cala prawda o mmorpgach?
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Autor:  konrador [ 29 gru 2002, 02:23 ]

warto przeczytac fajny artykul, ktory pojawil sie na slashdot. tekst traktuje niby o everquescie, ale mozna to 'przelozyc' chyba na kazdego innego mmorpga :/ tekst jest troche dlugi, wiec wrzucam pare cytatow:

The second thing you have to know is that the game stops being fun. By that time though, you?re so ?addicted? to the game, you don?t realize it. The game becomes a source of frustration and anger instead of a source of entertainment and fun. It becomes a chore. It becomes a job. You plod away at the keyboard, obsessed and consumed with getting that new item, or finishing that last quest, and while so consumed you begin to hate the game. Vehemently. It?s a game that goes on forever, and one that you can never win.

After playing the game for a while, you?ll start conversing with other players, and you?ll see the one thing all players have in common is that they all hate Sony ? the designers of Everquest. (It should be noted that Verant, the original development company, has been absorbed into Sony Online Entertainment -- so will be referred to as Sony for simplicity) This is baffling at first glance, because they send Sony $12.95 every month for a form of supposedly voluntary entertainment, which they enjoy, and yet they despise them!

Often, sudden ?game-changing? features will be added or removed in a patch, with little or no explanation given to the players, and no recourse for the players themselves other than to submit comments to the black hole at the Dev Corner.

Class balancing is an on-going project of Sony to try to make sure each class (warrior, cleric, wizard, ranger, etc) has its own niche, and feels useful and meaningful in the game world. They seem oblivious to the fact that items are just as much a part of the game as classes though, and it seems they let their zone (game area) developers run wild with items, creating more work for the developers.

They have invested so much time in these characters (...), that they can?t will themselves to give it up. They play on instead, hoping things will get better, and nursing a great and deep hatred for Sony and the game itself. If you play long enough, you will see this as the universal truth.

Autor:  Aeroth [ 29 gru 2002, 12:50 ]

co do pierwszego cytatu to trudno sie niezgodzic, gra szybko z zabawy zmienia sie w obowiazek :sad:

Autor:  Ashton [ 29 gru 2002, 13:52 ]

? kto cie zmusza do grania ? no chyba ze nazi-gm :> ale w eq tego niema :smile:

Autor:  konrador [ 29 gru 2002, 14:26 ]

nie zrozumiales tekstu ashton:/ znowu.

Autor:  Nishruu [ 29 gru 2002, 14:43 ]

W tym tekscie jest duzo prawdy... ale co do pierwszego cytatu, to zalezy tylko od czlowieka... jak podchodzi do gry :smile:

Autor:  Aeroth [ 29 gru 2002, 19:55 ]

w pierwszy cytat dotyczy chyba okresu gdy jeszcze rozwijasz swoja postac bo wtedy naprawde tak to wyglada (przynajmniej czasami) ale pozniej juz jest lepiej :smile:

Autor:  Zematis [ 29 gru 2002, 20:20 ]

musze powiedziec ze dokladnie tak to wyglada u mnie...

odpalam eq - wchodze - laze - dostaje ataku furii ze znowu czegos nie mam etc.

po czym wychodze , i za 20min wracam i tak w kolo macieja.

jak gram to jest mi zle ze nie jestem w uber gildii ze nie mam tego item-ka czy kasy itp.
ale jak nie gram to tesknie za gra...

generalnie bylo dobrze, do czasu az zrobilem 60 lvl. i nawet fakt ze teraz jest 65 lvli nie jest w stanie mnie zmusic do gry.

ja tam teraz przychodze zeby "byc" pogadac i wyjsc.

to taki pieprzony narkotyk... =/

Autor:  Ash'Veem [ 29 gru 2002, 23:51 ]

virtual crack~

Autor:  Zematis [ 29 gru 2002, 23:56 ]


Autor:  Ashton [ 30 gru 2002, 02:29 ]

no co ty zemmy tylko poczatowac lazisz ? :razz: pobaw sie wpadnij do jakiegos dungeonu czy cus dla noobow i rozpieprz wszystko w okolicy polaz po nro pobuffuj nooobow polecz czy cus ;] niedlugo bedziesz mogl mnie plowac jak mi den wysle deluxe ;]

Autor:  Karol66 [ 31 gru 2002, 09:20 ]

Tak a propo tego watku o uzaleznieniach :smile: znalazlem tekst znajomego z DAoC ktory gral kiedys w EQ.
Na boardzie opisal taka historie:

Me and 2 other friends from work all used to play EQ on the same server. one day I remember hearing a discussion between them that went something like this:

Bud: "hey nathan, how old are you again?"

Nathan: "27"

Bud ponders for a minute, realizing that Nathan was definitely not that old.

Bud: "what?? no you aren't... wait a minute"

Bud pauses again

Bud: "did you just tell me the level of your damn rogue in EQ????"

Nathan suddenly has an embarassed look on his face

Nathan: "uhh... no!.."

Bud cracks up laughing

Nathan: "OK FINE. yes I did. I'm 23, now SHUT THE F*CK UP"

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