WoW: Transfery postaci
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Autor:  raggnarok [ 17 lip 2005, 02:17 ]
Tytuł:  WoW: Transfery postaci

Wlasnie wyczytalem na forum US post oficjalnego przedstawiciela firmy Blizzard (blue), w odpowiedzi na pytanie o szczegoly odnosnie transferu postaci w World of Warcraft, nad ktorym Blizzard ponoc pracuje:

Sure thing. Players will be able to transfers from realm to realm. We haven't finalized all the details yet, but players will not be allowed to change faction or class with existing characters. That's about all I can say until we get closer to going live with the tech.

Mozna by powiedziec: w koncu! Mysle, ze jest to tez spory krok w kierunku umozliwnia transferu postaci z US na EU i odwrotnie.

Caly thread znajduje sie pod tym adresem: Link.

Autor:  Dwutlenek [ 17 lip 2005, 07:18 ]

Najwyższa k#$... pora! ;)

Autor:  Constantin [ 17 lip 2005, 11:11 ]

Ty sie O2 tak nie podniecaj, bo z tego cytatu nic nie wynika poza tym, ze przeniesienie bedzie sie odbywalo pomiedzy serwerami - co jest w miare oczywiste, a ze nie bedzie mozna zmienic horda/orc -> alliance/pal to tez raczej logiczne, bo niby jak miala by wygladac zmiana itemow. Z pozostalej czesci wynika, ze taka mozliwosc zaistnieje w blizej nieokreslonej przyszlosci.. pozdrawiam :wink:

Autor:  Calis [ 17 lip 2005, 13:19 ]

Niespodziewalbym sie w najblizsyzm czasie, no moze na gwiazdke :P
Sam chcialem przetrasnferowac postac i oto odpowiedzi (głownie template'y sic!)


Thank you for inquiring about realm to realm transfers within the World of Warcraft. The current round of realm transfers is now closed. We continue to monitor realm populations and if necessary will re-open character transfers if any realms become overpopulated. In addition, we are looking into the possibility of allowing customers more freedom in choosing realms to transfer to in the future. No further details are available concerning this feature at this time. Any new information regarding realm transfers will be posted on


With regards to your enquiry, at this time, we have no information regarding a possibility to move a character on demand as you request. We currently have no information if and when such a feature would be available and we are sorry for any inconvenience.


Currently it is not possible to transfer characters from Azjol-Nerub to any other servers. We are looking into the possibility of allowing customers more freedom in choosing realms to transfer to in the future, however no decision has been made on this as of yet and no further details are available concerning this feature at this time. Any new information regarding realm transfers will be posted on


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