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Posty: 1463
Dołączył(a): 29.10.2009
PostNapisane: 15 sie 2010, 09:24 
Uncharted Water Online nie jest jeszcze w fazie zamkniętej bety. W następnym tygodniu ma się pojawić informacja na ten temat.



#1 Town Portal

Most of recent MMORPGs stand their “infinite map size” as their one of greatest features. However, developers already acknowledge that this huge map is not preferable to users, play-wise, so this resulted in many Town Portal skills, items, or etc.

Uncharted Waters Online, however, offers players to encounter more realistic view and down-to-earth experience. There is no instant transport from Europe to India; rather UWO requires players a determination to fight against life-threatening journey. Players will be rewarded by each step they make and each sail they set.

#2 Autobots

One of the highly controversy features of MMORPGs is ‘Autobots.’ Games are made for fun and they should be dynamic. However, MMORPG requires some continuous duties similar to our routinized and tedious life, and this might lead players to feel less entertaining about the game. One solution to get away this repetitive monster-hunting is to use Autobots. However, Autobots has a bad reputation because it is known to break an in-game economic system, but some game companies intentionally overlook this, covertly promote this, or even publically sell this as their paid item. Uncharted Waters Online respects a sophisticated economic system, and there is no way to run Autobots. Economic system of UWO is sorely built by players’ activities, at least until now.

#3 Health Point (HP)

Upper left corner of most of MMORPGs is occupied with HP and MP bars. Players only have the control over their single avatar that representing your-self.

However, UWO players operate more dynamic controls over their Ships, Sailors, and Vigour that is similar to the combination of MP and HP. During the sail, a player will act as a captain who has a full control navigating the ocean. This might be confusing at the beginning, but this makes players to adopt a tactical strategy and carry out attention-grabbing game play.

#4 Character Stats

Level up; Gained bonus stats 5 points to allocate; Automatically allocated stats to STR, DEF, DXT, AGL, or etc. These already make you imagine very typical scenes in MMORPGs.

NO STATS in UWO! UWO only have 3 kinds of levels; Adventure, Trade, and Battle. Beside level system, there are lots of skills you can learn and master. Combination of you levels and skills differentiate your character from others. Players often say that playing UWO is all about managing skills. Among hundreds of skills, players need to choose right skills to develop their character, which ultimately express your-self. When Uncharted Waters Online CBT opens, check out the various skills first and see how diversified strategic game-play is waiting ahead of you.

#5 Fields

No Field in Uncharted Waters Online. Unlike other MMORPGs where all the game-plays take place in fields, Uncharted Waters Online bring this onto ocean. The ocean is the unified place for all activities as Exploring, Searching for items, and even confronting NPC. Both PvP and RvR take place on the ocean as well. Therefore, in UWO, SHIP performs a more crucial part than just a mean of transportation comparing to other MMOPRGs where transportation skill is only optional; as horses or wyverns. Your SHIP indicates your wealth, game level, fame, and job-types. You will be amazed by many well-known historic ships you confront while sailing.

Of course, the meat of the game is all about sailing your own warship in search of prey, loot and unknown lands. Seeing as how ships back in this era were almost entirely wind-powered, a good captain will read his wind gauge and use it to his advantage.

You have several resources to help you stay afloat longer. Timber is crucial for ship repair (after all, trees don't grow on the water!), while more food enables you to strike out further and farther from port.

As you traverse the seas, your ship can go from predator to prey due to ambushes; however, there are skills that enable you to slip by them, unharmed.

Sooner or later, of course, combat becomes inevitable, and here's where the game shines. Battles are an intricate real-time affair of ship positioning, cannon attacks, and special skills. You win when the enemy ship is sunk or all of its crew members are wiped out.

When you get tired of fighting computer-controlled pirates, the realm of PvP action beckons with exciting 5v5 battles. Countries will battle for dominance and territories, gaining and losing important ports and islands as national warfare progresses.

However, Uncharted Waters Online isn't skewed toward raids, so don't expect huge fleets taking on Mecha-Columbus in his Underwater Fortress of Doom.


Posty: 35
Dołączył(a): 18.03.2006
PostNapisane: 20 sie 2010, 15:00 
Szkoda, że nie będzie na PS3 po angielsku. Gra jest już od dawna dostępna w japońskiej wersji językowej na japońskim playstation store.

Ale i tak ją sprawdzę, wygląda na to, że nie ma zbyt wysokich wymagań sprzętowych a i same featuresy wyglądają bardzo dobrze.



Posty: 1970
Dołączył(a): 8.08.2007
PostNapisane: 22 sie 2010, 14:21 
CBT będzie trwała od 25 sierpnia do 6 września. Wjazd wolny dla wszystkich.



Kto prawdę mówi ten niepokój wszczyna.


Posty: 1970
Dołączył(a): 8.08.2007
PostNapisane: 24 sie 2010, 10:06 
Podsumowanie gry, które krąży po forach :

- intensive Ship combat with various catergorizes of cannons and attacks

- Unlimited unrestricted class:
-you can choose from one of the 3 class (explorer, marine, merchant) and able to change whenever you want.
- While in your class, you can choose a sub-class where all your skill you have will have specific bonuses and easier to train.
- Keeping skills even if you change class and these skills are usable as long you didn't forget them.
- Many skills to choice from with no restrictions (some skill require having another skill first)
- Be any combination even when you are not in the same career... merchant can have rapid fire and marine can have trading skills.

- 6 nation 6 unique line of story with full interactions
- Alot historical facts in explorations with real description of landmark, animals, and items.
- Many weather effects and even ghost ship
- Sail around the world with real port names and many real landmarks.
- Many missions with historical histories
- A lot of ships (over 100) all customizable to your liking.
- Alot cloths and looks
- Great Sea fight (battles 100s of players to content for ports)
- Everything decay in this game, sail on the ocean will decay your items, or use cannons alot will decay your cannons while suffer heavy damages decay your ship).
- Guild, guild bank, guild sellera and Guild HOUSE (its like a shop),
- There Bank for money, bank for items and even buy your insurances (incase you sunk)
- Characters have frames allow story mission to move on and allow achievement to higher ranking (giving you port pass to enter further ports)
- Penalties to skills for changing careers
- Player build economy, you buy ships, cannons items from players to players while they can sell on their own bazaar.
- use guild house to browser items like auction house.
- Always can get information by drinking, or buying a drink or give gift to the bar girl for information on your missions and states.
- pure 3d graphic

- Port of the specific area/region have their local special trade items + normal trade items.
- Trading to gain profit by "shout" for a lower price and sell higher at further port (india to london)
- Alot crafting skill
-smithing: can create consumable, cannons, metal, ore...etc
-Art: Can creat painting, art, usable items, housing furnture
-stitching: Can create sails, many exotic cloths
-Ship making: Make boats, upgrade boats, customize boats, add stuff to it.
-Cooking: food that give states and restore states and power
- Alot languages requirement, you have to learn indians to speak in india ...etc (reduce skill numbers but can always forget)
- Investment in ports HELP them grow! add more to tradings and npc sells and flip port to your nation for less taxes

- Great sea fight and Nations vs nations
- Free for all as long you are outside Europe.
- Pirates are started from nations and becoming a pirate by PvP illegally
- Pirates become free to attack by anyone anywhere.
- Pirate might be block from enter nation ports.
- all PvP have chance in lost of cargo and loots. Pirate have higher chance losing items.
- you never lose ships but you lose durability (HP of your ship) which make you more easier to be killed.

Land fighting
- Mostly for exploration purpose
- Group land strategy fighting style with commands

- explore in many ways, dig through the books and treasure maps and locate the treasure with MARKED X
- Salvage items from the sea and sinked boats
- Chase exotic animals and record them, go to land mark and get named treasures.

- Player housing: Original housing with a doll and a butler
- Can upgrade the house and add new furntiure and your personal bank.
- Pets: can gain new exotic pets from around the world and treat them as pets.

- Vice captains: Vice captain that can auto-sail (specific skills requirement and condition) and give increase in states, while it take alot care to help your VC to grow to the skill you like.

- Player own Farm land: Your own farm, your productions.

- Port that growth into different catergory base on players contribution (all servers are different)


Kto prawdę mówi ten niepokój wszczyna.

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Posty: 10855
Dołączył(a): 12.02.2004
PostNapisane: 28 sie 2010, 11:03 
Fajna gierka, mam juz lvl 8 i jak do tej pory nie musialem bezmyslnie klepac zadnych mobkow :) To bardzo duza przewaga tej gry nad wiekszoscia grind-fest mmogow


moj maly stateczek bojowy :)



Ostatnio edytowano 30 sie 2010, 12:40 przez Huragan, łącznie edytowano 1 raz

Posty: 393
Dołączył(a): 3.01.2007
PostNapisane: 28 sie 2010, 11:38 
Marna kopia Bountybay/Voyage century


Posty: 307
Dołączył(a): 11.05.2005
PostNapisane: 29 sie 2010, 08:11 
Odpalilem i po 10 min czuje sie jak bym gral w tibie z lepsza grafika :/

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Posty: 10855
Dołączył(a): 12.02.2004
PostNapisane: 30 sie 2010, 13:31 
A co niby UWO ma wspolnego z Tibia (w ktorej musisz grindowac mobki) ?
Ja nie widze zadnych podobienstw, co najwyzej to, ze jak zabijesz gracza to go lootujesz, co oczywiscie u carebearkow powoduje rage, h3h3



Posty: 126
Dołączył(a): 25.05.2008
PostNapisane: 30 sie 2010, 15:32 
Mimo nie najlepszej grafy ,szczególnie wyglad miast gra ma niewątpliwie potencjał.
Głownie to brak teleportów, ciekawy craft i ekonomia, ogromny świat do zwiedzania, przyjemnie zrobione żeglowanie chociaż mocno uproszczone (vs RL).
Nie wiem jeszcze jak z pvp jeśli było by dobre to gra bedzie naprawde dobra biorac pod uwage darmówke.

Kleiv - [Warcry]
De Marquiz / Marquis Blackk [Spain] - Potbs
Cereminretus - EvE - frozen.



Posty: 184
Dołączył(a): 20.11.2009
PostNapisane: 30 sie 2010, 16:29 
sola napisał(a):
Odpalilem i po 10 min czuje sie jak bym gral w tibie z lepsza grafika :/

Coz, jak ktos gral cale zycie w jedna gre, to wszedzie bedzie ja widzial.


Posty: 307
Dołączył(a): 11.05.2005
PostNapisane: 30 sie 2010, 17:09 
Tak przez ponad 6 lat gralem w wowa wiec dal mnie to "mmo" jest zalowe. Moze pomysl ciekawy ale wykonaniu juz gorsze, grafika - byla by dobra 10 lat temu, gameplay - hmm fakt nie gralem dlugo , w sumie 6-7 h przez 2 dni. Do tej pory caly fun to wykonywanie misji od mediatora, dla mnie z czasem stalo sie to nudne
Mi osobiscie ta gra sie malo podoba, ale kto co lubi


Posty: 451
Dołączył(a): 7.08.2005
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2010, 14:00 
sola napisał(a):
(...) nie gralem dlugo , w sumie 6-7 h przez 2 dni. Do tej pory caly fun to wykonywanie misji od mediatora, dla mnie z czasem stalo sie to nudne

Ciekawostka... Gram od początku CBT, w sumie już pewnie ze 20 godzin, a jak do tej pory ze trzy misje od mediatora wzięłam... Pływam sobie, odkrywam świat, robię Story Quest, zmieniam statki - po prostu się bawię. O to chyba chodzi, a nie o pogoń za poziomami, doświadczeniem, przedmiotami... Czyż nie? Jak dla mnie bardzo miła gra. Voyage Century Online bardzo mi się podobało, tylko w pewnej chwili zaczęli przeginać z przedmiotami z Cash Shop'a. Zobaczymy jak będzie tutaj...

Mendol: zostalem wyruchany na maxa przez Microsoft

Sathorn: U mnie role gowna odgrywa wielkosc ekranu

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Posty: 10855
Dołączył(a): 12.02.2004
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2010, 14:35 
Agat a szkole skonczylas ? Ja juz jestem w advanced school , z tym ze tutaj to juz ciezko bedzie chyba :>
Ciekawe czy to koniec szkolki czy jeszcze potem jest jakis expert level, hm hm
W tej chwili mamy 3 osoby do wspolnej gry, wiec jak wyjdzie retail to trzeba bedzie jakies Company zalozyc, moze sie dolaczysz ?



Posty: 1437
Dołączył(a): 29.01.2005
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2010, 18:57 
Ot kolejne niszowe pseudo MMO na miesiac max.

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Posty: 10855
Dołączył(a): 12.02.2004
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2010, 19:46 
Mr. Tomokazu Takeda, the game’s Producer at Tecmo Koei commented: “Uncharted Waters Online is one of the most content equipped online games in the world and brings with it original game play and elements that distinguish it from the thousands of other MMORPGs out there.

i co lepsze ma racje, gra pod wzgledem wielkosci swiata, contentu, zaleznosci ekonomicznych bije wszystkie inne mmogi na glowe :>


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Posty: 31388
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2002
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2010, 19:59 
a to jest na ps3?

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Posty: 10855
Dołączył(a): 12.02.2004
PostNapisane: 31 sie 2010, 20:12 
Mendol napisał(a):
a to jest na ps3?

w Japonii wyszlo tez na PS3 juz rok temu, w Europie chyba jeszcze nie ma.


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Posty: 18803
Dołączył(a): 26.09.2005
PostNapisane: 1 wrz 2010, 10:36 
Cytuj ... sp?mCode=1
Dostępność klas, ograniczenia i możliwości mieszania skilli przypomina troszkę SWG, jest ciekawie od tej strony mimo że grafika irytuje jakością i co ciekawe w tej grze więcej sandboxa niz dfo/mo.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."

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Posty: 10855
Dołączył(a): 12.02.2004
PostNapisane: 1 wrz 2010, 12:29 
embe napisał(a):
co ciekawe w tej grze więcej sandboxa niz dfo/mo.

QFT :)
Faktycznie gra jest bardzo sandboxowa, ekonomia i wyglad swiata zalezy od graczy :>


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Posty: 31388
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2002
PostNapisane: 1 wrz 2010, 13:01 
a sa gdzies jakies keye do bety itd?

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