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Posty: 7311
Dołączył(a): 8.11.2001
PostNapisane: 13 lis 2003, 08:33 
Alpha testy posuwaja sie do przodu, przez ostatnie pare dni do gry trafilo sporo poprawek, nowosci i pewnie troche bugow.

- New models! Now you can see your weapons, armor, shield, etc. Also the new models will cast shadows and reflections in the water!
- Holding down Alt and right clicking on an enemy automatically attacks that target.
- Various bug fixes on the server
- Some inside maps were changed (added lights instead of ambient lighting) so they look much better.
- Some map bugs (bad heightmap) were fixed.

1. Now newbies don't lose the stuff when they die (until they are lev 6 combat)
2. There is now a critical change, which means that if you (or the enemy) has a lucky roll (by default for players is 10%, for other monsters is between 10 and 40, depending on the monster)
3. Some small combat bug fixes.
4. Some of the higher monsters do a little more damage.

Jesli kogos interesuje przetestowanie EL, to klient czeka na oficjlanje stronie gry.

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