The Market Wards in Limsa Lominsa are now accessible via [ 8 - 7 ] on the map.
Note: Map coordinates follow a [horizontal axis - vertical axis] format.
The quest “Treasures of the Main” has been lengthened.
Players can now recruit the services of a retainer at the Drowning Wench, the Adventurers’ Guild in Limsa Lominsa. Retainers are hired on an extendable contract basis, and can be tasked with minding your items and money, and operating bazaars in the Market Wards in your stead.
* During the beta test, employing a retainer will not incur a fee.
The following adjustments and additions have been made to the guildleve system:
The interval for guildleve issuance is now once every two days (Earth time).
The reward given for the successful completion of a levequest now varies based on difficulty and other factors.
Upon successful completion of a levequest, an additional reward will now be given to all participants, even those not in possession of the active guildleve.
* This reward also varies based on difficulty and other factors.
A window displaying levequest rewards now appears when they are awarded. (pictured below)
Players can now obtain uncollected levequest rewards by examining an aetheryte and selecting the “Initiate levequest” option that appears.
* For the aforementioned additional reward, however, there is a limit in place on the amount reward data that can be stored for later collection.
Party members who are too far away from the aetheryte at the time a levequest is activated will be deemed illegible to participate on it. However, players may join their party leader’s ongoing levequest by seeking out the quest-triggering aetheryte.
During levequests, there is now a small probability of treasure chests appearing in the field.
Players can now use the “favor” they have earned with their Guardian to petition for temporary attribute increases and other bonuses for the duration of a levequest.
Favor increases at a rate of 10 points every 12 hours (Earth time), up to a maximum of 200 points.
“Faction leves” have been added, and are issued in exchange for faction credits.
Players can possess up to a maximum of 200 faction credits.
A new guildleve which serves as a tutorial has been added.
* To have this guildleve issued, speak with the NPC Piralnaut and select the "Tutorial Leves" option. (pictured below)
New regional guildleves have been added.
Due to adjustments, the issuance of local guildleves has been temporarily suspended.As such, the NPC T’mokkri will no longer appear.
The new game element “Behest” has been added.
“Yellowjacket” NPCs may appear in the vicinity of certain aetheryte crystals and aetherial gates to enlist the aid of adventurers in hunting down monsters molesting the land.
The map screen is now accessible via the class quest section of the journal interface..
Maps opened in this manner will indicate your destination and the NPC you should seek out next.
Using the Return and Teleport commands now consumes anima.
* Anima recovers gradually over time up to a maximum of 100 points.
* The Return command can be used at no cost while KO’d to revive your character.
The following classes have been added:
Disciples of the Land: Botanist
Disciples of the Hand: Carpenter / Weaver / Leatherworker
The cap for physical level and class rank has been increased from 20 to 30.
The following adjustments and additions have been made with regards to physical level:
HP and MP now increase automatically when a character gains a physical level.
Elemental resistance points, used to enhance a character’s elemental resistances, have been introduced.
Based on this change, attribute points can now be allotted only to the basic attributes (STR, DEX, etc.).
The interface for the allotment of attribute and elemental resistance points has been consolidated on the same screen. (pictured below)
Players now have an option to undo and reassign allotment points they have spent.
* A certain amount of time must elapse before points can be reassigned.
New abilities and spells have been added.
The command delay when switching between passive and active modes no longer exists.
When equipping a piece of gear in the midst of battle, the attributes it grants will be halved for a period of 30 seconds.
This measure is in place to deter frequent switches to high-level classes while in combat.
The effect gauge has been removed.
The following adjustments have been made to the stamina gauge:
Actions are now performed by expending stamina, which gradually fills over time.
The amount of stamina consumed varies with the action performed. By allowing stamina to accumulate, it is possible to perform multiple actions in quick succession.
Actions performed with the off hand require more stamina.
The following adjustments and additions have been made to the action bar:
The number of available action slots has been increased from 20 to 30.
Recast timers for actions are now displayed.
A separate action bar now exists for gathering and synthesis actions, to which actions can be assigned independently of battle actions.
A separate action bar now exists for gathering and synthesis actions, to which actions can be assigned independently of battle actions.
The following main menu option has been renamed:
Actions -> Actions & Traits
New monster varieties have been added.
Monster placement has undergone several adjustments.
Weapons, armor, and tools are now subject to deterioration through use.
The attribute bonuses of equipment in poor condition will be lessened. A Disciple of the Hand skilled in the appropriate class can restore worn gear to its mint condition. Certain NPCs can also perform emergency repairs for situations where convenience takes precedence over quality.
* Disciples of the Hand can restore an item’s condition to its maximum value.
* NPCs, however, can restore an item’s condition to no more than half its maximum value. Further, only equipped gear can be repaired in this manner.
The following adjustments and additions have been made to synthesis:
A time limit now applies when inputting synthesis commands.
New recipes have been added.
Several existing recipes have been adjusted.
The following synthesis concept has been renamed:
Focus -> Quality
The following adjustments and additions have been made to gathering:
The Log and Harvest commands, usable by botanists, have been introduced.
The miner ability Lithoscan has been removed.
New gathering points have been added, and existing ones adjusted.
The following gathering terms have been changed:
Prospect -> Lay of the Land
Mining Point -> Mineral Deposit
Quarrying Point -> Rocky Outcrop
New pieces of equipment have been added.
Various new items have been added.
The goods stocked by vendor NPCs have been adjusted.
Stackable items are now automatically sorted when obtained.
Up to three characters can now be created per account.
The character creation process has undergone significant changes.
The following races and tribes are now selectable:
Hyur: Highlander Male / Hyur: Midlander Female / Elezen Male / Miqo’te
The design and layout of the main menu have been changed.
The "Party" option has been added to the main menu.
Players can now indicate their objectives and recruit like-minded adventurers to join their party. In addition, individual players can also seek an existing party that suits their needs.
The "Configuration" option has been added to the main menu. (pictured below)
The design and layout of the interactions menu have been changed.
Approaching an aetheryte or similar objects will bring up an icon, at which point the Interactions menu will appear above the main menu. (pictured below)
A comprehensive play guide can now be browsed in-game at an aetheryte crystal (select “The Call of Adventure” after interacting with the aetheryte).
The following adjustments have been made to the camera.
General tweaks have been applied to camera behavior.
The third-person shoulder level camera has been removed.
The current date and time in Eorzea is now displayed alongside the connection status.
The map of Limsa Lominsa now automatically switches between decks based on the player’s location. (pictured below)
The display range of the minimap has been adjusted.
Monsters occupying a map level different from the player will no longer appear on the minimap.
Certain changes have been made to the keyboard controls.
The following configuration options have been added to FINAL FANTASY XIV Beta Version Config (pictured below):
Video Settings / Graphics / Sound