Nowy mesjasz,
The Fractured project, born in January 2017, plans to bring together the best of Action RPGs and Sandbox MMOs, two genres that haven’t been successfully matched before. On one hand the game will feature a highly skill-based combat system that rewards tactics, reflexes and nimbleness of fingers; on the other hand, the user will be immersed in a fully player-driven economy, with an emphasis on realistic resource management, crafting and advanced world colonization features. On top of that, Dynamight Studios wants to broaden its audience by allowing new players to be competitive from day one, by getting rid of the “grinding” mechanics that characterize the genre, and by implementing innovative rules on player interactions.
Wygląda to ok, action combat + exploring z kopaniem skałek = całkiem spoko. Wywalenie grindowania to zapowiadało już wiele gier, każda w mniejszym bądź większym stopniu to skopała. Zapowiada się w każdym razie interesująco.
Dynamight Studios: As of today, we are a team of 5 full-time employees (and full-time geeks) and 3 freelancers, all focused on the development of Fractured, our flagship product through which we hope to make our dream your reality.
Aha. 5 gości robi mmo. Firma z Włoch. Szykuje się naprawdę błyskawiczny development.
Generalnie ciekawe pomysły - np. planety od ffa pvp, przez mieszaną do carebearowa. B2P. Małe wymagania sprzętowe. Oczywiście planowany K$.