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Autor Wiadomość

Posty: 117
Dołączył(a): 17.05.2008
PostNapisane: 16 sie 2009, 18:31 
mam problem z betą: ściągnąłem grę przez torrenty ale nie mam pliku MortalOnline.exe

Posty: 42
Dołączył(a): 25.03.2009
PostNapisane: 17 sie 2009, 10:42 
Igorwer napisał(a):
mam problem z betą: ściągnąłem grę przez torrenty ale nie mam pliku MortalOnline.exe

Po rozpakowaniu bedziesz mial jakis taki pliczek nazwany Launcher.. odpal i zupdatuj.


Posty: 277
Dołączył(a): 4.02.2009
PostNapisane: 17 sie 2009, 12:44 
Czekam zeby cos zagrac ale ani slowa na temat wpuszczenia bloku C.


Posty: 1970
Dołączył(a): 8.08.2007
PostNapisane: 17 sie 2009, 14:22 
Plus jest taki, że login naprawili w pt i można się już logować bezproblemowo, za to w tym samym patchu zepsuli mobki, które nie rzucają lootu więc nie można wycraftować żadnej zbroi ( które nie są aktywowane ergo nie redukują obrażeń ).

Miałem okazję porządnie pograć w sobotę i imo jeśli wszystko ładnie dopracują, aktywują i odbugują to zapowiada się, że MO będzie mieć najbardziej skillowe pvp od niepamiętnych czasów - fps na łuki i miecze. Ciekawe jak magię zaimplementują.


Kto prawdę mówi ten niepokój wszczyna.


Posty: 277
Dołączył(a): 4.02.2009
PostNapisane: 17 sie 2009, 14:46 
Wpuszczaja C za dluzsza chwile.


Posty: 1970
Dołączył(a): 8.08.2007
PostNapisane: 17 sie 2009, 16:12 
Welcome block C.

Kto prawdę mówi ten niepokój wszczyna.


Posty: 277
Dołączył(a): 4.02.2009
PostNapisane: 17 sie 2009, 17:47 
Wyłączyłem dynamic shadows, lighting i lensflares. Mam 15-20 fpsow na 1280x1024. Na szczescie we wrzesniu zmeiniam caly sprzet.

Pogralem z godzine. Gra mi sie wysypala z 4 razy. Zdarzylem troche pobiegac, poogladac.

Zrobilem krotki luk, z ktorego po chwili sciagnalem dwoch graczy ale mnie wyrzucilo.

Ogolnie wszyscy sie napierdzielaja ze soba. przygladalem sie walce, jakies 10 osob w jenym miejscu. Nieco chaotycznie ale ogolnie w porzadku. Myslalem ze takie walki na tym etapie beda duzo gorsze.

Raz dostalem z ninacka dwa ciosy, nie wiem od kogo a ze stalem na stromej skarpie, to tylko widzialem jak sie turlam na dol :]

Death mode jest tak zrobione, ze wiele nie widac. Dlatego szpiegowac raczej byloby ciezko.

Pozostaje czekac na featuresy i ogladac jak wszystko dziala.


Posty: 117
Dołączył(a): 17.05.2008
PostNapisane: 17 sie 2009, 19:51 
Mortal ściąga jakieś pliki. Mam nadzieję, że potem będę mógł pograć bo jak wcisne "PLAY" to nic się nie dzieje ;( Ile GB należy ściągnąć, żeby gra zadziałała?


Posty: 1970
Dołączył(a): 8.08.2007
PostNapisane: 19 sie 2009, 14:29 
Edit- zmniejszenie dmg wynika z aktywowania skilli. Przy skillu 100 dmg jest 100% stanu poprzedniego.

Kto prawdę mówi ten niepokój wszczyna.

Ostatnio edytowano 19 sie 2009, 22:55 przez Viracept, łącznie edytowano 1 raz

Posty: 277
Dołączył(a): 4.02.2009
PostNapisane: 19 sie 2009, 20:33 
Coraz wiecej osob biega z zbrojach a ja nie moge znalezc zadnego zwierzaka. Albo sa od razu wybijane albo zle szukam. Zanim mi sie udal dobry miecz to troche sie nakombinowalem, wczesniej robilem miecze np. z drewna, zanim odkrylem ze pig iron sie da na stal przerobic...


Posty: 1970
Dołączył(a): 8.08.2007
PostNapisane: 19 sie 2009, 20:46 
Ze zwierzątkami coś jest zrąbane. Po ostatnich updatach większość zniknęła a te co są mają skopany loot ;/ A miecze i wogóle broń rób z nyx. Na chwilę obecną ma chyba najlepszy stosunek dmg do zużycia staminy i prędkości machania.

Kto prawdę mówi ten niepokój wszczyna.


Posty: 1970
Dołączył(a): 8.08.2007
PostNapisane: 21 sie 2009, 22:32 
Repost z dzisiejszego Q&A z Henrikiem :

<Akasha> Hey henrik ... what about the "Rendering thread exception" problem for the 32bit OS users ? when will you fixed it ?
<HenrikNystrom> Akasha, not sure yet for 32bit, thou I think the low texture package and massiveLOD will solve that as well

<jello> LOD?
<HenrikNystrom> level of detail systemk

<Revoid> HenrikNystrom i have a question. is it hard being as awesome as you are?
<HenrikNystrom> Revoid indeed it is

<Kiron> Henrik can you tell us when will we see more features implemented on beta?
<HenrikNystrom> as posted on the forums, kiron, as soon as we have a bit more server stabilty we will start adding our features
<HenrikNystrom> which is after hopefully next week

<Endless> Henrik what are your planned method of hack detection and prevention? Seeing as the Unreal 3 engine is already well known it will be very easy to port existing hacks to MO.
<HenrikNystrom> Endless, we will have both auto and manual detection, and we will insta ban all cheaters/hackers, hopefully this will work well

<Syhl> Hi all, i have a little question : If i buy the game now, i have a beta access ? And if "yes" when i will have this access 31 August or 14 September ?
<HenrikNystrom> Syhl, if you buy the game today you will be in block E

<Kiron> Henrik I hope you do what you say for hacking problems. I have played darkfall for 7 months and left due to problems with that.
<HenrikNystrom> kiron, ya, there is allways cheaters in mmos, I dont know a mmo without them, we will do our best in eliminating them

<Artorius> Henrik, will you release more info on player housing/guild cities before release ?
<HenrikNystrom> Artorius, yes, we plan to test our housing system in the later beta phases

<phratello> Henrik. How many copies have you sold?
<HenrikNystrom> well, we have pretty much sold out our copies, the thing is we got a few hundreds that we need to deal with, a few fraud users and a few problem payments, so we did open up a few new spots for block E, as well as we now start feeling more confident in that we can support so many players

<Artorius> Henrik; I saw you was looking for moderators, how must we apply if we want to be one ?
<HenrikNystrom> Artorius send an application to stjudas

<OoSilent> HenrikNystrom, I've heard about sailing, and things to do with exploring the ocean. What's this have to do with?
<HenrikNystrom> OoSilent, we wont have manual sailing in at release, thou you can adventure under water without boats, boats for manual use will be in later

<Hooligan-> HenrikNystrom, how fully implemented is the melee system at the minute?
<HenrikNystrom> Hooligan-, hard to answer that, there are more weapon groups that are soon in the game, a pretty big weapon group, just not yet implemented, and then there are diff skills, moves and items like bandages potions, magic, mount melee etc... so theres a few things left to try out

<Artorius> Henrik; Any news on the status of a North American server for release ? (wow, thats awesome, live communication with a game dev!)
<HenrikNystrom> Artorius, we have planned a NA server to go live pretty soon actually, more info on that later

<calleford> Henrik, how advanced will the graphic menu be in the release version?
<HenrikNystrom> calleford, there will be more options for sure

<Campana> HenrikNystrom: would you consider adding (or do you plan to add) an in-game ping indicator? Thank you.
<HenrikNystrom> campana, not sure about that, as our latency network code is diff from many other mmos nd mp games, the important thing is how you are able to compete in real time combat, if you suffer delay or cant hit correctly then its a isp/latency problem, and you woill probbaly need a server closer to you.

<Flintwick> Whats the plan with skills, will we get them automagically, or will it involve visiting some kind of trainer?
<HenrikNystrom> Flintwick, most primary skills will be available at 0 for efveryone, you start to spend points into some of them at char creation, then you choose to train the rest of the skills with your prim point pool cap points
<HenrikNystrom> the secondary skills are trained, bought found in the world

<Guildmaster> Henrik, how will you carry on and releasing big updates such as sailing for example, patches or regurly expansions?
<HenrikNystrom> Guildmaster, when you buy a license of mortal online you will get all patches and expansions for free at this point.

<chimp> Henrik : Are there plans to tweak and sharpen up the combat / blocking system before release? Or is it considered more or less done ?
<HenrikNystrom> chimp, we are still tweaking melee combat each day mostly, theres more to do yes, but if it doesnt feel taight for you, then it could very well be latency problem, some us players can melee fine some cant.

<phratello> Henrik. Could you maybe explain how the stats on resources will work. I know you've said that it is a bit different then how SWG worked.
<HenrikNystrom> phratello, you start out with at least 10 in all attributes, then you spend a few points into what ever you chose, then you will have a total stat cap around 400 points, to spend on each attribute
<HenrikNystrom> attributes are gained when using skills effecting the attriobutes
<phratello> HenrikNystrom. I mean the stats on resources like ore and wood. If there are any
<HenrikNystrom> phratello yes with skills you will be able to read more or less about resoureces items weapons armor etc

<Artorius> Henrik; Any confirmation of release on Q4 09 ?
<HenrikNystrom> Artorius, we are still on track and aiming for gold state Q4 yes

<Slash_Redhand> if I want to redo my attributes?
<Slash_Redhand> Can I reset them
<HenrikNystrom> Slash_Redhand, yes you can allways retrain stats and skills

<Telkon> Henrik, will we have skill lock / up / down similar to UO? And Stats?
<HenrikNystrom> telkon yes

<Flintwick> How are attributes (not skills) going to be raised in the game? Are they going to raise alongisde the use of skills, or by some other means? Also, are there Attribute caps, or can you cap all of them?
<HenrikNystrom> Flintwick, yes stats gains through skill usage

<Slash_Redhand> Henrik, I heard now that the more huge yo uare the more advantage you have, I hope that is changed, am i rite?
<HenrikNystrom> Slash_Redhand, there will be diff "real life bonuses" for size

<pluie> HenrikNystrom can you tell us with the status of the 3D content like creatures and environment finished ?
<HenrikNystrom> pluie, we have a lot of content areas ready to be released as soon as we have our massiveLOD system in place
<HenrikNystrom> at the moment the memory is filled with the current areas, we cant add more till massiveLOD is in

<Someonne> Henrik about the Housing: will it be in at Release?
<HenrikNystrom> someone hosues will be in at release yes, if we dont goes straight into a wall we cant solve

<Akasha> what is massiveLOD ?
<HenrikNystrom> MassiveLOD is a extended system on level of detail
<HenrikNystrom> which means, it helps the client performance a lot,

<Recsu> Henrik, on what hardware are you currently running the server on and will one server handle the hole continent or can you divide it up on multiple servers?
<HenrikNystrom> Recsu, the curent server setup we use today is similar to eve onlines servers, which means we have pretty much endless resources to build on, we can fit the entire continent on one server without a problem

<H2Os> Henrik, what causes the game to warp you to random places? And is it something addressed in the latest patch?
<HenrikNystrom> H2Os, teleporting players a bit random is caused of 2 things one correction system and a anti cheat system, we need to work it a bit more thou

<Kiron> Henrik, when you change weapons you are freezed and can't move or do anything, is this intened or will it be changed?
<HenrikNystrom> Kiron, there is a limitation in the tech that force us to have at least a small pause when changing stance yes, this is forced if we want a REAL realtime combat
<HenrikNystrom> kiron, however, a skill will help this down time a bit

<OoSilent> HentikNystrom, knowing we can only use two skills in the current beta, are you planning on letting the players test anything else out or are you going to keep it as simple as possible until the release in Q4?
<HenrikNystrom> OoSilent, we will soon ad a few new skill groups

<Shiv> Henrik: any plays on shields knocking people back who hit them? Or stunning them for a bit so we have a chance to respond? Because currently it's just people getting up to you and spamming with no chance to respond
<HenrikNystrom> shiv, theres a few hard ones to solve on pushback.. I cant go into the diff cases at this point sorry.

<Zaraky> So HenrikNystrom Main question, what's the anti macro Anti bot system
<HenrikNystrom> Zaraky, other players is the most effective one
<Zaraky> HenrikNystrom: wrong.... DF got ruined by that and it might ruin MO... if you let player rule on that game is over alrdy
<HenrikNystrom> Zaraky, well, in mo it seem to be one effective way, indeed ive plaid dfo as well I know how it works there as well. But we wont go out in detail what kind of system we have in place for hacking and cheating etc because of security reasons
<Zaraky> HenrikNystrom: with housing and guild stuff, you can just hide in your house and pratice your skill with your friend day and night.... or you can go somewhere with useless weapon which will get your skill up as well... Player is not the solution.
<Zaraky> HenrikNystrom: If you allowed botting and macroing, everyone will do it and it'll be the same as DFO which mean bot win and non botter lose
<HenrikNystrom> zaraky, see here is why this is not a problem in MO, we have stated it MANY times in the forums and interviews before, we do not have grind skills in that way, this is why we wont have the same problem as "Those" other mmos

<cgi701> There will be dynamic weather at release?
<HenrikNystrom> cgi, a more advanced weather system will be in place after release, we are working on having the basic one in place now, as its pretty advanced already as its tied into world events

<Slash_Redhand> Henrik, hmm, there is a video with one of your testers fly hacking, are you aware of it? and if yes, what are your plans agaisnt such things?
<HenrikNystrom> Slash_Redhand, we are aware of that "fly hack" dont worry about it

<Balkin> Henrik Are there going to be diminishing returns on raising skills?
<HenrikNystrom> balkin what do you mean?

<Gankez> if u catch someone hacking are ya gonna ban em on the first offense? (please say yes?)
<HenrikNystrom> Gankez, yes we instaban hackers

<[MotGD]hemo> Question: is the doubletap dodge hard coded in the U3 engine?
<HenrikNystrom> hemo no it isnt

<Fia> Henrik... how much of the finished continent are we using atm in beta? Thank you.
<HenrikNystrom> fia, we are looking at close to 30km/2 of the first continent which is 64km/2 at this point
<Fia> Thank you, so this is 50% allready? Thanks.
<HenrikNystrom> fia, yes, then add more dungeons and underground areas added on this size

<chappy> henrik, any plans for an asia/oceanic release and server, any planned marketting in that region?
<HenrikNystrom> chappy, we have been evaluating asian market some time ago, and will for sure do it again when eu/US is done

<Telkon> Henrik: Magic question. Will reagents be readily available or more rare? Especially in the beginning, before the player ecomony kicks in
<HenrikNystrom> telkon, regs for normal "pvp" spells wont be rare to find
<HenrikNystrom> telkon but for some other magic schools, then thats another question

<Flintwick> a question from my friends... for those who have signed up for beta, but haven't pre-ordered the game, will there be a beta phase nearer to release which takes in those people, or are all beta phases pre-order based? Also, will there be any guild beta invites? cheers
HenrikNystrom> Flintwick, when we have all blocks active in this beta, we will evaluate the server again and see where we stand in both performance and population on the server, after this point we may add more players into the beta, we will at one point really stress test the servers capacity

<Nima> Henrik, can we expect mounts soon?
<HenrikNystrom> Nima, after massiveLOD comes mounts

<Jven> How will different resources be implemented in the game, for example if you use your mining skill on a rock, will it dissapear(like WoW), be there but not usable(like Darkfall) or will it be nearly unlimited?
<HenrikNystrom> jven, if you see a mountain you will be able to mine it, thou there wont be rocks dissapearing, you will notice you have depleated the area or rock and need to move on

<Remit> HenrikNystrom: is stealing/thieving still in the plans?
<HenrikNystrom> remit, yes there will be theaving/stealing in MO similar to UO

<Akasha> @Henrik ... do you already know when you will implement massiveLOD ?
<HenrikNystrom> Akasha, if things goes as plans we will have massiveLOD next week

<phratello> HenrikNystrom. I know this may be Mats particular area of expertise but can you tell us anything about the different Races Languages.
<HenrikNystrom> phratello, what would you like to know about race lang?

<Artorius> Yeah, whats up about that speedtree rumor ?
<HenrikNystrom> Artorius what about the speedtree runmor?
<Artorius> Theres a rumor on the forum saying you plan to add Speetree 5.0 in MO, is this true ?
<HenrikNystrom> Artorius yes

Kto prawdę mówi ten niepokój wszczyna.


Posty: 1970
Dołączył(a): 8.08.2007
PostNapisane: 21 sie 2009, 22:32 
<Balkin> HenrikNystrom: if you use a skill to much will it slow down the amount it raises
<HenrikNystrom> balkin, the closer to mastering the skill the slower the process is yes, but this rate is depending on what kind of skill

<H2Os> Henrik can you update us on the crafting system? How is it progressing?
<HenrikNystrom> H2Os, the minigame is still a way from be implemented into the game, thou we whave the more basic crafting system in place on the player side, im not sure when we add it to the beta thou

<Winterspree> Henrik Nyström: Has the buyer of nr.1 Loot bag answered anyhting about the free beer, and will you have any open evning for people to come at that time?
<HenrikNystrom> Winterspree, he said he will maybe give that beer night to a guild friend of his closer to sweden

<arcsur> henrik: what about world population? what is you plan on pupulating the world with killable mobs, and populating the towns with NPCs, how "living" the world will be NPC vise?
<HenrikNystrom> arcsur, we now have 2 very good AI guys dedicated on our npcs/mobs, they are working on some pretty cool, and unique stuff for a mmorpg

<Bartillo> speedgrass and speedtree 5 will be in MO
<HenrikNystrom> bartillo, speedtree 5.0 is not being implemented by epic games us, when they ahve it in place and it works as intended we will evaluate it one more time before we add it in MO as well
<HenrikNystrom> speedtree 5.0 includes speedgrass

<DrWaffles> HenrikNystrom I keep having a problem with rendering thread errors in towns, is this going to be fixed in the patch today?
<HenrikNystrom> DrWaffles, ya the 2 upcoming patches we have now will solve hopfully all or most client crashes, like rendering, out of memory crashes

<Telkon> Henrik: it has been stated that there will not be classic "quests" in MO. What tools will you give players (aside from an awesome basic game) to make their own quests / storys?
<HenrikNystrom> telkon, well there will be major world quests, and quests in other forms, what we call tasks, you can allways sell "rat ears" to the shaman trader in village x or so to get new players going if they dont know what to do, then the world events and epic creatures is another interesting event for the players

<phratello> HenrikNystrom. Like are they real languages? How will other races speech appear to non-speakers? How does one aquire the skills required to learn another language. How long does it take?
<HenrikNystrom> phratello, you wont understand the other races language if you havent learned the language, the more you know in the skill the closer to a right translation you will see
<HenrikNystrom> also finding items/skills/spells etc will be shown in diff languagfes meaning you cannot learn them or understand them without language skills

<Bix> HenrikNystrom: What about simple navigation tools? Maps and a compass??
<HenrikNystrom> bix, ya players will be able to create a compass and write maps on their own

<Campana> HenrikNystrom: will there be an in-game currency? Thank you
<HenrikNystrom> Campana, yes there will be gold, jewels, checks

<Artorius> Henrik; How can we (fans) help SV and MO beside buying the game right now ?
<HenrikNystrom> Artorius, well, support our dev, help us repporting errors etc overall, and maybe start sspreading the word over the net, we will need players to support the game aftar all, and help us in the forums, thats one important tool for us all

<pluie> HenrikNystrom will you show some video or screenshot with speedtree soon ???
<HenrikNystrom> pluie, no, not till we are further in that evaluation

<Winterspree> Henrik Nyström: Anything about God Mechanic, will it be in at release, ore later on?
<HenrikNystrom> Winterspree, we have a few god things in the plans in the near future yes, but a more complexed version of it will probably go in later as well, This area is on mats table a lot, I just have to make sure they dont interfear in a wrong way with pvp

<Mephizto> <%HenrikNystrom> Will you be able to enter all buildings later on or will they only be decorations like they are now? For example in the desert village.
<HenrikNystrom> Mephizto, there will allways be a few decoration houses, but overtime when we have time to go into that area we will slowly convert them into real hosues you can enter or break into

<Winterspree> Henrik Nyström: Will there be any (many?) spells other than combat spells. e.g., spells that changes the enviroment?
<HenrikNystrom> Winterspree yes

<Zaraky> Anyone able to find information about how MO is so different then any other MMO about botting and macroing?
<HenrikNystrom> zaraky, there should be a few comments/inverviews about that question

<Soap-On-A-Ropelight> HenrikNystrom: will there be any sort of binoculars or telescopes for scouting and hunting
<HenrikNystrom> Soap-On-A-Ropelight yes

<Artorius> Henryk; Any new information on spec requirement and emotes ?
<HenrikNystrom> Artorius, no new requirements till we have all packages ingame, emotes will come over time

<kingbuns> Henrik: Is it going to be possible to kill people in their houses from the outside with magic or is a persons house a safe zone once they get in side and close the door?
<HenrikNystrom> kingbuns, there will be a few ways/spells that harms ppl on the other side of a wall

<niluX_> <%HenrikNystrom>Well mo have an huge rp potential , will you had features only for rp ?
<HenrikNystrom> nilux, im not sure, there are so many areas indeed that will be a very good place for rp players,

<[MotGD]hemo> Question: how long until a guld system is implemented?
<HenrikNystrom> hemo, we thought about putting in the guilkd system now, but we would need to create a fake system we had to throw away after we have our houses in place, the guild system is build opon house system

<Campana> I think people will be roleplaying in MO just by playing the game, whether they intend to or not
<HenrikNystrom> campana right

<pluie> HenrikNystrom there is a pretty much well done hunting system with track and animal going away from you in the game "the hunter", will we have that kind of hunting system in MO, or it will be a basic fighting system with animals ?
<HenrikNystrom> pluie, oh yes, there will be different mobs / animals you really need to hunt to get their meat/resources, we are working on that

<Zaraky> HenrikNystrom: Any possibility to have tamed creature on stand by guarding town house or stuff you order them to guard?
<HenrikNystrom> zaraky, yes

<Flintwick> is there a hard cap on arrow range? or can we optimise range by getting correct angles/being on higher ground etc?
<HenrikNystrom> Flintwick, many things effects the arrow range, its not hard capped

<kingbuns> Henrik: Is there or will there be monster masks that allow a player to be around enemy monsters without being attacked like the orc masks in UO?
<HenrikNystrom> kingbuns, I liked tha idea from uo, so yes that could happend

<Bartillo> hey henrik, robes covering armor ever? like UO.
<HenrikNystrom> bartillo, I think so yes, we are still working on a few issuyes regarding clothes tabs

<Artorius> Question, about range, how far can we see other players in MO ?
<HenrikNystrom> Artorius, not sure, we have a long player distance at this point, but it comes down to performance as well, we could very well tune it per area as well to get best possible performance

<Soap-On-A-Ropelight> HenrikNystrom: will you be able to destroy player made buildings, towns, what about developer included towns and buildings?
<HenrikNystrom> soap, yes you will be able to destroy player made houses/cities, but its a long and hard process if you are not in war with them, then its easier

<cathead> not sure if this has been asked before, but is it planned to be able to look at your own character in 3rd person camera view at all or will the view always be restricted to 1st person?
<HenrikNystrom> cathead it will allways be 1 person
<HenrikNystrom> cathead, its developed around 1 person for years now, theres so many reasons why its 1person, you could read about them in some interviews on the net

<Soap-On-A-Ropelight> HenrikNystrom: will the player screen eventually show you a model of your character so you can see how badass your new weapon/armor setup looks?
<HenrikNystrom> there will be mirrors, water reflection and character render on your cahracter window yes you will see your self

<Daakkon> HenrikNystrom, tell me about the ui. Will it be fully customizable? will I be able to move, resize, mess with opacity, on all windows?
<HenrikNystrom> Daakkon, it will be fully toggable on/off, and ya most of it tweakjed in diff ways

<Daakkon> what will the inventory bag be like? uo/darkfall or like wow/lotro?
<Daakkon> please make it like uo
<HenrikNystrom> Daakkon, at this point we will stay with eve inventory, but the goal is to get closer to UO inventory, but we have a few things to solve first.

<Pham> Henrik: Will players be able to attack/destroy NPC-owned structures??
<HenrikNystrom> pham some yes

<Tur> Henrik Nystrom Are there spells or ways hindering movement? Like magic walls or roots or traps?
<HenrikNystrom> tur, yes there are spells that can freeze you, block yuou etc
<HenrikNystrom> but there is offten a counter way to these effects

<ARCSUR> henrik can you say any words about training skills? as its marginal in this kind of MMOs, how do you plan to stop people from macroing?
<HenrikNystrom> ARCSUR, there wont be a need of macroing as we wont have skills to grind like that. the "grind" skills is diff in MO

<niluX_> Henrik : Well it's ambitious , but how much is done for a game who will be release in the next 4months
<HenrikNystrom> nilux, dont forget as I allways state on irc, when discussing with you here, this is a chance for you to ask anything and I answer the best way we can, but many questions are indeed features after release, not to be finished in Q4
<HenrikNystrom> but there is also features finished but not yet in the game

<cgi701> Henrik: what about the local business , there will be local auction houses or something like it ? (I hate the /say trading)
<HenrikNystrom> there will be no local auto acution
<HenrikNystrom> its all manual trade, we want player interaction
<HenrikNystrom> thou you can hire a vendor to start sell for you as well
<HenrikNystrom> but player interaction is needed to get going
<HenrikNystrom> I lack that in todays mmos
<HenrikNystrom> one of the best things in UO
HenrikNystrom> player interaction

<Daakkon> HenrikNystrom what about bulletin boards near banks/bars?
<HenrikNystrom> ya boards will be a good way to type notes for players

<Erikas> HenrikNystrom will there be item drops like uniq swords too or only uniq material drops for uniq swords to craft
<HenrikNystrom> erikas, well try this, kill the epic dragon from the teaser, that dead beast will be a treasure on its own, and thsoe wont respawn, hence pretty nice materials

<Tur> HenrikNystrom Is there a chance to see spells that transform you into a wolf for a short time or something like that?
<HenrikNystrom> tur yes,

<Daakkon> HenrikNystrom what about making taverns a place to actually interact not just get a quest from an npc
<HenrikNystrom> daakoon indeed

<Pham> Henrik: any chance you are a regular user impersonating Henrik Nystrom, just trying to get our hopes up? This all seems to good to be true
<HenrikNystrom> pham, no as I said on the forum I promised a Q/A run on the irc now

<Artorius> Henrik: What about player owned shop and npc vendor ? If we give items to our npc vendor for him to sell it, if he get killed, the killer will loot the goods ? (Sorry if I missed that, IRC crash my firefox randomly)
<HenrikNystrom> Artorius, you will be able to run shops yes with vendors

<Gankez> any plans of an arena type area?
<HenrikNystrom> Gankez, there is an arena in tindrem

<Daakkon> HenrikNystrom what about player housing?
<Daakkon> will IU be able to place a house wherever I want?
<Daakkon> like if I want to be a ganking rogue and just have my house in the middle of a swamp can I do that?
<HenrikNystrom> daakkon, our player housing is the most interesting house system I ever seen in an mmo, you will test it soon
<Telkon> Better than UO housing?
<HenrikNystrom> telkon yes, we started out with uos housing system, then build on that base, Im very happy so far

<Sarkhan> Will the new client be released today/tonight, or tomorrow?
<HenrikNystrom> Sakaar yes tonight

<Xxav> Henrik, can we expect more reasons to explore other than just for looks? Will there be more caves and dungeons than what we've seen?
<HenrikNystrom> Xxav of course

<Zaraky> HenrikNystrom: You can build your house/guild everywhere you want right? There's no limitation like darkfall's node and crap like that?
<HenrikNystrom> Zaraky, we have no real limits no, but there is areas that we dont want ppl to build on for various reasons

<Kiron> Henrik sorry to ask again, but can players place bounty on people then give money to the player who killed it? like a player quest?
<HenrikNystrom> kiron, common question this is run by players already

<phratello> HenrikNystrom. Any news on when we might get some more lore? I know you guys are busy but I've been waiting a long time for it haha.
<HenrikNystrom> phratello ya its sad but true, lore have been on hold for some time now, we would like to share more indeed, but we need to translate etc, takes some time which we dont have atm

<Klemzo> HenrikNystrom I always wanted to ask you this: will It possible to PICK ARROWS from dead bodies and trees/ground?!?
<HenrikNystrom> Klemzo, Im not sure yet, there are performance limits we need to handle for this kind of feature

<Zaraky> HenrikNystrom: I've been wondering for a while but hmm, will it be possible to steal NPC and Player vendor?
<HenrikNystrom> Zaraky steal a vendor?!?

<Xxav> Henrik, any plans for a weather system similar to what we've seen in the trailer? I mean, the sky is looks awesome, so an awesome weather system should go with it.
<HenrikNystrom> Xxav oh yes

<redeemers> HenrikNystrom can we have a plan for next feature implementation , so we can realize what is for beta and what after release?
<HenrikNystrom> redeemers, we post each beta release we do, and the closer to release we will release all feature list on for rel as well

<Xxav> Henrik, should a weather system be expected for launch? Or is it on low priority like it usually is with MMO's?
<HenrikNystrom> Xxav, a basic one is for release, more advanced one after release

<Daakkon> HenrikNystrom what about things to do other then combat, such as fishing, crafting, games like playing poker or something?
<HenrikNystrom> Daakkon, ya there will be a lot of none combat skills and features in MO

<Someonne> Henrik: do you think SV will make Release for 2009 Q4?
<HenrikNystrom> someone yes, with its core features as stated before

<redeemers> HenrikNystrom, there will be Gm as Uo in Mo , that create gameplay and put a sort of rule in game?
<HenrikNystrom> redeemers yes

<rackam77> HenrikNystrom, There will be a system of dye (armors)?
<HenrikNystrom> rackam77, we have some things to customize armor parts yes

<HenrikNystrom> cider, in a hand of a master they are uber!

<niluX_> Henrik : If there is no name at the top of our character , will we have a good avatar creator Like aion ?
<HenrikNystrom> nilux better

<Xxav> Henrik, is the terrain used for the ground temporary? It seems like its the same texture everywhere. I think sebastian said its temporary, can you confirm that? The ground gets tiresome to look at lol.
<HenrikNystrom> Xxav, im not sure about how final textures are actually, its mats table
<Sebastian> And I did not say that, the LOD-solution is temp

<Eolendil> Henrik : Will racial mix at char creation be only cosmetic as it is now or will it also influence your initial attributes?
<HenrikNystrom> Eolendil there will be diff with races, they change stat caps to

<Artorius> Henryk: Can we swim up water fall like in Age of Conan or do swimming is a little more realistic ?
<HenrikNystrom> Artorius swiming in mo is realistic

<Daakkon> HenrikNystrom what about a music system similar to lotro?
<HenrikNystrom> daakkon, magic in MO is something big, basic combat magic school is similar to UO magic system, then there are about 12+ other magic schools completely differente

<Emiae> HenrikNystrom you talking about a realistic swimming on the beta or the release version
<HenrikNystrom> emiae, well today swiming looks real nice in beta, there is some things left before its done, its some box bugs on the water volumes, and then weight, drain air consume

<Erikas> HenrikNystrom when will sv update their website
<HenrikNystrom> erikas, when there is time, and when its well needed

<HenrikNystrom> ok guys, its been a good qa
<HenrikNystrom> its time for us to get that patch out now
<HenrikNystrom> thank you all, and have a good evening

Kto prawdę mówi ten niepokój wszczyna.


Posty: 1439
Dołączył(a): 7.09.2005
PostNapisane: 8 wrz 2009, 00:15 
Cytuj ... ngelog.txt

skoro wrzucili magię w wersji surowej, może się kto pokusi na krótkiego videło leaka ?

MO - the last hope of mmoRPG


Posty: 119
Dołączył(a): 8.08.2008
PostNapisane: 9 wrz 2009, 13:42 
niema co pokazywać jeszcze:D nie działa tak jak powinno może za tydzień 2:P


Posty: 1970
Dołączył(a): 8.08.2007
PostNapisane: 9 wrz 2009, 16:09 
W tym tempie niestety nie widzę release w tym roku :har: Przynajmniej nie w formie nadającej się do pobierania abonamentu. Chyba, że jakimś cudem mają mnóstwo gotowego contentu.

Kto prawdę mówi ten niepokój wszczyna.


Posty: 379
Dołączył(a): 5.04.2006
PostNapisane: 9 wrz 2009, 16:49 
W obecnym stanie to rozsądna data był by 2011...


Posty: 1439
Dołączył(a): 7.09.2005
PostNapisane: 9 wrz 2009, 22:01 
elitper napisał(a):
niema co pokazywać jeszcze:D nie działa tak jak powinno może za tydzień 2:P

nawet maluczkiego fireballa ?
buu :cry:

Viracept napisał(a):
W tym tempie niestety nie widzę release w tym roku :har: Przynajmniej nie w formie nadającej się do pobierania abonamentu. Chyba, że jakimś cudem mają mnóstwo gotowego contentu.

Undmeen napisał(a):
W obecnym stanie to rozsądna data był by 2011...

WAR-owi, AoC-owi czy DFo w niczym nie przeszkadzało wydanie "w obecnym stanie".
Jeszcze niespełna 3 miechy. Kto zamówił preordera, temu nie zależy czy w tym czy w przyszłym roku. Za 3 miechy to będzie już grywalne w całym spektrum zapowiadanych ficzerów, a uczestnicy w becie nie będą mieli nic przeciwko nie pobieraniu abonamentu.

Kto tu zatem będzie najbardziej niezadowolony ?

MO - the last hope of mmoRPG

Avatar użytkownika

Posty: 31388
Dołączył(a): 11.02.2002
PostNapisane: 9 wrz 2009, 22:17 
nie sadze zeby mo za 3 miechy bylo grywalne.


Posty: 989
Dołączył(a): 27.08.2005
PostNapisane: 9 wrz 2009, 22:22 
joshe napisał(a):
Za 3 miechy to będzie już grywalne w całym spektrum zapowiadanych ficzerów

dream on!

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