DC Universe Online
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Autor:  Arturnik [ 17 gru 2010, 23:58 ]
Tytuł:  DC Universe Online

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Na początku myślałem, że to będzie jakiś weak klon CoH/Champions Online robiony przez SOE, ale przeglądając filmiki i czytając o grze wydaje się całkiem spoko. atm jest chyba beta dla ps3 i pc, na są kluczyki ale us only :< ... re=channel

Autor:  Freedek [ 18 gru 2010, 19:42 ]

yeah niech zrobia open pvp i bedzie wypas

Autor:  Arturnik [ 19 gru 2010, 01:06 ]

Troche first impressions jakiegoś kolesia z jakiegoś forum

timeb0mb napisał(a):
Besides for the 2-3 random crashes I have had throughout playing for over 6 hours today, this game doesn't have a lot of trouble with any annoying/major bugs.

I do not think that this game will succeed as a 50$ box price [1 month free] & 15$ / month subscription game with microtransactions [cosmetic only supposedly]. This game -may- be worth 5$ / month, or perhaps just worth the price of the box. 15$ / month... it just does not seem worth it, but that is my opinion.

There are also some other peeves I have with this game. The PvP servers are pretty sad. It is mainly a bunch of level 20's going in to the other side [hero/villian]'s newbie area and killing every level 5 they see. It is quite sad, as there is no penalty/balance system whatsoever.

The guard system is psuedo-useless. It is only useful during most situations in PvP, or when a monster/boss uses its skill on you. Otherwise, if you are getting pummeled by 5+ mobs, as they love to do all the time, guard won't help - it'll just delay your death. This is because mobs don't attack-pause-attack-pause, or anything along those lines. They just keep attacking constantly, except when one of them does it's uber skill that depletes half your HP if you don't guard.

Then there's the problem with soloing... it is difficult after level 5, and each level/mission it just gets harder and harder... in level 7-9 missions, if you try to solo, then you will die several times before completing one of the sections of that mission.

Luckily, dieing appears to have no penalty, and it respawns you in a safe zone near where you died.

The customization is also heavily beat out by Champions Online.

The chat system, as has been mentioned on the forum, is horrible. The PC version of this game greatly feels like it was designed for the console and not migrated over to the PC very well. The community doesn't appear to be very big - but this is closed beta, and on top of that, super hero MMO's never appear to get that popular.

On the bright side, the action in this game feels as real as you can get, the voice acting is fantastic [most of it is done by the 'original' voices of those characters for DC], and the game, as a whole, is far better then any other MMO Super Hero game out there. All the weapons and such seem to be balanced quite well, at least for the most part. I think I heard some complaints on the forums about healers though... not sure about that.

Oh, and currently the level cap is 20. I think it is going to be in 30 in release.

Overall, this is a fantastic game, and unless they never bother taking care of a few flaws in their game, then I would vouch for this game. Definitely worth a try, unless you hate comic books and super heroes / villians.

P.S. I am trying to post this first impression on the General Discussion official DCUO forums, but don't see any reply/new topic buttons anywhere, can anyone help out if they know possibly what's going on? Thanks. I am logged in [and can see the log out choice on the forums], and I have successfully set my forum user handle. I am trying to post this first impression on these forums

Autor:  redruM [ 19 gru 2010, 01:40 ]

rozsyłali teraz mass invity dla ps3, jeden się trafił także sie wypowiem jak trochę poklikam, pierwszy mmo na ps3 i na padzie, to może być ciekawe/śmieszne

Autor:  iniside [ 23 gru 2010, 10:21 ]

na tentonhammer rozdaja keye dla PC.

Autor:  dakota12 [ 23 gru 2010, 12:47 ]

iniside napisał(a):
na tentonhammer rozdaja keye dla PC.

jakiś dokładniejszy link? bo albo jestem ślepy albo nigdzie nie ma info o kluczach.

Autor:  Arturnik [ 23 gru 2010, 12:52 ]


Please note that to get early access to this giveaway, you must be a Ten Ton Hammer Premium Member

Autor:  dakota12 [ 23 gru 2010, 13:01 ]

Arturnik napisał(a):
Please note that to get early access to this giveaway, you must be a Ten Ton Hammer Premium Member

szkoda cholera, po filmikach nie wygląda to tragicznie...

Autor:  iniside [ 23 gru 2010, 13:10 ]

dakota12 napisał(a):
Arturnik napisał(a):
Please note that to get early access to this giveaway, you must be a Ten Ton Hammer Premium Member

szkoda cholera, po filmikach nie wygląda to tragicznie...

Najtansza subskrypcja to 6zl. Jedno piwo chyba sobie mozna odpuscic co ? ;p

Autor:  Freedek [ 23 gru 2010, 13:41 ]

iniside napisał(a):
Jedno piwo chyba sobie mozna odpuscic co ? ;p


Autor:  baki [ 23 gru 2010, 15:51 ]

ja mam konto w tym dostałem kluczyk:D ale 13gb aż trzeba pobierać

Autor:  Piaskowy [ 23 gru 2010, 20:41 ]

5000 Beta kluczy za darmo ... InfoKey=80

Autor:  GumisPLL [ 24 gru 2010, 15:06 ]

14,3 Gb niezla beta :o

Autor:  Freedek [ 24 gru 2010, 23:11 ]

bah szybko te klucze poszly :<

Autor:  Arturnik [ 24 gru 2010, 23:24 ]

Stąd już można brać.

Autor:  Atherius [ 25 gru 2010, 01:23 ]

No i jak ?

Autor:  iniside [ 25 gru 2010, 11:33 ]

Dodam swoje 3 grosze.

Poczatek w porownanu z CO fatalny. Customizacja postaci w prownaniu z CO jest wrecz prymitywnie smieszna. W zasadzie nawet nie ma czego prownywac, to tak jakby postawic trabanta przy F-16..

Dalej troche lepiej. Calkie ładna grafika, o dziwo jak na gre SoE dziala to cholernie plynnie.
Walka jest calkie hmm fajna. W gruncie rzeczy polega na mashowaniu myszki. Ale sprawia wrazenia bardziej dynamicznej niz w innych mmo, nawet jesli ten dynamizm sprowadza sie wlasnie do zaklikania sie na smierc.

To co mnie denerwuje to strasznie wkurwiajaca kamera. Nie jest przyczepiona na stale do plecow, tylko zawieszona w powietrzu przezco czesto jest strasznie ciezko zobaczysz co sie wlasciwie do okola dzieje. Nie wspominajac juz o celowaniu w przeciwnikow. Doslownie wyjete z konsolowych slaherow. Problem w tym, ze imo ani na konsoli ani na PC taka kamera sie nie sprawdza. Mnie w kazdy razie denerwuje w chuj i koniec.

Za to mozna sie faktycznie poczuc jak Hero, ciagle cos pierdzi, swieci, ogolnie chaos, wrogowie padaja jak muchy, otoczeniem (niektorym), mozna rzucac we wrogow.

Ot poczatek robi dobre wrazenie. Ofc, jak ktos nie lubi tego typu Hero Game, to moze sobie spokojnie odpuscic.

Ale taki Shador powinien np. zdecydowanie sprawdzic ;p.

Autor:  GumisPLL [ 25 gru 2010, 12:27 ]

A ja dodam ze sterowanie i kombosy na myszce to katastrofa .
Customizacja postaci strasznie uboga.Nie mowiac o kamerze ktora gdzies spierdziela.

Do zalet to chyba to ze bardzo ladna grafa (wkoncu 14,3gb klient) ale to raczej nadaje sie pod konsole niz na pc.

Osobiscie jakos mnie nie wciagnela.

Autor:  Kabraxis [ 25 gru 2010, 12:58 ]

Mnie najbardziej do tej gry ciagnie to ze to jest uniwersum DC. Choc wolalbym Marvela. : )

BTw. To ma byc platne? Czy Buy2Play? czy jak wogole? Pewnie abonamencik bo to w koncu Sony. Jesli B2P + abonament to nie wroze wielkiej przyszlosci tej grze. Nawet na konsolach.

Autor:  Atherius [ 25 gru 2010, 13:04 ]

Ma być jeden serwer dla ps3 i pc ?
Da się na pc na padzie ?

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