Dodatek do Shadowbane
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Autor:  konrador [ 19 wrz 2003, 17:04 ]

Od premiery gry nie minelo wiele czasu, a juz szykuje nam sie dodatek. Dodatek o nazwie the Rise of Chaos do sklepow trafic ma w te swieta, a beta rozpocznie sie juz niedlugo.

W dodatku znajdzie sie wiele nowych featuresow i pewnie jeszcze wiecej bugow, inaczej WolfSach nie bylby soba. Oto krotka lista:
[i]- New playable race, the Nephilim half-demons with bat-like wings, horns and the ability to mask their infernal nature.
- More than 30 adventure areas for players to explore, engage, and challenge those who dare enter:
- Ruins, volcanic wastes, demons of all description, and corrupted natural creatures.
- New classes include the Doomsayer and the Sentinel:
- The Doomsayer: A priest of Chaos whose power comes from the worship of the Dark Lords. They are able to use their powers of Chaos to inflict harm and weaken opponents. Doomsayers also posses a good repertoire of heals, debuffs, and pet spells.
- The Sentinel: Stout, holy warriors who devote their lives to holding Chaos at bay and cleansing the world of its presence. Their powers are a hybrid of the Crusader and the Templar - with anti-chaos powers such as dispells, debuffs, and demon-only blasts.
- New Disciplines include the Darksworn and the Conjurer:
- The Darksworn: Underlings dedicated to the service of the Dark Lords, who are given in turn a battery of infernal powers.
- The Conjurer: Pet discipline used to summon Chaotic entities. These creatures are pet versions adapted from the new monster content added with the expansion pack.
- Current players who purchase the expansion pack are immediately granted a sixth character slot to use at their discretion.
- Graphical enhancements include new environmental effects which will add to the overall ambiance.

Autor:  Asmax [ 19 wrz 2003, 19:08 ]

Kon, moglbym wiedziec jaki bugi _obecnie_ znajduja sie w shadowbane? :/

Autor:  konrador [ 19 wrz 2003, 19:22 ]

Asmax ... prosze cie, ze tak powiem i na tym zakoncze :

Autor:  Asmax [ 19 wrz 2003, 20:08 ]

Ja to mam w dupie, ale troszke smieszy mnie subiektywne, badz ironiczne podchodzenie do newsow... Ale jak kto woli, mnie to wali :wink: . Myslalem, ze moze jakiegos flama zaczne :/

Autor:  konrador [ 19 wrz 2003, 20:14 ]

Myslalem, ze i tak masz juz same flamy w glowie od goraczki, po co ci dodatkowe na forum?

Autor:  Theddas [ 19 wrz 2003, 20:37 ]

Jak to jakie bugi?! Gra jest chuj*wa i tyle, w dodatku nie wymaga zadnego skilla.


Autor:  konrador [ 19 wrz 2003, 20:46 ]


Autor:  Theddas [ 19 wrz 2003, 21:35 ]

Uszkpokuj sie bo ci nerwy siodo.

Autor:  konrador [ 19 wrz 2003, 22:25 ]

Ze co? Nie wiesz, ze z pelnymi ustami sie nie mowi? Jak panowie z WP z toba skoncza, to przyjdz i wytlumacz jeszcze raz o co ci chodzi.

Autor:  Aenima [ 19 wrz 2003, 22:26 ]

i zaczelo sie...

Autor:  Theddas [ 20 wrz 2003, 00:57 ]


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