Male info z ostatniego Live Letter, zeby ludzie sie nie zdziwili, ze maja mniej kasy jak sie zaloguja w 2.0

Hello! Producer/Director Yoshida here.
I would like to clarify the announcement I made the other day during the Letter from the Producer LIVE in regards to devaluation by reducing digits of gil by one. However, as I mentioned, we will be making an announcement on Topics about this, so please wait just a bit more for the final details.
1. The prices of NPC goods and how much they pay for your items in A Realm Reborn will be 1/10th of the price currently.
2. The amount of gil received as rewards for content and monster drops in A Realm Reborn will be 1/10th of what they are currently.
3. All items current being sold with a single-digit value of gil will either have their sale values modified or be removed from the game. (Items removed from the game will be automatically converted to their value in gil, which will be calculated as 1/10th of their current value)
4. Due to the large scale changes in battle specs, the value of items in A Realm Reborn and the current version will be different.
5. The amount of gil players currently possess will become 1/10th of what they possess when A Realm Reborn launches.
In other words, all the hard work you've put into saving up gil won't be lost. Even though the gil you possess will become 1/10th what it currently is, we're adjusting NPC sale/buy prices to also become 1/10th what they are now, so relatively nothing will change. However, we do apologize that this may be a shock emotionally.
Players may feel like "my money is being reduced!" However, we're doing this so that when we launch A Realm Reborn and support it for many years to come, it will be easier to play with a more realistic sense of value than just having huge economical digits just because.
The whole reason for this change is to rectify the increase in cost of items relative to the price of arrows, since archers in A Realm Reborn will no longer need arrows. I'd like to make it clear that we have no other agenda in wanting to reduce the amount of gil everyone has currently.
During the live stream I tried to convey this all by saying "the entire economy will become 1/10th of what it is currently, so there is no detriment," but I apologize for my lack of explanation.
From here on out is just icing on the cake, so if you are not so keen on somewhat overly complex details, feel free to skip over this.
The devaluation to take place with the shift to FFXIV: A Realm Reborn, as stated above, is making the amount generated, the amount gained, and the amount in circulation 1/10th what it is now. In other words, it would be best for players not to do anything at this point in time.
I'm sure there are some thoughts about selling items before they become 1/10th what they are currently, but as I wrote in #1, 3, and 4 above, the NPC item purchase prices and items that are useful in battle will change to go along with the balance changes in A Realm Reborn.
For example, let's say you're thinking "I better hurry up and sell Heaven's Eye Materia IV!" However, with the balance in A Realm Reborn, there is a possibility of changes in the amount of these being generated and they could not be as effective as they are currently. This is something that we cannot clearly answer as we're balancing this as we are creating it. While there is still the possibility for futures purchasing, please keep in mind that there is also the possibility for large losses as well.
In other words, it would be best to stay the current course.