]

Dotychczasowi beta testerzy jak narazie nie widzieli nowego klienta na oczy, ciekawe jak bedzie ze stabilnoscia w ob... no chyba ze zdarzy sie cud.

Autor:  konrador [ 3 mar 2005, 16:28 ]

Najprawdopodobniej bedzie drugie SB :)

Rejestracja jest na oficjalnej stronie. Tak trudno wpisac Mourning w Google?

btw Dzisiaj kluczy tez nie wyslali, jakies opoznienia...

Autor:  krzyk [ 4 mar 2005, 07:38 ]

No jak cala firma opiera sie na jednej osobie z osobowoscia wieloraka to co sie dziwisz :P


Autor:  konrador [ 5 mar 2005, 00:47 ]

Nowe info od egomancera:

The latest news is that the [beta] servers are up. The invites will go to the public either during the week-end either starting with Monday.


There are a few small problems with the client and we will fix them tomorrow and as soon as those problems are fixed we will start sending some invites.

If everything goes fine at least some of the new testers will be invited tomorrow.

Posty byly pisane wczoraj, wiec wszystkie tomorrow odnosza sie do soboty.

Autor:  Art [ 5 mar 2005, 01:32 ]

konrador napisał(a):

There are a few small problems with the client and we will fix them tomorrow and as soon as those problems are fixed we will start sending some invites.

Ma przez to na mysli ze nowy klient wywala kazdego do desktopu podczas proby laczenia z serwerem. :roll:

Autor:  konrador [ 6 mar 2005, 03:03 ]

Chyba juz naprawili klienta, bo sa nowe screeny z bety. Linki do kazdego z nich sa tutaj.


Autor:  konrador [ 6 mar 2005, 16:49 ]

Info od tiamata z IRC:

12:19PM <adonys> ok
12:19PM <adonys> we just got some news
12:19PM <adonys> unfortunately, not very good
12:19PM <adonys> or good, if you think having the weekend free for everything else except mourning is good
12:20PM <adonys> we need to get another list with emails from the preorders handling company
12:20PM <adonys> and that can only happen on monday morning :(
12:20PM <adonys> that's pretty much it atm
12:20PM <adonys> sorry guys

I egomancera:

From what I know there is the possibility that Warcry will host the setup client that is around 350 Mb if I am right (I did not pay attention to this detail - I was just too happy that one CD is enough).

We will find more tomorrow when we start sending the invites. We will make between 100 and 500 invites per day, this depends on server stability. Be aware that a server with 100 people on acts different than a server with 1000 people on.

ror :<

Autor:  krzyk [ 7 mar 2005, 07:50 ]

Lol, "(I did not pay attention to this detail - I was just too happy that one CD is enough).
" to mnie normalnie powalilo :P


Autor:  Mac [ 7 mar 2005, 12:00 ]

"Be aware that a server with 100 people on acts different than a server with 1000 people on."

A mnie to :)

Autor:  konrador [ 7 mar 2005, 20:19 ]

Nowe screeny w rozdzielczosci 1280x1024 tutaj.

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