I hate Firefox

a opera rulez

Wywiad Famitsu:
FF14 gamescom famitsu interview digest + video showing weather effect
・At this moment, 40-50% completion.
・The graphic quality will be tune up even more. You can see each tree very clearly even they are very far away.
・macro feature will be added.
・UI layout can be movable by players themselves.
・The smile Icon is emote function.
・Those icons below the screen are called action command.
・You can set abilities that you had on those action command.
・Once you select the command, it will show on one of the 2 gauge in the middle of your screen. Each gauge represent left and right hand.
For example, your left hand equipped with a shield, so those shield related command will be appeared on the left hand gauge.
・When the action gauge reached, the command that you set, will be cast.
・There will be a power gauge too, the more it gains, the higher your accuracy and skill power will be.
・TP gauge will effect what kind of skill you can cast too. So gaining TP will be also very important during battle.
・TP will be gained by getting hit, or hit the monster.
・The action command will be change depends on your weapon. If you put on rod or staff , it will be magic related action.
・Action command will only have 10 slots. You are able to customize those.
・The bag mark icon is item bag.
・Players are not be allow to use emote during battle.
・3 kind of camera style : 3 person view, should view, and first person view.
・Players are able to pull up their weapon even not in engage mode.
・Quest mob location will be show on your map.
・Those puks wont be appear before you finished the dodo.
・There will be a development version before beta test. The image will be like a focus group thing.
Wiecej o battle systemie:
At this point, Tanaka begins attacking some dodos and moves on to discuss the battle system. In Final Fantasy XI, the player would select the attack command and enter an Auto-Attack mode. To spice up the flow of battle, Final Fantasy XIV will require players to select commands each time they attack, and the combination of commands they choose will determine the technique they use. This will put all new emphasis on strategy and keep players engaged in battle.
Action Commands, as Tanaka calls them, are lined up along the bottom of the screen as icons. Those who are grumbling about a passing resemblance to World of Warcraft will be happy to know the layout is tentative and certainly subject to change. The current setup has players selecting an ability from the from the bottom which then appears as a command in your gauge. There are two gauges - one for the left hand and one for the right hand. For example, the character that Tanaka was controlling had a shield in his left hand, so the left-handed gauge had shield commands registered to it.
To activate an ability, the player needs to store up their "Action Gauge." The strength and accuracy of a technique can be further increased by storing up the "Power Gauge." The "TP Gauge" also makes a return, which when full will alter the effects of your technique in a variety of ways. The gauges will increase when the player attacks or is attacked by an enemy. During this explanation, Tanaka unleashes Red Lotus Blade with a grin, much to the delight of the interviewer, who immediately recognizes the sword technique.