Dear player,
as you well know after the consolidation of the North American shards we have decided to keep all our shards alive as the situation was not forcing us to take the same action here in Europe. We've spent the past few weeks evaluating how things were evolving on the two sides of the ocean and we put together some considerations.
With the player base that stabilized itself on the current numbers without any significative loss, but also without any significative growth, the number of concurrent users for Earth, Wind and Ice doesn't justify the number of open shards and furthermore the worlds are not highly populated during peak times thus obviously reducing the fun of you all (as the main features of this game are built around the community concept).
We believe that the solution to concentrate all the players on one shard only would be the best option for both you and us as concentrating all the efforts on one single world will help making Horizons a better place for everyone.
While we plan all the work that this decision would require and while we think about all the possible consequences (and related reactions) involved we have set up a feedback poll for you all on the support website.
We can already tell you that soon as the player base will grow back to a level that would require a new shard we will immediately open a brand new one.
Spread the word to your friends as we would like to have everyone involved in this decision.
In the case we should go for a real consolidation here in Europe we apologize in advance for any inconvenience that will be caused by going through this process again.
Yours sincerely,
Horizons Europe Team
Teraz gierka nabierze tempa, latwiej o team bedzie itd.
