Tak Vira, z tym ze czegos tu jeszcze brakuje. Moze tez byc tak ze to jakies fiflaki walcza. Tak jak mowie, chyba wogole nie ptrzytrzymuja ataku, w sensie broni w gorze. No i swingin sa troche wolne albo mi sie tylko wydaje.
I am going to judge this game as a BETA, so bare with me. The world seems extremely massive, and while it has little NPC's atm it does not feel empty at all. The graphics are AMAZING and the mountains / trees are very well done.
Currently there are plenty of bugs, (it is a beta after all) although, it does not stop you from getting some combat in.
In terms of combat, it feels extremely real time. You have to use tactics to beat an enemy and there is no way in hell that you will win by just swinging your weapon around.
From what I have noticed you do get knocked a bit when you get hit by an axe and the prediction system is mostly working. Left click attacks and right click blocks. The combat is also very fun, even for an early early beta test.
Even though I am providing cake, this game is definitely going to be something extremely special when it is 100% done.
I know this is a beta, and I know there are bugs, but all I can say at this point is bravo Star Vault, bravo.
P.S. It is a huge sausage fest right now because no one has clothes!!
And now for the special cake.