Asheron's Call: Throne of Destiny is out
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Autor:  upss [ 1 sie 2005, 20:58 ]
Tytuł:  Asheron's Call: Throne of Destiny is out

Z maila:
Hi everyone,

We're very pleased to announce that Asheron's Call: Throne of
Destiny(tm) is out now!

This is the second major expansion to the classic online massively
multiplayer fantasy RPG Asheron's Call. Boasting a completely
upgraded graphics engine, the game is more immersive than ever. An
epic storyline pits players against the encroaching menace of the
Viamontians, a new race bent on conquering all of Dereth. In their
battle to defeat these would-be rulers, the people of Dereth will
uncover new depths of mystery and experience new heights of
excitement. Asheron's Call: Throne of Destiny opens the portal to
fantastic adventures for players of all levels.

Major graphics upgrade
- The entire graphics engine has been upgraded, with thousands of new
textures and improvements to key models

Completely new User Interface
- The UI has been totally rewritten to allow for cool new features in
future updates

New playable heritage group
- The game introduces the Viamontians, a fully playable race bent on
world domination

New weapons & armour
- A full complement of weapons and armour will be available to
players who choose to play as Viamontian characters

Raising the level cap
- Offering more rewarding play to the most dedicated players

Augmentation Gems
- Players can acquire Augmentation Gems to enhance their abilities in
amazing new ways, such as improving combat abilities or adding
additional storage
- Hundreds of special Rare items can be found by any player!
- These Rare items will range from interesting and useful items to
very powerful weapons and armor

Dozens of new creatures and quests
- These fresh additions increase the already impressive depth and
breadth of the world of Dereth

Hundreds of new items
- With new items in nearly every category, players will be rewarded
in ways never before possible

You can purchase your copy of Asheron's Call: Throne of Destiny from
the following retailers:

Codemasters: ... itemid=500

For more information about Asheron's Call: Throne of Destiny, please

As always, if you have any questions, let me know!

Sam 'Satine' Russell
Community Liaison Manager
Codemasters Software Limited


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Autor:  konrador [ 1 sie 2005, 23:37 ]

Old news :\

Cos im sredniawo wyszedl ten dodatek z tego co czytalem. Grafika jest niewiele lepsza - gra nadal wyglada na mocno przestarzala, a gracze narzekaja na duzo wiekszy lag na nowym kliencie, slaby interfejs i crashe. Wydaje mi sie, ze gdyby zamiast robienia dodatkow do dwoch martwych gier (bo jakis czas temu wyszedl tez dodatek do AC2), skoncentrowali swoje sily na czyms w rodzaju polaczenia obu gier (grafika z AC2 / mapa, skill system i cala reszta z AC1), to udalo by im sie sciagnac znacznie wiecej nowych subskrybentow.

Autor:  Aldatha [ 1 sie 2005, 23:41 ]

racja , pogralbym w taka hybryde .Wydaje mi sie ze ich tok rozumowania prowadzi do " napewno zostala garstka wiernych fanow wydusmy z nich grosiwo , po co mamy inwestowac w nowy projekt "

Autor:  Astax [ 21 paź 2005, 18:29 ]

Niesamowite guwno IMO :( $30 poprustu splukalem na to. Ta "nowa" grafika jest 10 razy gorsza od SB, a SB mozesz se kupic za $20.

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