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Autor:  Keii [ 24 sie 2010, 22:41 ]

iniside napisał(a):
No tak, tylko szkoda, bo gra sie wykłada na bardzo podstaowywch rzeczach (lagowanie UI, projekt tego UI wogole), crafting, surplus, guildleve. T wszystko swietne w teorii ale brakuje temu dopracowania ;e.

Musimy ich bardziej cisnąć na forum dla testerów :P

Autor:  Gokulo [ 25 sie 2010, 06:26 ]

OB bedzie chyba tylko half-OB :P
Info z BG

Do not delay in registering your code. Once Phase 3 ends your beta code that you got here or anywhere else WILL NOT WORK.
SE is shifting to a new code system for the next phase of the beta so REGISTER NOW. All current users will not be affected whatsoever.

Also, lol. S-E samo sie o takie sytuacje prosic wrzucajac do gry dziwny system i nie wyjasniajac jak dziala :P

anaka Tires of "Fatigue" Rumors 39 minutes ago by Elmer

Surplus points: a new feature in the Final Fantasy XIV beta was introduced recently and has testers and fans on the outside quite confused. Most people consider it akin to "fatigue," where a character is beset with limitations after a certain amount of play. With no official announcement or explanation on how these points work, fan sites and forums have been struggling to figure them out -- often leading to some harsh criticism of the game. Now, Producer Hiromichi Tanaka seems to have built up some "fatigue" of his own, and lashed out at foreign sites on Twitter today, calling them full of rumors and fabrications.

"Foreign sites have lots of false rumors. They throw together words and fabricate remarks. Then Japanese sites take this and further [falsify it through] mistranslation. The fatigue point criticism has absolutely nothing to do with the actual [system] and is just full of wild ideas."

In other words, the "fatigue point" system as people discuss it in forums is supposedly nothing like the system as it is in the actual game. Furthermore, the last line states that he believes too many people are just coming up with what they think fatigue might be and making the discussion even worse.

Sure, wild speculation is not hard to find while wading through any popular forum, but the assertion that this is the fault of foreign sites is a little harsh. A quick glance at the a thread called 疲労度システム (fatigue point system) in the JP Beta forums reveals pages of baffled testers, trying to figure out what the system does exactly. Many early replies to Tanaka's post on Twitter also pointed out the lack of any explanation before putting the system into the game.

At least we know the producer of the game has been apprised of the issue. As mentioned many times, the entire testing process was based on building the game in accordance to player feedback. Will it be received and implemented into the design process, or continue to be dismissed as wild delusions? Hopefully, we will see a more measured response in the coming days.

Discuss this in the ZAM Forums!

From the ZAM forums.

Autor:  Caspian [ 25 sie 2010, 10:38 ]

A ja oczywiscie koda nie mam ; ;

Autor:  Gokulo [ 25 sie 2010, 11:06 ]

Teraz i tak by Ci sie nie przydal. Phase 3 dzisiaj sie skonczylo, jak bedzie sie zblizac OB to kody beda pewnie rozdawac na lewo i prawo.

Autor:  Gokulo [ 25 sie 2010, 13:39 ]

Ta da !

Btw, there is a new developer's post at the (Japanese) beta tester's site that explains the whole system in minute detai. Talk about fast reaction ^.^/

Basically it's 8 hours per week @100% Skill increase, then dwindling to 0 in 10% increments during the following 7 hours. However, this is class-specific. So playing another class will give you a fresh 100% start for that class for 8 hours.

As pysical level is shared between classes, however, after 8 hours/week it's down the road no matter what.

And SE seems pretty adamant about that.

Which I, personally cheer them for. Some people simply have to be guided to get a life. Or play WoW. Or a Korean Grinder.

Of course, you CAN play longer without switching classes and you WILL get EXP. But by playing double the "normal" time for that class (16 hours) will net you only 150% of what a 8-hour-player gets.

The only thing SE did wrong was naming this a "fatigue/penalty" system. If they had stated that "for the first 8 hours every week, you'll get a 100% EXP bonus. Yay!" everybody would have been happy. Although technically this would be the same thing.

Psychology, psychology.

8 godzin w tygodniu na jedna klase i ogolnie 8 na physical exp. Troche lolowate.

Btw. To nie jest penalty. Oznacza to, ze startujemy z 200% bonus exp, a po 8godzinach dochodzimy do normalnego 100%exp. Czyt. logiczna jest teraz nazwa surplus exp. W becie poprostu caly system najwidoczniej byl skopany i nie dzialal tak jak trzeba.

Edit: Albo jednak nie! To jest tlumaczenie i koles ktory to postnal napisal jednak, ze rzeczywiscie exp ma spadac do niskich wartosci... no coz, na pelne info trzeba czekac na dev eu.

Autor:  iniside [ 25 sie 2010, 14:55 ]

Wlasnie spojrzalem na liste skili dla puglista. Do 40lvl, jest calkiem sporo unikatowych skili (nie typu rank 2/3). Co jest bym powiedzial pocieszajace ;p.

Autor:  Keii [ 25 sie 2010, 15:08 ]

Chaos związany z fatigue/surplus expem trwa - nikt nie jest chyba do końca pewny jak to działa, ale spadanie gainu do 0% jest raczej potwierdzone. Forum testerów buzuje - ponoć na japońskiej stronie bety pojawiło się jakieś długie wyjaśnienie, czekamy aż wrzucą do nas wersję przetłumaczoną.

Autor:  iniside [ 25 sie 2010, 18:06 ]

"Well it looks like Mr. Komoto escaped his shackles keeping him in Gamescom away from working on FFXIV, and he has an announcement to make to quiet all the rampant speculation going on. Taken from the JP Beta Test site and translated by me, your friendly neighborhood Savalithos.

We’d like to thank all the beta testers out there for their hard work and support! We’re applying all those ideas you’ve sent us to make for the best possible Open Beta test and official release.

Now we’d like to take a moment to answer the many questions we’ve received about character balance in the current B3 phase.

First off, the main concept behind FFXIV is allowing those players with little time on their hands to play effectively, and game balance is based off of that. Furthermore, it is being designed to not give those with more time on their hands to play an unfair advantage. Because of that, systems such as Guardian’s Favor (a bonus to Guildleves) have been implemented to make leveling in the short-term easier than leveling in the long-term.

To achieve this balance, the amount of possible skill/experience points earned after a certain period of time has a threshold. Think of it as real-life “fatigue” from working at improving your skills via battle *(aka. No one could train ad nauseam in the real world with no ill effects).

Within the first eight hours of play, you can earn 100% experience. The seven hour period following will see your possible experience gradually approach zero.

This system is on a weekly timer. After a week has passed since you began skilling that particular weapon, the timer will reset. It will start anew when you skill up again.

Any experience earned past that point is saved as “surplus.” There is surplus for each class, and if you begin to see it please consider playing another class and adjust accordingly.

However, experience points are not specific to any class and therefore the decrease in experience points is not affected by changing classes.

That’s how the system stands as of right now.

Also, this system wasn’t implemented just in B3 but was set in motion from the very start of beta. Despite this, we have received many opinions regarding it in B3. There are a few reasons why:

-B3 allowed for longer sessions in single sittings.
-In order to promote party play, skill/experience points earned were greatly increased.
-The skill/experience earned from weak enemies was lowered, but had failed to pop up on initial bug reports (and was later fixed via maintenance).

According to the last bug report skill/experience able to be earned was above what had been planned, therefore people hit the limit much more quickly than hoped for. That is the biggest cause. Yet another problem was that we were unable to adjust guildleve experience and the experience-earned limit at the same time.

Our lack of explanation regarding all of this was a mistake, and we heartily apologize.

This all is still currently under development, and we have plans to make the limit more palatable in answer to all the tester feedback we received concerning this. In particular we would like to address the speed with which experience begins to drop off and are already looking into it.
Also, since experience points fatigue carries over despite changing weapons, we plan to make it not so harsh.

At the very least, we promise to not have people hitting these limits in a short period of time, such as during the start of B3.

We would also like to make an announcement regarding something else.

The decrease in earnings when gathering is based on your actions taken with that class and is unrelated to the aforementioned limits. This is also currently under review and is planned for adjustment in accordance with many testers’ opinions.

Surplus experience is currently not being used. However, we have received many comments suggesting some sort of reward be put into effect regarding it, and we think that’s a pretty interesting idea. We don’t want to get ahead of ourselves, though, and we’re currently investigating the possibilities.

Open Beta will not just see changes to the issues stated above but will also see adjustments made to encourage party play even more (such as an increase to skill points), which the team is currently hard at work on adjusting. We hope you’ll all test it out when the time comes.

Finally, we would like to apologize for the lateness of any developer comments due to my attendance of Gamecom this past week. In my absence much fuss was raised over speculation, old information and some mistranslations on overseas fansites *(what?! /panic. Though I wonder what that’s in reference to in particular). I hope to avoid this from happening again by delivering developer comments as promptly as possible. Thank you all for your understanding.

And thanks in advance for your hard work to come in Open Beta!

Final Fantasy XIV director
Nobuaki Komoto"

Moga sie porzegnać z sukcesem tej gry.
Dla hardcorow ten cały surplus jest niedozakceptowania, a dla causlai.. no coz biorac pod uwage ile czasu trzeba poswiecic na podstawowe rzeczy (dojscie z miejsca na miejsce, kupowanie rzeczy w markecie, craftowanie), nie nadaje sie tym bardziej.

Innymi slowy strzelili sobie w stope. Nie wiem, naprawde kurwa, nie wiem w czym surplus ma byc lep[szy od zwyklego sprawdzonego rested xp ? Taka innowacja na siłe. Mam wrazenie ze ci panowie nie maja pojecia o projektowaniu gry i staraja sie wprowdzac innowacje w miejsach ktore nie sa one zupelnie potrzebne..

Autor:  Gokulo [ 25 sie 2010, 18:13 ]

iniside napisał(a):
Moga sie porzegnać z sukcesem tej gry.
Dla hardcorow ten cały surplus jest niedozakceptowania, a dla causlai.. no coz biorac pod uwage ile czasu trzeba poswiecic na podstawowe rzeczy (dojscie z miejsca na miejsce, kupowanie rzeczy w markecie, craftowanie), nie nadaje sie tym bardziej.

Innymi slowy strzelili sobie w stope. Nie wiem, naprawde kurwa, nie wiem w czym surplus ma byc lep[szy od zwyklego sprawdzonego rested xp ? Taka innowacja na siłe. Mam wrazenie ze ci panowie nie maja pojecia o projektowaniu gry i staraja sie wprowdzac innowacje w miejsach ktore nie sa one zupelnie potrzebne..

Zeby to innowacja jeszcze byla.... ja akurat tego nie pamietam, zreszta dlugo w bete WoWa nie gralem, ale ludzie pisza, ze tam tez Blizz na poczatku mial exp degradation, ale szybko z niego zrezygnowali jak zobaczyli, ze do niczego system sie nie nadaje, na rzecz rested exp. No coz, S-E nigdy nie pojdzie po rozum do glowy, to jest pewne, zyja we wlasnym swiecie.

Autor:  Gokulo [ 26 sie 2010, 06:16 ]

Lepsze tlumaczenie (S-E jak zwykle olewa zachow i na dev eu i na nic nie ma nadal):

We'd like to thank all the beta testers for their cooperation during the closed beta test. We have received your valuable opinions and feedback and will do our best to incorporate them into the open beta and official release versions of the game.

Now, we have received a lot of questions and opinions from everyone today, and we would like to give you some answers regarding character growth balance in beta phase 3.

First, the concept was to achieve a balance which would allow those with little time to enjoy FFXIV to get more out of their play time, and above that, create a game that does not force you to spend long hours playing it. To that end, we implemented Guardian's Favor, which adds a bonus to Guildleve, and makes it easier to level in shorter amounts of time.

To balance this out, we came up with a hypothesis regarding what amount of skill points and experience one was likely to earn in an hour. Think of this as a rate at which a player can fight battles, do Guildleves or skill-up.

Then, using that supposed amount, we made it so you can earn 8 hours worth of skill points and experience at 100% of this rate. The subsequent 7 hours' worth will gradually see the attainable skill points and experience points fall to 0.

The limitation on thee amount of points you can attain is set on a weekly timer. Once it passes a week since you first began leveling a particular skill, the limitation resets to zero. After it resets, it will come into effect again once you begin work on that skill once more.

Even if you are hit with this limitation during a one-week period, its detrimental effects decrease if you do not level that particular class. You can even recover back to the full 100% rate of point acquisition, so you do not always have to wait the full week for the limitations to go away.

The skill points you do not gain are instead saved as Surplus Points. Each class has its own amount surplus points, so you can try out a new class if surplus points begin appearing in your log window.

However, each class does not have its own amount of experience, so playing a different class will not mitigate the declining experience point rate.

This is the system as currently implemented.

In truth, this system was not just put in during phase 3 of the beta, but has been implemented from the start. However, we have received many opinions saying the system explained above is not what actually appears in phase 3 of the beta. There are several reasons for this.

Around the time of beta phase 3, it became possible to play for longer periods of time, thus increasing the amount one could play in a single week.
In beta phase 3, Guildleves received a boost in skill points and experience points awarded to encourage party play.
The skill points and experience gained from defeating enemy parties as well as weaker single enemies was lowered, though due to a bug, did not take affect initially in beta phase 3. This was fixed during beta phase 3.
The number biggest culprit behind this issue was that last bug, which allowed players to gain more skill points and experience than we expected, causing the limitations to come into effect much quicker. Of course, not adjusting the limitations in accordance with the boost to Guildleve was a problem as well.

The lack of explanation regarding these adjustments was a mistake on our part for which we sincerely apologize.

The numbers behind these limitations are all still under development, and we plan to adjust them according to player feedback in an effort to make them less severe. In particular, we are considering making the decline in points less drastic and are already hard at work on it. Also, as the limit on experience carries over through class changes, we plan to lessen its effect compared with the limit on skill points.

At the very least, we promise players will not be hitting the limit as quickly as they did at the start of beta phase 3.

Also, I would like to address one other thing below:

The reduction in what you acquire from gathering is based on the actions of that particular class and is unrelated to limitations on leveling. We are also in the process of adjusting this and plan to make changes based on player feedback.

Surplus points currently have no use. However, there are opinions saying preparing some kind of reward would be good, but that's just giving people something else to strive for, which misses the whole point of this system. We want to take our time and thoroughly investigate this issue.

Now, the open beta test will include more than just the above adjustments. As we stated before, awarding more skill points for party play is also an important topic we plan to address, so we hope you enjoy testing out what we come up with.

Lastly, as director of this title, I wish to deeply apologize for the lateness of my comments due to my absence while attending Gamescom. In addition, articles written during my trip contained much speculation, outdated information and mistranslations which only invited more confusion. In the future, I will do my best to make direct, official statements in a timely manner. I humbly ask for your understanding regarding this matter.

See you in the open beta!

Final Fantasy XIV Director

Nobuaki Komoto


In other words,

Let's say Sephicloud Tifaerith can make X amount of skill points an hour fighting Dodos.

Everyone earns 100% skill points while playing at this established normal pace.

However, under the Surplus system, earning **8 hours worth** of this assumed rate -- or 8 times X -- is where (under the current settings) your rate begins to decline.

That's why people have had it proc at different times, some faster than others."

Czyli nie jest do konca time-based, a poprostu bazuje na ilosci expa jaka zbieramy. Ciekawe w jakis sposob wyliczyli ile ten exp ma wynosic... I czy rzeczywiscie tak to bedzie dzialac. W becie ktos zostawil na noc Fishera level 1 stojacego w miescie i rano mial wlaczony surplus... No, ale moze to poprostu nie dziala tak jak powinno teraz :|

Autor:  iniside [ 26 sie 2010, 07:41 ]

Powiedzmy ze surplus moze zostac.. Jak nie bedzie subskrypcji. Ewmtualnie placenie za godzine grania a nie za miesiac ;o.

Autor:  Huckster [ 26 sie 2010, 07:57 ]

To jest dobre (z historii):

"Square anounces that the level cap at the current state is 50. Although they have it programmed until level 100, to maintain balance between players they are now ajusted till 50. But at the current state there were nothing much you could do but exping, and between users there were some unpopularity. Square responded that "You level too fast..." (lol...) or "you leveled in a way that we did not expected" (exploits huh...) But then again, users believed "What else could we do???""

Trochę powtórka z rozrywki :)

Autor:  Gokulo [ 26 sie 2010, 10:49 ]

Making of a realm #5

This week’s issue of Famitsu revealed the singer of the opening theme, one Suzan Calloway. The piece is, naturally, composed by Uematsu.

It stated that this song can be heard in the opening scene, so they are presumably referring to the vocals heard while on the boat. It also provided details regarding the openings for Ul’dah and Gridania. In other news, Dengeki featured an interview with director Komoto, concepter Iwao and planner Sato regarding the design and scenery of the two new areas.

-Based around the themes of wealth, power and excess, Ul’dah has had a coliseum, casino, etc. planned for it since the start of development.
-It won’t be ready in time for official release, but they want to make such facilities usable by players.
-Ul’dah is known for its glass handiwork, and you’ll see stained glass around the city akin to that adorning guildleves.
-Among the three nations, Gridania has the strongest influence over magic.
-Moogles this time around will make their appearance as mysterious denizens of the woods.
-Battle music differs depending on the area and nation.
-Climate affects monsters’ ecosystems.
-Moon phase has an impact on various things.
-Guild Tokens can be attained via Class Quests in addition to Guildleves.

*Famitsu’s article doesn’t seem any different from the other things we’ve seen about the new areas. Maybe a couple new things:

-Ul’dah opens with a parade sequence in which a wild goobbue runs rampant. It occasionally uses an ability called Beatdown.
-The Gladiator guild is fittingly located in the Coliseum. Ul’dah is also home to the Mining guild.
-Moles use an ability called Breakout, during which they dig underground and burst up underneath you.
-If you head north out of Ul’dah, you’ll find yourself in an expansive desert region known as Central Thanalan.
-Gridania’s collection of guilds includes Lancers, Archers as well as Conjurers, etc.
-Funguars and Morbols will make an appearance.
-A new guildleve pits players against a swarm of beastmen of varying classes. Overcoming this challenge rewards players with a chest undoubtedly full of enticing spoils and bounty.
-Gridania is surrounded by a dense forest that can prove to be rather labyrinthine.

Autor:  Targaryen [ 26 sie 2010, 11:48 ]

...Then, using that supposed amount, we made it so you can earn 8 hours worth of skill points and experience at 100% of this rate. The subsequent 7 hours' worth will gradually see the attainable skill points and experience points fall to 0.

Ok "15 godzin" w tygodniu zanim moje skillupy/exp Gladiatora trafią na ścianę. Trochę nie fair jeśli ktoś może spędzić więcej czasu w grze.

The limitation on thee amount of points you can attain is set on a weekly timer. Once it passes a week since you first began leveling a particular skill, the limitation resets to zero. After it resets, it will come into effect again once you begin work on that skill once more.

Ale jeśli nie poświęciłeś wcześniej dodatkowych godzin na skillup miecza, tarczy czy cholera wie czego to jesteś w plecy o X godzin jak tylko rozpocznie się "nowy tydzień". "-Hej, Cloudsajan Vegatasephiroth masz Podwójne Dźgnięcie? -Sorry dopiero za tydzień będę mógł dostać, skończyły mi się skillupy zanim zdobyłem umiejętność." Ta urocza rozmowa skończy się pewnie /kick z party i przyjęciem kogoś innego kto ma poszukiwanego skilla.

Even if you are hit with this limitation during a one-week period, its detrimental effects decrease if you do not level that particular class. You can even recover back to the full 100% rate of point acquisition, so you do not always have to wait the full week for the limitations to go away.

To mogę skillupować ponad limit czy nie mogę? rozumiem, że każą mi iść robić skillup czegoś innego jak trafię na ścianę w "tarczy" ale skoro jest limit a potem go nie ma bo robiłem skillup czego innego to jak ten system tak naprawdę działa i co chcą nim osiągnąć?

The skill points you do not gain are instead saved as Surplus Points. Each class has its own amount surplus points, so you can try out a new class if surplus points begin appearing in your log window.

Idź robić skillup magiem jak nie dostajesz żadnych na gladiatorze albo się wyloguj. Zapłać za 720 godzin dostępu do postaci ale tak naprawdę tylko 105 będzie się liczyło. W nagrodę dostaniesz punkty które...

Surplus points currently have no use.

...nie nadają się do niczego. Kurtyna...

Autor:  mrynar [ 26 sie 2010, 12:41 ]

Targaryen napisał(a):
The limitation on thee amount of points you can attain is set on a weekly timer. Once it passes a week since you first began leveling a particular skill, the limitation resets to zero. After it resets, it will come into effect again once you begin work on that skill once more.

Ale jeśli nie poświęciłeś wcześniej dodatkowych godzin na skillup miecza, tarczy czy cholera wie czego to jesteś w plecy o X godzin jak tylko rozpocznie się "nowy tydzień". "-Hej, Cloudsajan Vegatasephiroth masz Podwójne Dźgnięcie? -Sorry dopiero za tydzień będę mógł dostać, skończyły mi się skillupy zanim zdobyłem umiejętność." Ta urocza rozmowa skończy się pewnie /kick z party i przyjęciem kogoś innego kto ma poszukiwanego skilla.

To jest najbardziej idiotyczne wlasnie i najbardziej podporzadkowuje zycie grze. Wyjazd na 2 tygodnie moze okazac sie strata nie do odrobienia.

Autor:  100licad [ 26 sie 2010, 16:18 ]

mrynar napisał(a):
To jest najbardziej idiotyczne wlasnie i najbardziej podporzadkowuje zycie grze. Wyjazd na 2 tygodnie moze okazac sie strata nie do odrobienia.

Dobrze że urlop mam teraz we wrześniu a tak serio to mega fail :)

Autor:  Keii [ 26 sie 2010, 16:21 ]

Oficjalne tłumaczenie odnośnie ograniczenia xp:
Once again, we would like to thank you all for your participation and support during the Closed Beta. We will continue to take your valuable feedback into consideration as we develop the game during Open Beta and even beyond the official release.

Now I would like to take a moment to respond to the many questions and opinions regarding the manner in and rates at which experience and skill points are obtained in Beta 3.

Firstly, the concept for FINAL FANTASY XIV was to design a system of character progression that offers meaningful advancement for those with limited time to dedicate to playing. We did not want to create a game that forced people to play for hours on end to see their efforts rewarded. To that end, in addition to the Guardian's Aspect and guildleve systems, we introduced a means of apportioning swifter advancement to shorter periods of play.

In order to achieve this balance, we calculated a value for the amount of skill or experience points that could be earned in a one-hour period. This theoretical value represents an hour spent engaged solely in combat, levequests, or any other activities that earn skill or experience points, and sets a threshold delimiting how many of these points can be earned in a period of play.

Based on this, we have implemented a “threshold value” concept. These thresholds are regulated by a one-week timer that begins counting down the instant you earn skill/experience points. After a week has passed, the thresholds will reset, and the moment skill/experience points are earned again, the timer begins counting down anew.

For the first eight thresholds during this week-long period, players will receive skill/experience points at the maximum rate possible. The actual amount of time spent reaching these thresholds is not significant. That is to say, a player who exceeds eight hours of gameplay will still be rewarded the maximum amount of skill/experience points, so long as the total amount earned is below the eighth threshold value. For the subsequent seven thresholds, players will earn skill/experience points at a gradually decreasing rate, eventually reaching a rate of zero.

It is worth noting, however, that the reduced rate will also gradually recover while players are engaged in activities that do not yield skill/experience points. In this manner, it is possible for the threshold value to reset completely, even before the completion of the one-week timer.

Any skill points earned in excess of the threshold maximum—that is, at a rate of zero—will be stored as "bonus skill points." These are specific to each class, so players limited to earning bonus skill points still have the freedom to change classes and begin earning skill points again at the maximum rate, allowing their reduced skill rates to recover in the meantime.

The experience point threshold, however, is unrelated to class, and switching classes will have no effect on the decreasing rate of earnable experience.

This is how the progression system currently works.

This system was not introduced in Beta 3, but has been in place since the beginning of beta testing. There are several reasons why many people believe that these features were only recently implemented:

- Leading into Beta 3, operation hours were extended, making it possible to play more often during the span of a week.
- To encourage players to form guidleve parties in Beta 3, skill and experience point rewards for guildleves were significantly increased.
- The process that reduced the amount of skill/experience points awarded for weak enemies attacking in groups was unintentionally removed at the start of Beta 3. (This issue has been addressed.)

That last reason in particular was the biggest cause for players running up against the threshold penalty, with characters earning far more skill/experience points than we anticipated. We also faced an issue where we were simultaneously unable to adjust the amount earned for guildleves as well as the effects of crossing each threshold.

We sincerely apologize for the lack of explanation and our failure to make the necessary adjustments in the game.

The threshold values are being reexamined, and we plan to further adjust the different rates of earnable points based on feedback from our testers. One of the top issues we are looking at right now is fixing the excessively rapid drop after crossing the eighth threshold. We also plan to improve experience point reduction rates, even more so than for skill points, considering the threshold is unaffected when changing class.

At the very least, we can promise that players won't be running into the threshold penalty in the same short time span as they did in the beginning of Beta 3.

We would like to take this opportunity to also explain the following issues.

The diminishing results experienced during gathering are a function related to that class alone, and have no connection to this progression system. We are in the process of adjusting this system, and plan to make changes based on tester feedback.

We are currently in the process of considering the means in which bonus skill points can be used. There have been suggestions for various types of incentives, but as encouraging people to play with that in mind defeats the purpose of this threshold system, we will be examining this issue very carefully.

These are not the only adjustments we have planned for Open Beta. As mentioned previously, we are looking into increasing the amount of skill points earned when fighting in a party, and we look forward to seeing your input on these changes.

Last of all, I would like to apologize for the delay in releasing a developer's comment due to my recent attendance to Gamescom. The article based on my interview during that trip, coupled with conjecture, outdated information, and some misunderstandings on overseas websites, only added to the confusion. In the future, I hope to avoid similar problems by responding directly through official developer's comments as often as possible. Thank you for your understanding.

See you in the Open Beta Testing!

Nobuaki Komoto

Autor:  Huckster [ 26 sie 2010, 16:22 ]

nie wiem czemu się tym podniecacie - bazując na tym z czym startowało FF11 a czym teraz jest to na pewno będzie to 100x zmieniane.

Po co się stresować (poczytajcie sobie tę listę update'owych historycznych).

Autor:  iniside [ 26 sie 2010, 16:32 ]

Huckster napisał(a):
nie wiem czemu się tym podniecacie - bazując na tym z czym startowało FF11 a czym teraz jest to na pewno będzie to 100x zmieniane.

Po co się stresować (poczytajcie sobie tę listę update'owych historycznych).

Nie lubimy jak nam ktos mowi jak mamy grac, ile mamy grac i czym mamy grac ;p.

Autor:  Gokulo [ 26 sie 2010, 16:53 ]

Huckster napisał(a):
nie wiem czemu się tym podniecacie - bazując na tym z czym startowało FF11 a czym teraz jest to na pewno będzie to 100x zmieniane.

Po co się stresować (poczytajcie sobie tę listę update'owych historycznych).

Nie wiem co ma piernik do wiatraka. Jezeli nawet system mialby zostac zmieniony to dopiero po dluzszym czasie, jak juz bedzie end game content i wprowadzony wiekszy cap, bo w chwili obecnej S-E trzyma akurat twarda pozycje co do wprowadzenia tego tak jak jest. Niestety, ale przez to gra moze stracic naprawde wielu graczy (juz zreszta stracila, bo masa ludzi wycofala pre-ordery). Nadzieje mozna miec tylko na to, ze w praniu ten system nie bedzie tak bolesny jak brzmi na papierze, lub, ze gra bedzie oferowala wiele dodatkowego contentu do umilania czasu (na co narazie sie nie zapowiada, S-E ma rozne plany dla mini gierek itp. ale z zadna "nie zdaza do premiery"... ogolnie to oni w ogole chyba z niczym nie zdazyli przez te wszystkie lata, poza wymysleniem "innowacyjnego" systemu Guildleve lol).

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