PlanetSide za darmo?
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Autor:  konrador [ 8 sie 2005, 08:06 ]
Tytuł:  PlanetSide za darmo?

Na testowym serwerze PlanetSide SOE wprowadzilo do gry reklamy. Sprawa ma sie podobnie jak w przypadku darmowej wersji Anarchy Online - reklamy pojawiaja sie w roznych miejscach na billboardach (a konkretnie we wszystkich bazach naziemnych - w caverns poki co obecnosci reklam nie stwierdzono) i w zasadzie nie przeszkadzaja w normalnej grze. Nikt z SOE do tej pory nie wypowiedzial sie nt. owych reklam, wiec mozna na razie spekulowac i domyslac sie, w jaki sposob potoczy sie los jedynego prawdziwego mmofps-a. Wedlug mnie mozliwe sa nastepujace rozwiazania:

- SOE wprowadza darmowy serwer z billboardami, na ktorym beda musieli pomiescic sie wszyscy, ktorzy nie beda chcieli placic abonamentu i cieszyc sie gra bez reklam...
- billboardy wyswietlane sa u wszystkich, ktorzy nie decyduja sie placic abonamentu (niezaleznie od serwera), a u reszty graczy wszystko wyglada normalnie
- SOE wrzuca reklamy na wszystkie serwery, zeby dofinansowac produkcje, a oplaty pozostaja
- SOE rezygnuje z comiesiecznych oplat abonamentowych na rzecz wplywow pochodzacych z wyswietlanych na billboardach reklam

Jak to bedzie wygladalo wg was i czy wyprobowalibyscie gre, gdyby SOE udostepnilo ja za darmo? Zapraszam do dyskusji.

Jesli interesuja was screeny, to odsylam do ponizszych linkow.
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Autor:  ciocia eusta [ 8 sie 2005, 08:34 ]

Wszystkie wersje są możliwe...

Ale to z darmowym serverem jest najbardziej prawdopodobne

Autor:  Ashton [ 8 sie 2005, 09:10 ]

Bardziej by mnie ucieszylo darmowe konto bo mam zamiar od nastepnego miesiaca brac abonament soe all acces ;]

Autor:  valed [ 8 sie 2005, 11:08 ]

Darmowy ?!

:D :D :D :D :D

Autor:  konrador [ 9 sie 2005, 01:22 ]

No niestety SOE wydalo press release, z ktorego dowiadujemy sie, ze wprowadzone na test serwer reklamy pojawiajace sie w grze beda alternatywna droga finansowania PS. Wiadomo nie od dzis, ze PlanetSide cienko przedzie, ale zeby az tak? Mi sie wydaje, ze wiecej straca niz zyskaja wprowadzajac do gry reklamy, ale zobaczymy...


Ponizej tresc calego press release.

Sony Online Entertainment Latest Publisher to Join Massive's Video Game Network

Massively Multi-Player Online Game - PlanetSide(R) - to Include Dynamic Advertising

NEW YORK, Aug. 8 /PRNewswire/ -- Massive Incorporated today announced that Sony Online Entertainment Inc. (SOE), a leading publisher of massively multiplayer online games, has joined Massive's video game network. SOE's MMO action game, PlanetSideŽ, will now be part of the Massive network and is scheduled to begin running in-game billboards in mid-August.

"Realizing another revenue stream in PlanetSide will ultimately be good for the entire PlanetSide community," said Louis Figueroa, Director, Business Development, Sony Online Entertainment. "The additional income will allow us to support the game with continued development and new features that the community has been asking for. Working with Massive's network helps make this possible."

"The Massive Network continues to expand with recognized titles like PlanetSide and we're thrilled to team up with Sony Online Entertainment on this title. With its leading content and technology expertise, SOE's involvement further demonstrates the importance of video game advertising to the future of the game industry," said Mitch Davis, CEO of Massive.

The Massive Network delivers advertiser messages seamlessly into premiere video games, played primarily by an 18-34 male audience. Massive provides an additional stream of revenue to game publishers through its innovative video game advertising network. The profit impact for publishers and developers can be significant. Game publishers and developers retain complete control of where all advertising is placed and how it is executed. Ads only appear in locations selected by the game's creative developers who strive to minimize interference with game play, functionality or bandwidth

About Sony Online Entertainment

Sony Online Entertainment Inc. (SOE), a subsidiary of Sony Pictures Digital Inc., is a recognized worldwide leader in massively multiplayer online games, with hundreds of thousands of subscribers around the globe. SOE creates, develops and provides compelling entertainment for the personal computer, online, game console and wireless markets. Known for its blockbuster franchises and hit titles including EverQuestŽ, EverQuestŽ II, Champions of NorrathŽ, Untold Legends(TM), and PlanetSideŽ, as well as for developing Star Wars Galaxies(TM): An Empire Divided(TM), SOE continues to redefine the business of online gaming and the creation of active player communities while introducing new genres on various entertainment platforms. Headquartered in San Diego, CA, with additional development studios in Austin, TX, Seattle, WA, and Taiwan, SOE has an array of cutting-edge online games in development.

NOTE: EverQuest is a registered trademark and of Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. SOE, the SOE logo and PlanetSide are registered and Untold Legends is a trademark of Sony Online Entertainment Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.

About Massive Incorporated

Massive Incorporated has created the world's first video game network across all platforms. With its patent-pending technology, Massive dynamically serves advertising across the largest aggregated network of premier video game titles and delivers measured results on consumer interaction with this brand messaging. Massive has partnerships with more than 20 leading game publishers, over 35 blue-chip advertisers, and has served over eight million game sessions, to date. Massive allows publishers and advertisers to capitalize on the largest cultural and economic entertainment force in the world. Massive is backed by DFJ Gotham, DFJ New England, RRE Ventures, NeoCarta, Tobat Capital, and Newlight Associates.

Autor:  Mark24 [ 9 sie 2005, 08:19 ]

chciałem napisać, że pewnie będą i reklamy i abonament by dowalić SOE (i ich miłośnikom), ale wydało mi się to mało logiczne... cóż ;)


Autor:  konrador [ 10 sie 2005, 20:22 ]

GU Comics o reklamach w PlanetSide.

Autor:  Drusek [ 12 sie 2005, 13:02 ]

To juz jest 'darmowe' czy jeszcze nie? Bo chetnie bym przetestowal czy to ciekawe :wink:

Autor:  Dana [ 12 sie 2005, 13:50 ]

To może przeczytaj jeszcze raz wszystko :roll:

Autor:  Mark24 [ 12 sie 2005, 13:52 ]

przetestować chyba zawsze można, Planetside nie ma triala?

Autor:  Shubduse [ 12 sie 2005, 16:21 ]


Autor:  konrador [ 12 sie 2005, 18:19 ]

Trial - clickie.

Tylko nie wiem czy podaja tam link do sciagniecia klienta.

Autor:  Ozzie [ 13 sie 2005, 00:13 ]

Spróbuj tego linka:^2057072750/062004/Planetside_gsi.EXE

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