2 lata Shadowbane
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Autor:  Beast [ 29 mar 2005, 10:22 ]
Tytuł:  2 lata Shadowbane

Ubisoft swietuje 2 letnia rocznice Shadowbane. Z tej takze okazji najnowszy dodatek Shadowbane: Throne of Oblivion zostal wyceniony na $19,99 i zawiera wszystkie poprzednie wersje gry. Wiecej informacji:

SAN FRANCISCO - March 25, 2005 - Ubisoft, one of the world's top game publishers, celebrates the two-year anniversary of Shadowbane®, the critically acclaimed massively multiplayer online (MMO) game by providing all players with a unique piece of in-game apparel featuring stats that will directly affect gameplay. Shadowbane: Throne of Oblivion™, which includes the original game plus both expansion packs is currently available at a manufacturer's retail price of $19.99. It is rated "T" (Teen) for Blood and Violence.

"We are proud and excited about Shadowbane's two-year anniversary," said Frank Lucero, Shadowbane's producer. "We've come a long way since launch, releasing four content patches, two expansions and vastly improved service performance. Also, we have struck a chord with hardcore MMO players, earning us a reputation for the most intense and raw PvP gameplay on the market. We'd like to thank our loyal players and fans who've supported us through the years and literally helped shape Shadowbane into the game it is today."

Over the course of its two years of existence, Shadowbane has taken risks in the MMO marketplace in regard to gameplay mechanics, siege warfare, PvP management and its Dynamic World Model, where every player can, and does, impact Shadowbane's landscape, history and experience.

"The Shadowbane community is as strong as ever," shared Ashen Temper, Shadowbane's lead community manager. "Players are continuing to forge new ground and storylines, which is exciting to see in an MMO title that has been around this long. Shadowbane players are a unique and dedicated group of gamers who really give the game its personality and context, and as a developer and fan of MMO games, we couldn't be happier."

Set in a dark fantasy world burning with strife and unrest, Shadowbane takes the MMO genre to new heights of possibility by offering gamers an unparalleled challenge combining immersive role-playing with deep strategic elements such as city management, army creation, siege warfare and economic development.

More information about Shadowbane can be found at and on the official community website, The Chronicle of Strife, at




Autor:  Asmax [ 29 mar 2005, 10:29 ]

Szkoda. Myslalem, ze zrobia promocje jak rok temu, gdzie wszystkich nieaktywnym kontom dano mozliwosc przedluzenia abonamentu za 19,95 od razu z uaktywnieniem dodatku. A tak to trzeba sie meczyc z cd-keyami. :[

Autor:  Dwutlenek [ 29 mar 2005, 17:59 ]

Ładne klocki, a myślałem że to już dawno padło...
A po starcie WoW i EQ2 byłem prawie pewien że padło.

Autor:  Asmax [ 29 mar 2005, 18:04 ]

Nie wiem jak Ty o2 ale ja bym sobie z mila checia jeszcze w SB pogral :)

Autor:  Asmax [ 24 kwi 2005, 19:13 ]

Asmax napisał(a):
Szkoda. Myslalem, ze zrobia promocje jak rok temu, gdzie wszystkich nieaktywnym kontom dano mozliwosc przedluzenia abonamentu za 19,95 od razu z uaktywnieniem dodatku. A tak to trzeba sie meczyc z cd-keyami. :[

A jednak mozna. Tylko jest to troche bardziej skomplikowane, trzeba miec aktywne konto i oba dodatki kosztuja wlasnie 19$, a sam Throne of Obvilion to koszt 14dolcow.
Troche w sumie dziwne, bo wychodzi na to, ze musze zaplacic 14$ za reaktywacje konta + 19 za dodateki.

You can automatically enable the Shadowbane: Throne of Oblivion expansion pack for your existing Shadowbane account by using the Account Manager tool. After logging into the Account Manager, you will see your current Shadowbane account information. Look for the red "Buy Extras Online" button located next to the "Subscription History" button. Once you select the "Buy Extras Online" button, you will have the option of enabling the expansion for your account. If you already have Shadowbane: The Rise of Chaos active on your account, you can purchase the Shadowbane: Throne of Oblivion expansion pack for $14.99. If you do not have The Rise of Chaos, though, you will be charged $19.99 which will give you both Shadowbane: The Rise of Chaos and Shadowbane: Throne of Oblivion! To play Shadowbane: Throne of Oblivion, you must have The Rise of Chaos.

For the "Buy Extras Online" button to appear in your Account Manager screen. Your account must be Active, and in good standing. This means that expired, Payment Error, Banned, or Suspended accounts will not be able to add the expansion until that status has been changed.

1. Your account must be Active, and in good standing.
2. Login to the Shadowbane Account Manager.
3. Click the "Buy Extras Online" button.
4. Select the Expansion option
5. Click the confirmation buttons until purchase is complete.
6. Start up the game, now with the Throne of Oblivion enabled!

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