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Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 15 mar 2005, 20:52 
Niby nic waznego w kwestii bety sie nie pojawilo, tiamat postnal na oficjalnym forum newsa o tym, co sie dzieje i dlaczego jeszcze ow bety nie ma. Poscik do przeczytania tutaj.

Oprocz tego, w tym threadzie pojawilo sie kilkanascie screenow. Na jednym z nich mozna nawet zobaczyc kawalek interfejsu... Widac, ze od dawna nic w nim nie zmieniali... Lekko powiedziawszy wyglada dosc ubogo :<


Posty: 74
Dołączył(a): 28.05.2003
PostNapisane: 15 mar 2005, 23:05 
Jak zwykle kolejne klamstwa, nie maja oczywiscie zamiaru przynac ze brakuje im 3/4 gry.


Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 16 mar 2005, 21:27 
Nowe filmiki z gry pod tym adresem.

EDIT: Wydawca wykasowal filmiki, bo wg niego wygladaly zle :< Niedlugo ma ponoc wrzucic hi-res filmiki z wieksza liczba fps.

Jeden link do filmiku, ktory mi sie zachowal:


Posty: 988
Dołączył(a): 6.11.2004
PostNapisane: 17 mar 2005, 16:42 
Cos mi ta gra (przynajmniej narazie) śmierdzi coraz bardziej.

Opowiadamy historie o bohaterach, zeby pamietac ze i my mozemy byc wielcy.


Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 17 mar 2005, 17:19 
Nie tylko tobie :<

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Posty: 4849
Dołączył(a): 5.02.2004
PostNapisane: 17 mar 2005, 17:24 
Mi by nic nie smierdzialo jakby ten pre-order nie kasowalby kasy odrazu od zamowienia.
I niby te 40% sie oszczedza, geez.


Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 17 mar 2005, 18:03 
afaik pre-order nie kasuje kasy od razu... Jak wysla dopiero pobiora.

HEHE btw. ciekawy post autorstwa jednego z moderatorow (spoonbender) sie pojawil. Cut&paste, bo pewnie skasuja:

Dave/Adminit/DaveThaMan/QueenofTheDamned/JudasBreed/David/whatever other accounts you have:
I hope you're not going to delete this post. I want to tell this to the community, and if you delete the post, I'm gonna repost it. I've made a local copy of the post.
Of course, you could ban me, because unlike you, I respect the community rules, and I will not create a second account. I just hope you have the common sense not to do that.

Now, for everyone else:

I have given up on this game. I urge you all to get on with your lives, because sticking around waiting is at best going to be a source of frustration only.

Let me be absolutely clear on a few points though. There is a game. It's not ready for release, but the devs are working their asses off because they want the game to succeed. This is not why I give up. In fact, the devs are the main reason I've stayed on for so long. Because I like them and trust them, and because I thought they deserved this chance.

But how can a game succeed when the publisher is the biggest jerk on the face of the planet? A man who has no respect for rules, even when they're his own, and even less respect for his own customers, and less still for the people trying to work with him?

I've spent months now, trying to keep people from leaving the community in disgust every time that man opened his mouth. I can't keep up with this level of superhuman stupidity and incompetence.

As a community member, I have to deal with him pissing us all off with arrogant and offensive remarks. I have to deal with this kind of person being in charge of a game I'm interested in. I don't trust him to hire decent GM's. I don't trust him to buy decent servers. I don't trust him to fund the development long enough to get the game to a playable state.

As a beta tester, I'm still tied by the NDA, and I respect that, for the devs' sake. But I can say that you should all be glad you're not testers, because then you'd have to put up with even more of Dave's crap. You saw what happened with the videos. Some of us get permission to post screenshots and videos, and when we do, he insult us, and tell us not to post any more of either. Finally, I'll just say that from the available screenshots and movies, you should make up your own minds on the state of the game.

As a moderator? Well, don't even get me started. Again, I can't and won't give you any details, because unlike Dave, I have a minimum of respect for rules. But let's just say that if we could, and I speak for *every* mod here, and a few of the devs, we would have banned him countless times already.
And let's just say that you are extremely lucky you don't have to deal with him on the moderators board. We've always tried to compensate for his incompetence, apologize when he did something stupid, and in general, try to help people deal with the fact of having him in charge.
In return, we just have to put up with more crap. We have to put up with personal abuse, general insults, with the fact that the one person who most deserves a ban is outside the rules. We have to put up with him changing the rules on the forum with no prior notice to us. We have to put up with him randomly deleting threads he doesn't like. We have to put up with him making a new account every week. We have to put up with him deleting an entire subforum for no particular reason, and without ever giving an explanation. We have to deal with him banning people (and moderators), and occasionally even deleting their account completely. We have to put up with being told that we simply don't matter.
After posting this, I noticed that he has now even deleted a thread on the moderators forum. We complained about his recent actions, and even there, he deletes threads.

A lot of you have asked why I haven't preordered. My answer has always been that I never preorder a MMO. That is true, but it's not the full story. The other part of it is that the way things are going now, it's not worth preordering. Not because the devs intend to s-c-a-m you, or because the game doesn't exist, or because the CC handling company is a registered spammer, or any of the other crazy conspiracy theories that are floating around. Simply because the man in charge is the most incompetent publisher I've ever seen.

To summarize:
You probably all know how big a part of a MMO customer service and GM's play. And guess who's in charge of this. You also know how important it is that the devs are given time to develop the game. Guess who makes this decision as well.
You've seen the screenshots and the movies. Make up your own mind on what they show, why they show it, why they don't show anything else, and what it all means for the game.
You've seen their estimates on how many people to invite to beta, and how long it should run for. Make up your own mind on what that means for the game.

So, in closing, I'll just ask you all to consider this game from an objective point of view. Forget the conspiracy theories. Forget the blind fanboy'ism and forget the people who just want to flame the game. Stick to what you know. Stick to the available screenshots and movies, the info available from devs, the way they keep their promises, the way the publisher acts, the way the community is treated.
Then ask yourself this: Is it worth waiting for? Is it worth preordering?

I know it's not worth it for me.
It sucks, because the devs are good people, and the ideas behind the game are good. But the odds of them getting a chance to pull it off successfully is 0% as long as Dave is involved with the project.
And for that reason, they shouldn't count on my support any more. If, as Dave says, we moderators aren't important, then there's no harm in me telling everyone why I don't believe in the game. Then I can tell you all that the game isn't worth waiting for, without having to worry about the consequences. The man in charge has told me nothing I do matters.

I'm just sorry I led so many of you into giving this a second, third or twentieth chance when it clearly doesn't deserve it.
And I'm sorry for the devs who have their dream game tied up on a person like this.

Finally, I suppose I should just mention that I am completely serious in the above. I am not using all this as some kind of threat to get Admini to get his act together, because I don't believe for a second it will happen. I don't trust him to be able to do anything like that.
It is simply what it appears to be, a warning to the community. A warning from someone who's been here longer than most, and had to put up with more than most.

Important edit: (A bit of clarification)
All of this obviously only deals with the US publisher. I've heard lots of good things about Gamigo, the publisher in Europe/Canada. And as I said, the devs are great, the ideas behind the game are great. So with any luck, the game can get the success it deserves there.

As long as I'm not the reason people follow the game, then I'm happy. I have no wish to hurt the game or the devs. I know that is what I've done, but I never wanted to do so.

I'm not saying the game is doomed. I am saying that I believe it to be doomed, in the US, at least.
Not the "I believe" part. It's up to each of you to decide what you believe.


Posty: 967
Dołączył(a): 9.05.2003
PostNapisane: 17 mar 2005, 19:24 
awww wlasnie chcialem podac linka do tego posta :) Ale zaczytalem sie :P

"Something worked as intended?? 0_0"

"This means we will have to get someone to create a bug and another guy to nerf it, I will deal with this immediately !"


Posty: 324
Dołączył(a): 12.01.2002
PostNapisane: 18 mar 2005, 10:49 
vBulletin Message
Invalid thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the webmaster :D


Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 18 mar 2005, 21:22 
Thready Spoonbendera pare razy pojawialy sie, ale ostatecznie wszystkie poznikaly...

Za to pojawily sie posty z tlumaczeniami dlaczego tak sie stalo, jak sie stalo (ale nie tylko) od devsow - egomancera i tiamata.

Ostatnio edytowano 19 mar 2005, 15:40 przez konrador, łącznie edytowano 1 raz
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Posty: 2018
Dołączył(a): 16.11.2001
PostNapisane: 19 mar 2005, 14:49 
A ten Jasinski ma jakies polsko brzmiace imie.....
Mam wrazenie jakby do robienia giery zabrala sie grupka malolatow :>



Posty: 74
Dołączył(a): 28.05.2003
PostNapisane: 21 mar 2005, 23:39 
haha chyba nikt nie lubi devsow od Mourninga:

Today has made the difficult decision to remove the game "Mourning" from our list of MMORPG's as well as shut down our Mourning specific forums.

We would like to clarify that this decision was not based on the actions of any community members at - rather our core feelings about the company behind this project, and the way they treat us and their community.

As always, we would like to encourage our community to comment on this news post and let us know how you feel.

Thanks to all of our members you for your continued support of



Posty: 6460
Dołączył(a): 14.07.2002
PostNapisane: 22 mar 2005, 02:43 
I w taki o to sposob kretyn ktory dawal kase rozpieprzyl caly projekt :)

Z racji swojej niestabilności emocjonalnej oraz rujnowania rozrywki innym na zawsze opuściłem to zacne forum z resztkami nasienia Oyci3C'a na okrężnicy po głębokim bansticku. :'(


Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 22 mar 2005, 02:56 


Posty: 6460
Dołączył(a): 14.07.2002
PostNapisane: 22 mar 2005, 03:18 
Bueheh poczytajcie komentarze

w malym skrocie to cos takiego:
"omg nie moge ufac wywalili gre z listy tylko dlatego ze tworcy traktowali ich i graczy jak gowno, to totalna komercha, sprzedaja sie, i jeszcze wybieraja komu"

edit: zaloze sie ze sporo z nich to kanadyjczycy i francuzi ;]

Z racji swojej niestabilności emocjonalnej oraz rujnowania rozrywki innym na zawsze opuściłem to zacne forum z resztkami nasienia Oyci3C'a na okrężnicy po głębokim bansticku. :'(


Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 22 mar 2005, 03:40 
...a co na ten temat maja do powiedzenia bywalcy oficjalnego forum Mourning oraz jeden z devsow (tiamat) dowiecie sie stad.

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Posty: 2018
Dołączył(a): 16.11.2001
PostNapisane: 22 mar 2005, 11:34 
A mi sie cos wydaje ze to jest swiadoma akcja marketingowa. Zeby zyskac rozglos nie trzeba oc zyms mowic dobrze, wystarczy ze o tym sie mowi.



Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 22 mar 2005, 19:50 
Pojawil sie nowy topic, w ktorym egomancer wyjasnia nad czym obecnie pracuja :\ Clickie.

Ciekawy cytacik:
There are a few bugs that prevent us to launch the game as it is. One of them is that server crashes and the users hang at 'Authorization succeded' forever. We are testing now to see if the game still crashes and if not we will send those invites.


Posty: 74
Dołączył(a): 28.05.2003
PostNapisane: 22 mar 2005, 19:52 
swieze info z beta forum:



We made a new update today with a new server and hopefully all the bugs at the connection have been solved.

If everything goes as planned and the server does not crash tomorrow I start sending the invites.


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