Info z PAX i 25th Anni event |
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Autor: | Gokulo [ 1 wrz 2012, 06:53 ] |
Tytuł: | Info z PAX i 25th Anni event |
Prezentacja na PAX: ... Na poczatku to samo co w gamescom, ale potem nowy stuff. Do tego opis Limit Breaks i potwierdzenie Level Sync(!!!). 25th event dla XIV powinien zaczac sie za pare godzin, bede tutaj postowal info. |
Autor: | Gokulo [ 1 wrz 2012, 10:39 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: Info z PAX i 25th Anni event |
Juz po evencie, ale trzeba czekac na tlumaczenie ;< Otworzyli strone do zapisow na Alphe dla jp (pierwsza faza jp onry, druga bedzie dla wszystkich) Na pocieszenie na start arty Arcanista i Summonera i trailer w dobrej jakosci: ... ![]() ![]() |
Autor: | mrynar [ 1 wrz 2012, 10:55 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: Info z PAX i 25th Anni event |
Trailer fajny! Ciekaw jestem jak z wydajnoscia bedzie. |
Autor: | Gokulo [ 1 wrz 2012, 10:57 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: Info z PAX i 25th Anni event |
No od poczatku zapowiadaja, ze jest o wiele lepsza niz w 1.0 - przekonamy sie za miesiac/dwa ![]() |
Autor: | mrynar [ 1 wrz 2012, 12:05 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: Info z PAX i 25th Anni event |
Gokulo napisał(a): No od poczatku zapowiadaja, ze jest o wiele lepsza niz w 1.0 - przekonamy sie za miesiac/dwa ![]() O wiele lepiej to moze byc ciagle za malo ![]() |
Autor: | Shen [ 1 wrz 2012, 12:11 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: Info z PAX i 25th Anni event |
Normalnie mogli dać ten gameplay z prezentacji i tylko dograć kolesia co gada, zamiast wrzucać filmik nakręcony chyba telefonem komórkowym. |
Autor: | Gokulo [ 1 wrz 2012, 12:35 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: Info z PAX i 25th Anni event |
Bo to ktos nakrecil kamera/telefonem/w/e ![]() |
Autor: | iniside [ 1 wrz 2012, 14:45 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: Info z PAX i 25th Anni event |
Fajnie to wygląda. Bardzo ładne. Podoba mi sie ze mapy wyglądają wkoncu tak jak robiłby je człowiek a nie wypluł z siebie generator. I tak jak gre MMO przystało a nie jak labirytn zamkniętych uliczek. Ciekawi mnie czy zwiększyli zasięg spelli, bo grajac magiem to ja sie czułem praktycznie jakbym walczyl mele... Ale ciekawi mnie jak szybko dostosuja sie do rynku i przejdą na F2P ;p. |
Autor: | Gli2duS [ 1 wrz 2012, 14:58 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: Info z PAX i 25th Anni event |
tak patrząc na ten trailer znów zachciało mi się grać Gladiatorem lol. stara miłość nie rdzewieje. |
Autor: | Gokulo [ 4 wrz 2012, 06:34 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: Info z PAX i 25th Anni event |
Tlumaczenie czesci prezentacji, bardzo ogolnikowe, ale troche info jest ciekawego: Cytuj: Server/ Engine
The lighting system is very advanced and allows for complex lighting effects, not only during the day but at night and in dungeons as well. It was very challenging to port FFXIV:ARR to the PS3 due to low memory issues, but they did their best to optimize it the best way possible. Load times and character movements are real time now, and the responsiveness of the game to the player’s actions has been improved a lot. Multi Data centers: At the moment, there is only one data center in Japan, and all players are connected to it. Now they are making more data centers around the world to improve the server response. Players will still be able to play with everyone regardless of regions. This is just for the convenience of players not in Japan. More flexible world transfers Addition of communication support function The engine can tolerate the new PvP design (It’s not forcefully done) The servers can handle more players in one place as compared to before (was 400-500 players at a time, now around 1000). And for the mobs, it could handle 600mobs at a time and now it’s up to 2000. This will greatly affect the player’s experience, so they’re really happy about it. Quests and Main quests A great number of quests have been added. The aim of these quests is to level, explore the world, story progression among other things. Host: These quests are all good for you first class/ job, but what about your second and third? What if you ran out of quests? Yoshi-p: Of course we are going to provide a large number of quests. But beside that we will keep on adding more, and there are other still unannounced contents, and others to be enjoyed with the public, such as NM’s, they are all being prepared. I hope that players don’t stay in one place doing the same things, but would rather they try many different contents and level in the process. Host: But what about people who are already level 50? Yoshi-p: They can look forward to the high level content we announced, and there are still some unannounced contents, such as raids, and new classes, chocobo raising, and other stuff. The amount of instanced dungeons is going to increase. There is going to be a level limit, but since we are adding level sync, which will allow level 50 players to go down to the required level of the content, players can group up with new players and do content together. And of course many high level dungeons are going to be added so please look forward to them. For the main quests; it’s the same world but different. Since it’s now going through the 7th Umbral Era, and with the new game system, these have to be reflected in the game, and as a result it became completely different. Parley has been taken out of the main quests (not sure about this one). The general progression of main quests is, you do a couple of quests then fight a strong boss to be able to continue with your story. This will add a true sense of progression of RPG games. And with level sync this is going to improve the experience for all the players. Unlike currently in the game when people challenge the “weak” ifrit, it’s as if watching a cutscene and there is no actually fight. A quest progression system has been added. And there is an “objectives” tab to make it easier to track you progression through these quests. Sound/ Music Quest cutscenes will have Japanese VO not only English. The players will be able to change the audio language to any of the languages. The languages supported are Japanese, English, French and German. The way music plays is going to change. Battle The first thing you’re going to notice when you try out the battle system is the tempo, and how speedy it got. Handling TP is going to change. In the current version the player had to fight to generate TP, but it changed to be similar to MP where you start the battle with full TP. The main reason to make it that way was due to PvP. We have 3 types of actions: abilities, weapon skills, and magic. Currently abilities have a recast timer on them, while weapon skills and magic have TP and MP requirements respectively along with an added recast timer. However, in FFXIV:ARR the abilities will stay the same, while the weapon skills and magic will only require TP or MP. Obviously this will affect the speed of battle greatly. Combos as well have been modified. Since in PvP it is going to be very difficult with the positioning requirements, players will feel like they are being punished for doing combos. So only the first move will require positioning (not sure about magic) while the rest of the combo will only require TP/ MP to be executed. The parameters and stats and their formulas have been changed to be much simpler to understand. But still it would be very interesting so please look forward to it. Fan Questions Host: How will we fight together with our chocobo’s? Yoshi-p: You call it, a menu appears, select “fight together”. That’s it. Host: what about colors? Yoshi-p: We are thinking about various things. Host: We can jump now! But what about flying and swimming? Yoshi-p: I am more towards flying at the moment. Since it’s a Final Fantasy, and having airships and going to the skies sounds like a really nice idea to me. But this is all too soon to talk about. Host: Other than meteor what can we expect as limit breaks? Yoshi-p: Tifa’s… Tifa’s… Tifa’s… Host: Will Excalibur and Masamune appear as weapons? Yoshi-p: Of course I’m thinking of addind Excalibur when the time is right, but Masamune will come when the Samurai or Ninja jobs are introduced to the game. Arcanist and Summoner It’s the same as what I posted in the relevant thread regarding both of them, but I’ll just add the little comments and teases they made. Please look forward to the auto-attack motion. (Throws the book?) The players will be able to craft the books and they will have recipes. The class that crafts them is of course… can’t tell right now. Summoners will not have carbuncle as a pet, but they’ll be using the primals as their source of power. However, not the primals themselves but they’ll use only a part of a primals strength. “A pet that the primals power dwells in” are Matsui’s exact words if I wasn’t mistaken. The summoners will be able to borrow the power of 4 primals (this is what is planned till now, and could be expanded later on). The ones that are confirmed right now are Ifrit, and Garuda. Thank you very much and hope you enjoyed it |
Autor: | Bodziu [ 4 wrz 2012, 06:55 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: Info z PAX i 25th Anni event |
LOL ! Ninja i Samuraj O_O Fajnie, szkoda ze wiecej opisu Arc/Smn nie podali. Pociesza mnie rowniez fakt zwiekszonej dynamiki gry - kewl ! |
Autor: | Gokulo [ 4 wrz 2012, 07:11 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: Info z PAX i 25th Anni event |
Akurat fragment z NIN i SAM sa tutaj troche zle napisane. Czytalem dokladniejsze tlumaczenie tego i wyladalo to tak, ze zapytali o Excalibur i Masamune i Yoshi powiedzial, ze Exca chce dodac, ale dla Masamune musialaby by odpowiednia profesja jak NIN czy SAM i wie ze jest wiele osob, ktore chca tych klas, wiec bede je rozwazac w przyszlosci, ale narazie maja wazniejsze sprawy ^^; Takze nie, NIN i SAM nie byly potwierdzone narazie. |
Autor: | Gli2duS [ 4 wrz 2012, 22:58 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: Info z PAX i 25th Anni event |
I upierajcie się nadal że to nie dąży do bycia FFXI-2 ;] Co mnie osobiście bardzo cieszy ![]() |
Autor: | Gokulo [ 5 wrz 2012, 06:20 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: Info z PAX i 25th Anni event |
Hmm? ARR jest jeszcze dalej od XI niz gra byla kiedykolwiek. Bo chyba nie dlatego, ze mamy w niej klasy, ktora sa ikonami od poczatkow serii ![]() |
Autor: | iniside [ 5 wrz 2012, 07:24 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: Info z PAX i 25th Anni event |
Na moje oko, to gra pod względem mechaniki mocno zbliża sie do zachodnich/koreańskich MMO. Więcej akcji, mniej stania w miejscu. I dobrze. Ciężej przysnac bedzie w trakcie walki. |
Autor: | Gokulo [ 7 wrz 2012, 12:00 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: Info z PAX i 25th Anni event |
Jest i przetlumaczony event: ... Duzo ciekawych informacji, np. o Data-centers w USA i EU (tzn. servery nadal beda miedzynarodowe i staly w JP, ale laczenie przez datacenter powoli uzyskac lepszy ping). |
Autor: | Shen [ 7 wrz 2012, 12:25 ] |
Tytuł: | Re: Info z PAX i 25th Anni event |
Podoba mi się nowe menu postaci i ekwipunku, to co jest teraz to masakra. |
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